
57 1 14

November 4th 1987

I groan, rolling over and stopping my alarm at 3:30 in the morning. I slowly sit up, regretting everything leading up to making me get up hours before the sun was. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen, turning the coffee pot on. As it heats up I check my backpack, making sure I had everything I wanted to take on the flight.

Once the coffee's done I take it with a bagel to the balcony, enjoying the view for the last time for a few weeks. After I'm done with my breakfast I get up and bring my bags out of my room. I call a taxi before calling Dominic.

"Hey I just called a taxi, they should be here in a few minutes then we'll come pick you up."

"It's too early for you to be that awake and alert but thank you." He mumbles tiredly.

"Do you want me to bring coffee?" I say, laughing slightly.

"If you don't mind. My mom got everything except coffee at the store."

"Alright, it might be a bit cold though."

"Honestly anything works."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

"Bye." I hang up and slip into Amelia's room, laying down next to her.

"Hey." I whisper, looking at her.

"Mmm. Is it that time already?"

"Yeah." She sits up, yawning.

She hugs me before laying back down and turning over. "I'd make pancakes but it's too early." I laugh and get off the bed.

"I know. Bye Amelia."

"Bye Isa." I close her door behind her and go to Amélie's room.

"Bye Amélie!" I whisper into the room.

"Bye." I hear her say quietly. I open Chessas door and say the same but she's dead asleep.

I grab my bags and walk down to wait for the cab, rubbing my arms at the wind. I see the taxi pull up and smile slightly, pulling my backpack on. He helps put my suitcase in the trunk before I give him Dom's address.

"Do you mind waiting a few minutes? I'm going to go get him, you can keep the meter running." I ask as he pulls up to Dominics building and not seeing him waiting. The guy nods and I smile before getting out of the car.

I walk into the building and over to the elevator as it opens. Dom starts to walk out and sees me, smiling when he does.

"Good morning." He says, sounding slightly more awake then he did on the phone and hugging me before we walk out of the hotel.

"Morning!" I hand him his coffee as we get into the car. It's a quiet drive to the airport.

"Thank you for the coffee by the way." Dom says as we walk into the airport.

"Of course. Now you get to spend the 18 hour flight with me."

"I'm regretting that now." He jokes as we check in. We find Jenn and some of the crew and hang out with them as more people show up.

"Do you think they'd have breakfast food around?" Dom wonders, looking around at the stores in the airport. Before I can answer they call our flight.

"Guess we'll never know." I say, standing up and holding my hand out for him to take. He takes it as he stands and we follow Jenn and Jon who are talking about some rhythm thing.

We found our seats, having asked Juan if we could sit together, and sit down. I had somehow convinced him to let me have the window seat but judging by his smile I'd regret it. He helps me through the take off again and we play cards for a while before going to our books.

"Hey can you let me out so I can pee?" I ask after a few hours. He doesn't answer, pretending to be asleep. I sigh and poke his shoulder until he opens his eyes, acting half asleep.

"Hmm? What's up?"

"Can you let me pass? I gotta pee."

"What's the magic word?"

"Dommmm please? I'm about to pee my pants."


I give him the puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

Without saying anything he gets up and lets me pass. "You're lucky that..." He says something else but too quietly for me to hear. Deciding to pee instead of interrogating him, I keep walking.

On my way back I see a flight attendant getting ready to bring food around.

"Um how much longer is the flight?" I ask him. He checks something before responding.

"We have about twelve hours left." I nod and go back to my seat,  seeing Dominic curled up fast asleep in my seat. I smile slightly and sit in the aisle seat. A different flight attendant walks by, offering snacks and drinks. I glance at Dom before answering.

"Not right now thanks, maybe later though." She nods and keeps walking.

"Psstt!" I turn and look over at Jenn.

"What?" She doesn't say anything but looks just past me. I turn but it's only Dom who's moving slightly, still asleep. Turning back around I give Jenn a questioning look. "Do you need something?"

"Nevermind." I turn back around and decide to try to sleep, leaning on Dom. I wake up a few hours later to Dominic moving slightly.


"Sorry!" He whispers.

"It's okay." I sit up and run my eyes.

"You know you can do that whenever, fall asleep on me like that, but I really have to pee." He says. I smile and stand up, letting him pass.

"Jenn!" She looks over. "Why did you call me before?"

"Oh I was just going to say that Dominic wasn't actually asleep, he was faking. When I was going to tell you he told me to be quiet." She laughs quietly as she finishes her story. I nod, thinking about what she told me.

"Do you know how much longer we're flying for?" I ask as Dom sits down next to me again.

"I just asked," Dom says, getting comfortable. "We have about an hour and a half."

"About an hour and a half." Jenn says jokingly. I roll my eyes, laughing.

"How'd you sleep?" Dom asks as I turn back to face him.

"Pretty well, thanks." We play cards and talk for the rest of the flight.

We step out of the airport in Melbourne after landing and getting our bags, wincing at the brightness.

"It's so hot." I hear LaVelle say from behind Dominic and I.

"Yeah, it's Australia in the spring, almost summer." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"True." Dom and I share a look, giggling a little bit before a taxi stops for us. I luckily get in first and grab a window seat.


"Yeah yeah whatever." Dom grumbles from next to me.

"Well I wasn't going to sit in the middle, that's for you kids." Randy says from next to Dom.

"We're not kids!" Dom says, his voice cracking slightly as he does.

"Case in point."

I stay out of their conversation, watching the city as we drive to the hotel. As we stand around waiting for everyone else to get to the hotel I wonder what new things would happen here.

A/N: little did she know... (IM JOKING OR AM I ;) PLS DONT KILL ME ELLIE) anyhoops  happy new year eve yall (for me at least)


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