Chapter 8 - The Train

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    Around two weeks after Ms. Wills was fired for multiple accounts of abuse, we finally got a semi-permanent replacement. Her name is Mrs. Munk, and she's a student teacher helping out the school. She'll have to go back to school before next year, though.
    That's not the thing that has been bothering me though, I just have a lot of stress. It's on schoolwork, on the Infinity Universe show that me, Nicole, and Aurora follow, plus a bunch of superhero stuff. It's just a lot to think about.
    When I was little and I was still in the orphanage, I imagined me and Yin as superheroes. We would shoot lasers from my eyes and fly, and save people from robbing banks. I guess that my dream has come true, but just not in the way I expected.
    We would be so popular, never hide our faces, and never have any problems. I didn't imagine that everyone had to be dependent on us, never be able to schedule anything, and have the stress of always having to be there.
    Yin hasn't gotten better in the last few weeks either, she's only gotten worse! I keep asking her why she is always so sleepy, but she uses the same excuse. "I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You don't need to worry, I'll feel better tomorrow." Of course I would worry about her! She is my twin sister! Her grades are going down and she can barely focus, literally anyone with emotions would care for her!
    I just had to sleep on it repeatedly, and hope everything goes better tomorrow so I don't have to waste a Saturday worrying. It was difficult to go to sleep with all of those weights on my head.
    I didn't get that much sleep, and I woke up very early in the morning. I was hearing train noises, and I opened my eyes, tired and confused.
    I got out of bed and looked out of the large window. Why would there be these types of noises from where I live, this early or this late at night? I see this long, green-ish glowing train, extending multiple blocks. Why was there a train, on the road, in front of my house?
    I am confused, stressed, tired, and now this? Then, I decided to ignore my emotions and what I had to do for once, I was genuinely curious. Why was this train here? How did it get here?
    I started walking towards the door, and then I realized that Yin must be here. I walk over to her bed, but she is not here. I wonder where she went. Maybe she's in the bathroom. I cared about that mysterious train though, that surprisingly hasn't moved at all, as far as I know.
    I opened the door, and I slowly walked down the hall, making sure that I did not make a single loud noise. Whenever I walk down the hall, it seems like every single creak will wake someone up.
    Once I slowly get down the stairs, I run to the door, and I open it. I go outside, and that's when I notice that all of the city's lights were out. You would think that I would've noticed as soon as I woke up, but I was still quite tired.
    There was the train door, right in front of me. I am... mystified. Amazed. Bewildered. I don't think, I just move forward. Like someone is pushing me. Once I go through the train door, I just... black out, I get pulled towards something, like a black hole sucking me up.

    When I wake up, I am in a room. I rub my eyes, I must have accidentally fallen asleep without realizing. That's when all my memories come flooding back in. The train.
    Why did I get on the train? I struggle to get up, and I look around to see where I am on the train. It isn't like any train car that I have seen though.
    It's a long, narrow hall. I started to walk down it, and there was a turn, and eventually I was met with a fork in the road. I could either go straight, or I could go right. I went straight ahead, and I kept walking. The sky, or the roof, was black, and the walls were a brown-marron type of color. The floor was like linoleum carpet, like warm, fluffy tile. It was super strange and comforting.
    I was met with another fork in the road, this time with three options, each perfectly lined across the hall. I looked down each hall before choosing my path, I went with the left one, and started walking down, and right after the hall turned, it was a dead end.
    I realized what this all was. I was stuck in a maze. This train car couldn't possibly be this big though, that would break physics. It's impossible, maybe it's an illusion.
    I chuckle to myself. What am I talking about? My powers and my suit and basically everything not normal with my life has broken many laws of physics.
    Wait, my powers, I could just fly and get myself out of here! "Light, transform!" I say, and nothing happens. All I hear is the echoes of my yelling. "Light... transform." I yell again.
    "Why isn't this working?" I ask myself, and the only reply I get is my own echoes, already slowly fading away. There was no use asking the empty void for clues on why I wasn't transforming.
    It would be nice if I didn't have to transform to use my powers. Whoever made them should've known better. I wonder if my gem is messed up. I grasp my neck, looking for the gem. I didn't feel it. I tried to grab it, but it was gone. Where did it go?
    I traced my steps back, and the necklace was nowhere to be found. Did I leave it off when I went to bed? Did someone steal it? I never took it off, it was probably one the most important things in my life!
    I could do this, I believe in myself. I started at the beginning, and after around an hour of getting lost and always starting back at the beginning. The maze was way bigger and more complicated than I first thought. There was no way I could've cheated the system, it was so plain in here, the walls were twenty feet tall, and there was no way I could climb up it.
    Eventually, I got to the end, and all there was only a door, which had a circle on it, and it opened automatically when I was right in front of it. It slid open so the circle in the middle opened up to become a semi-circle, and I walked into it.
    There was a gentle wind outside. I looked out into the scenery, and everything had changed.
    The train was moving fast. I wasn't anywhere near where I live now. The ground was dry, bare, and cracked. There was no snow, trees, or plants in sight. The sky was dark and cloudy, and the train seemed to be the only thing that was alive. I was... confused.
    A train couldn't move that far in an hour to the nearest desert. There was no civilization in sight, and I was not used to that at all. I saw mountains surrounding me, but they were so far away that they didn't move.
    I noticed how insignificant I was, literally. I seemed a lot smaller compared to everything. The hook that connected each of the cars seemed to be nearly as big as me. I was definitely smaller than I originally was.
    I could've escaped right then, right now. I kept looking out into the barren land, taking in everything that was happening. I realized that I would probably die if I tried to jump off. If I somehow survived the fall, I would die of thirst or hunger, since there seems to be nothing for miles and miles.
    I carefully, and slowly walk towards the next car. I have to jump over the hook, and I get a running start. I leap and soar into the air, closing my eyes and feeling the gust of wind past my face, and I just barely make it to the other side, but scraping one of my knees.
    Another one of those doors magically appears on the car door. There was no way I could've reached the handle for the real door, it also seemed to be very rusty, and it probably wouldn't even move if I was back to my normal self.
    The door is white and black, with the circle being grey. It opens automatically again, and I go through it. It disappears once I enter, and I am met with another room. Now thinking about my size, that last car would've actually made sense. Now my size doesn't make any more sense, though.
    I shield my eyes from the bright lights inside, once I am more used to them, I stop squinting, and I look around. It is far more open than the last one, and the whole room is aligned in white squares, like a three dimensional grid. I look up onto the ceiling, and I see a red button.
    People like to press red buttons, so that's probably what I have to accomplish. There wasn't anything to climb up to, and the ceiling was really high up, so how would I press it?
    Maybe the gravity changed, and I would have to bounce on the walls to press it, like parkour. I jumped into the air, as high as I could bounce, and at first, nothing happened. It was when I landed that the two-dimensional square became three-dimensional and lightly colored. Then, it made more of itself, and I was brung up five blocks into the air. Each color was a different, vibrant color.
    That was really cool. I hopped down, and I noticed that I was falling slower than I normally would without transforming. This car was a lot more enjoyable than the other one, not dark, cold, or scary.
    I decided that I would need a small break from just trying to get things done. If the train I saw from my window was many many blocks long, possibly even miles, then there would be many more train cars ahead.
    I needed to let some of my creative energy off anyways. If stomping made multiple blocks appear, then what would my hands do? I put my knees softly onto the door, and I touched the square in front of me. Only one block came up this time, a yellow one.
    If this was something that I could see when I wasn't on the train, then this could be used for so much fun. Did these blocks just appear out of nowhere? That would literally be making mass without destroying any! That's amazing!
    I started with something small, a little house that I could just perfectly fit myself into, and the inside was a one-by-four. After I was done decorating the little house and started to make a replica of the house, but bigger, and I noticed that my first little row of blocks has now disappeared.
    So there is around an hour timer on my blocks. Or maybe a limit of blocks. I guess that's how the blocks get removed, by waiting.
    I wonder if anyone else was ever here. There is no evidence that anything living has ever been on this train, but there isn't any area for evidence. There's no bystanders, no footprints, no areas to rest, nothing. How will I get food, water, and sleep? There haven't been any signals from my body that I need it, but I will need it eventually. Maybe the next car will have it.
    I decided that I would need to continue as fast as I can so I can get off this train. Time is still most likely moving, so I need to get home, somehow. Maybe the conductor could tell me what's going on, it makes sense.
    Yin would've liked all of this adventure, these mysteries, these things. I wish she was there so I could have brung her along. I hope that I didn't leave her left out, maybe she just went to get a drink. I also wouldn't be so alone here, it's very quiet in this car.
    I moved to the next car. It was about these crystal patterns, and I had to memorize the pattern to open up the next door. It was very beautiful and pink, but it was so unsettling and strange.
    The next car was about a city, and I needed to help a bakery with some bread. The next car had animals chasing me and I just had to find the door in a swampy grassland. The next one was about a restaurant, and another was just all black and dark.
    I went through many cars, and there was no end to it. There were infinite train cars, and I met so many people and so many talking animals. It felt like days went by.
    I only became more worried and more stressed. If time was passing normally, my family would have noticed that I was gone. They would have sent out search teams, and looked everywhere for me. Unfortunately for them, I would be far away from them.
    This was really like the show Infinity Universe. So many simulations, so many time periods, it was like it was infinite. Stuck in time, placed in so many areas that you don't know about. Nicole and Aurora would be so weirded out if they saw this.
    I needed to get off this train, but how? After walking around the fiftieth car, I got to a really scary car, one that was visibly terrifying. White noise was playing in the background. There were many, tall thick trees. A dense fog was lingering on the ground, and it made it hard to see. I thought I saw blood oozing slowly down from the trees, and scary faces, but it might just be there because I'm paranoid.
    I hear someone run behind me, I look back, and nothing's there. This is too creepy, I need to get out of here. I start running, looking for the exit.
    I am suddenly pushed to the side by something. I must have missed it in my view or something. I get back up, but before I can stand, someone appears right in front of my face. I backed up, and nearly fell down, but a tree behind me caught my back, but now I'm pretty much cornered.
    "Well well well, I should have realized it earlier." He says, and comes up closer to me. "Yang... the symbol of life, beauty, and most importantly, light! It should have been so obvious that you were one of the new heroines."
    "What?" I ask, how does this person know that?
    "I was sent by my leader, to get rid of you, and honestly," he says and chuckles, "I feel dumb for it not being you! What about Yin? Do you know if she was chosen?"
    "How do you know me?" I ask. Yin couldn't be Dark, there was no way. She wouldn't hide it from me, would she? She was confused on why I was acting up so much, but she never acted up. Maybe she was better at hiding it than me?
    He appears out of the shadows, smiling. His hair was shaped like a moon, and had a fake beard to resemble his face as a moon. His hair and beard were a metallic light blue. He had a hoodie and sweatpants on, which were both different shades of blue. His skin was also blue, and I see his gem around his neck, so he has transformed from it. "I am Tuskai. My leader controls you, and he guides me. I am the one you have been truly fighting for the past few weeks. I am the one who takes control of anger and uses people."
    "You're the one? Why do you want to fight us? How does your leader control me and Dark?"
    "I provide the manipulation so I don't have to do any work. If I am able to get both of your gems, I could combine them to become the most powerful being in history!"
    "Then why are you here? I don't have my gem here." I ask.
    "And I'll fix that for you." He replies, snaps his fingers, and everything is gone.

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