forty: Coney Island

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a lot has happened since the first chapters, so maybe go back and skim through chapters 1-4 to refresh your memory about Charlotte's home life and other things!

this is the longest chapter yet, so grab a snack and
buckle up ;)

this is the longest chapter yet, so grab a snack and buckle up ;)

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Alicia Thompson

The days have been slow. It's felt like forever but in reality it hasn't been that long. No matter how blue the sky might be, my weeks still seem so grey.

She disappeared just two months ago.

She might have been slightly rebellious, but she wouldn't just run away. Not my Charlotte.

She was taken, and I know it has something to do with the men that invaded our home the same day.

The police are useless, but Cameron, her father, suggests that we don't give up faith in the cops just yet.

It's been hard, trying my best daily not to breakdown over my missing daughter, all while continuing to be a mother to Rosie and a wife to my husband. I've taken a few weeks off of work now, because a busy nursing job is hard to focus on when my daughter is a missing person's case.

Sometimes, I'll find myself wandering into Charlotte's bedroom, just hoping she'll turn up back in her bed. But she never does.

I never let my mind go to the worst possible scenario, that she's not here on this earth anymore. That thought alone makes my stomach turn.

Cameron keeps his emotions to himself, just like he does with everything. He's a secluded person, which is fine, but I do wish he'd open up at some point. Rosie doesn't understand what's happened quite yet. She's merely nine years old, and while she knows that her sister isn't here, she doesn't know what's happened to her. She thinks that Charlotte abandoned her.

"Devil's Advocate adds more cities onto their nation wide tour as their popularity seems to be increasing state by state." the news plays in the background as I make dinner. I don't pay much mind to it. Why would I care about some silly rock band?

They've only once reported on Charlotte's disappearance. It made me angry.

"Mom." Rosie's small voice enters the kitchen, making me turn around to face her.

"Hi, baby."

"I'm hungry." she mumbles.

"I'm almost done with supper, can you go get your dad for me?" I ask her as I turn around again, going back to chopping onions.

But when she doesn't respond, I furrow my brows. "Rosie?" I turn again.

She was fixated on the television, which was still on the segment of this band.

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