CHERRY: The Alternate Ending

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while writing, stories and plot lines can travel in many different directions. i always had two endings in my head for cherry. obviously, you all know the one i ended up going with. i decided on this one very early on in the story.

what you're about to read—is the other ending, the one i didn't end up going with because i like making people sad.

just kidding, kind of. i just wanted a sad ending for this book. i wasn't going to post this one, but i've gotten a few comments & dms so i figured...why not just write it and give it to these people that i made cry???? it's the least i can do, right?

now, here is the alternative ending to harry and charlotte's story.

(for context, this happens after chapter sixty one, where they're back at ricky's hotel)

(for context, this happens after chapter sixty one, where they're back at ricky's hotel)

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Harry Styles

I'm so sorry, Charlotte. Our love story wasn't supposed to be one where you suffered.

Everything we've been through tonight has taken a toll on you.

It's not just tonight though, it's been everyday for the past couple of months. I've put you through so much.

Tonight...well that was just the cherry on top of all our traumas.

Last night I left. I thought I was leaving for good and I thought Malone would finally come find me and kill me. But fate is weird, because I found my way back to her, even if it was under painful circumstances.

She's seen too much tonight. She got tied to a chair, forced to watch her father get beaten to death, had a gun to the side of her head while watching me beg for her life to be spared.

Malone is still out there somewhere. I'm cursing myself for letting him get away...but Charlotte's safety in that moment came first.

Actually, it'll always come first.

She's changed me. Twenty whole years, and all it took was this one girl to shift everything I've ever known.

God, I love her. I love her so much. She's set off a fire in my heart and I want it to burn there forever. I never want to see her leave.

That girl is someone I want to spend my life with. I know that sounds insane. I've only known her for a few months.

But you can't just fall in love with anybody the way I fell for Charlotte. It's special, and rare, and terrifying. Fuck, it's so terrifying. I have no idea what I'm doing, I just have this insatiable need to love and adore her. She doesn't need to feel the same, even though I know she does.

I don't deserve her, and I know that. If she wanted to leave me, I wouldn't stop her...but that's the thing, she won't leave.

Finally, someone that I love won't leave.

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