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The next morning neither of us say anything as we get ready. I leave first and walk across the hall, knocking on Jenn's door. Arizona opens it and I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"What?" She asks in an unfriendly tone.

"I need to talk to Jenn." Jenn appears by her shoulder and after taking one glance at my face nods.

"Let me grab my stuff, I'll meet you downstairs." I nod and turn on my heel, walking down the hall.

Randy and LaVelle are in the lobby and do a double take as I pass them.

"You saw that right?" Randy whispers loudly.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened." LaVelle whispered back as I sat on one of the couches, waiting for Jenn. They walk over and sit across from me.

"What happened?" LaVelle asks quietly.

"Arizona." They nod, understanding what I meant.

"You guys will get over it." Randy says, trying to be encouraging.

"As long as she's here I don't think that's gonna be possible." Jenn walks over and hugs me. I hug her back, tired of everything.

"What's going on?" She asks as we walk out of the hotel.

"We got into a fight last night."

"About Arizona?"

"Yeah. He asked what was going on with me and then I asked what he meant then he brought up what happened at the stage. Then I got mad at him cause he didn't step in to help when Arizona was trying to take my spot and he claimed he thought that I had it handled. We still haven't talked." 

"He's just being dumb," she reassures me. "He's used to you being the only girl around his age who's interested him and he doesn't want to be mean to her. Give him some time to figure out how to tell her stop." I just nod as she opens the door to a breakfast place.

We sit down and a waitress sets two menus down. She walks off after we order drinks.

"I just," I pause, trying to figure what I want to say. "I don't want to lose what we had so soon over something like that."

"What do you mean so soon?"

"I got accepted into SVA. I'm leaving like right after tour and I'm not sure if we'll be able to stay together."

"If he leaves you for that...thing, he's an actual idiot and I will gladly yell at him for you." Jenn says, making me smile. "Did I just make you smile?" I laugh and nod.

I spent the rest of the day with Jenn before the show.

It's deadly quiet in the dressing room as we get ready. Kyle looks around, clearly confused as to what was going on. Randy and LaVelle wave me over as I finish.

LaVelle holds their shared eyeliner up and I smile and nod, taking it from him as he sits on the counter. I do their eyeliner like usual before walking back to my spot next to Dom.

"Ugh! I can never get the other eye! Can you help me?" Arizona asks, turning to face Dominic.

"I can barely do mine, Bella's the best so I would ask her."

"Hey Bella-"

I roll my eyes and get up, leaving the room with the door slamming behind me. I find Jenn who gives me a hug.

"What did she do now?"

"Called me Bella."

"Is that not your name?" Arizona asks as she walks past us.

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