"How do you know if I am in my car? I could be in my house!"

Lucy said with a smarmy tone, "I tried your landline! Got Sam. He said you were not at home. Regan..."

Regan rolled her eyes, "Anyway, I was on my way to the shed, when you rang!"

Lucy snorted. "Oh, really!"

"Yes." Albeit a bit of a white lie. "You do know, you are ruining my frame of mind and are damaging my new confidence!"

Lucy snorted again. "Rubbish! Your mood and confidence, will be worse, because you have not talked to Gray. So get on with it!"

She huffed. "Fine. Anything else, dictator?"

"Yes, I want an update within an hour." And Lucy cut off the call.

Regan inhaled and exhaled and then closed her eyes. Confidence re established, albeit just on the surface, she turned around and marched towards the shed.

It was just fortunately, her distracted marching, had her pitching her forward, when she missed her step when she entered the shed's storage room. And it was lucky that Gray was around to cushion her fall!

He automatically reached forward to steady her and pulled her towards him. He raised a brow and teased, "Throwing yourself at me without even a good evening greeting! I guess we have run out of topics to discuss. So time for acts without talking?" She giggled. She looked him straight in the eyes and she wasn't sure she could hold it together for much longer, given what she saw in his eyes. A thought to kiss, that had been banked since their dinner, was cashed without further thoughts.

Gray tugged gently, he had thought about this for most of today. He had vague plans, and had rehearsed opening gambits, but this evening, destiny was an ally.

He placed his arm along her shoulder and pulled her closer, he leaned in and gently brushed her lips with his. Her eyelashes lowered. With that signal he promptly tugged her closer and with his other hand held the back of her head as he kissed her. Something that he had imagined in his mind. But in reality, the kiss was more powerful. Intoxicating. Exhilarating. Bewitching. Despite it was just a gentle kiss. But she arched. A thought flashed through his mind, he was going to make sure this kiss would be spectacular. There was a curious sense of it being right. And pulses raced and adrenaline flooded their system. It took them from conscious thought into mindless heat.

Sighs were swallowed. All-over-the-place-thoughts formed. Her arms laced and held tighter as the kiss exploding. Lips parted without instructions. Heads angled and turned. The kiss deepened, lips and tongues teased and tormented, and their restraints faded into oblivion.

She was on the way to complete meltdown. Out of breath he broke the kiss. Her eyes fluttered open. When her eyes made contact with his, she could see he was aroused like her. Eyes wide open, he slowly leaned in and started to kiss her again. It was different the second time, more demanding, more persuasive, hotter somehow. His tongue met hers, fenced a bit, and like before, it took his breath away. His arms banded around her, her hands held on to his shoulders, tight. He recognised meltdown stage one. Cupping her head in his hands, he feasted on her mouth.

Regan moaned. She was sure if she didn't hold on she would slide to the floor. Completely boneless. And weightless. She leaned into him, tasting, giving, taking.

Instinctively, Regan began to tug his t-shirt out of his jeans and he began to unbutton her shirt.

"Take your shirt off." She whispered to him as his momentum backed her into the storage wall. They parted, so that she could discard her shirt, and sanity returned.

"Take my shirt off?" He stepped back. They were in the storage room. "No." He told her. In his mind, he intended to pick her up and take her to bed, either her's or his.

"What?" Then she looked into his eyes, saw that he was already regretting the kiss.

"This is a mistake."

"A mistake."

"We should not have kissed here."

She pulled her shirt together, her eyes on him. "Sorry." She pushed past him, stepped out of the room.

"What?" He blinked.

"I obviously read the wrong message. I'm sorry." And with that she fled. Of course he had a girlfriend. But Regan's heart was certain he wanted her, not Caro or anyone else, just now. Unfortunately, her mind reminded her he'd forgotten temporarily, about his girlfriend. Regan was mortified and ran.

"Regan!" Gray roared, and unluckily, destiny was a fickle ally, because he stubbed his toe against the hard steel frame, instinctively hopped and yelled, "Fuck!" He looked up as he stumbled out of the shed, shouting, "Regan, wait."

But she disappeared through the shed's door. He ran a hand through his hair, "Fuck." he yelled. He exhaled. He knew his sister and his grandfather were in the house and hobbling past them in pursuit of Regan was not the best plan. 

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