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We left for Tokyo on December 5th. Dom helped me through the lift off again, as often as we had flown I still didn't like it.

"I can't believe this is our last international show." Randy says as we get ready for the first show on the 9th.

"Do you think he knows that we're here for the month?" I quietly ask Dom who laughs and shakes his head.

"What?" Randy asks, looking at us.

"You do know that we're here until the end of the month right?"

"Really? Man, I won't be able to host my new year's party again."

"I think we get back on the 30th." LaVelle says and I nod in agreement.

"That sounds right." Dom says as I stand in front of him to help with his eyeliner. Juan stopped by the room, letting us know that we have five minutes.

"Ready?" I ask everyone and they nod, getting up off the various places they were sitting. We share an excited look before going out on stage.

The month in Tokyo passes quickly, three shows every four days, and the next thing we know it's Christmas.

I had gotten Dom an Italian version of Pride and Prejudice, along with matching star bracelets. I had hidden the presents in Jenn's room so he wouldn't see them until I wrapped them.

"Morning." He says, waking me up gently.

"Good morning." I smile at him before realizing it's Christmas. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas," he says laughing. I slip out of bed and grab his presents before sitting back down on the bed.

He grabs my presents and hands them to me. I hand him his presents and watch excitedly as he opens the book.

"Is this the Italian version?" I nod, a grin on my face.

"Cause I have the spanish version of The Great Gatsby."

"I love it." He says with a smile, putting the book down. He opens the other present and looks up with a small smile. "These are so pretty."

"You like them?"

"Of course!" I grin, relaxing slightly. He hands me one and helps me put it on before I help him with his.

"Okay open mine." He says, the excitement clear in his voice.

I laugh and open the bigger of the two presents. He laughs slightly as I pull one of his sweaters out of the box.

"You always steal mine so I figured I'd just give it to you." I laugh as I reach for the smaller one and start to open it. It's a small box and when I open it I see two star earrings.

"Great minds think alike." We say together before laughing.

We spent the day together, going out for lunch with the normal group, before the show that night.

The next day everyone is quiet as we get ready, not ready for the international part of the tour to be over.

"So I'm having a party again this year." Randy says, finally breaking the silence. "Same address as last time."

"It's funny that you think I still have that." I say, making everyone in the room laugh.

"I'll send it out again when we get back." We nod and I help Dom with his eyeliner again.

"I feel like you should know how to do this by now." I say as I switch eyes, satisfied with the left.

"But I don't, so I guess you'll have to keep helping me." I give him a look and he grins at me. I laugh and focus back on the eyeliner again.

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