Chapter 17 - Revealed

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    Everything felt like... I don't know, incorrect? It felt like something was off. In some strange way. It was just a lingering feeling, but I just couldn't get rid of it. It had been following me for weeks on end.
    Then, just a few days ago, Lucas and Yang had went to a movie together! They hadn't even talked to each other until around a week ago! It had just come out of nowhere, and now Yang barely talks to me, and only to her boyfriend.
    Yang had told me that she wasn't interested in him anymore, but I do think she has a soft spot for him. Regardless of his money, popularity, or grades, I think she still likes him. I didn't exactly understand what she meant by she had "too much work to deal with" though. If anyone had extra stress, it would be me and Light.
    It was mostly because I have now labeled myself as unstable. I feel like that's true. I have headaches a lot more than I used to have. Those nightmares still haunt me to this day, about my gem, and Light, and my family. That amount of nightmares isn't normal. It doesn't feel like I can focus well whenever I use my powers.
    Then that arc that happened those nights ago. It felt like my heart had just stopped, just for a moment. It scared me. Not because of Yang, but because I couldn't tolerate that small little shock of power. Yang was getting stronger than me, and possibly more unstable, like me. I don't want her to become unstable too.
    I also hadn't seen Garrett in around a month. He's usually not here on the weekdays, but he is here on the weekends. Now, he's never here. Yang acted like she was scared when she learned when he gets drunk often. I knew that he had went out to the bar, but not this often.
    David was going to probably tell where he was at, before he lied. He had said that Garrett was graduating, and said we couldn't come because of schoolwork. I knew when Garrett was officially graduating, and it was months ahead.
    I could probably tell where he is at, by how David acted towards us when he was going to say something about Garrett. It has to deal with his alcoholism, there's no other choice. He wouldn't hide many things from us, right?
    "Where is Garrett?" I asked David while we were all eating breakfast.
    He looks at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"
    "He's been gone for a long time now, his graduation wouldn't take that long, right?"
    "It can. He has to fill out paperwork, get finalized, that stuff." He explains.
    "Okay then." I said, and sat up from my chair to dump my plate. He has to be lying again.
    While we were walking to school, Yang started to talk to me. "I do kind of agree with you, about what you were hinting at this morning. I miss Garrett, and I hope he's doing okay, wherever he is."
    "I just don't understand why he would need to hide it. We are his children. We have depended on him for four, maybe five years now. He's a part of our life."
    During math, I was drawing on the back of my daily work. I have done it for a long time now, but I only draw sketches, since the front is filled with dumb pre-algebra equations.
    A kid, named Jaden, was sitting next to me. He is a nosy, outgoing kid who plays soccer. Every chapter, we switch seats. I didn't like Jaden that much, he's too annoying, but he does like to make the class laugh sometimes.
    "Hey, that's a nice drawing!" He said while we were finishing up our daily work, and were starting to move onto the homework.
    "Thanks." I replied softly. I was located at the back of the class, and that's where most people stood. That gave the opportunity for Jaden's friends to see it. Since his voice is quite loud, some of his friends had come over to also check it out.
    "Hey, that is cool." Someone else said, and a few others had said supporting messages. I don't usually like people looking and judging my drawings, but if they said nice things about it, then I don't mind.
    "People in the back row, go back to your seats, please." Our teacher said.
    I had checked my grades later for the test that we had done yesterday in pre-algebra. I was delighted when I saw that I had one-hundred percent as my score on the test. I had also gotten the bonus question correct, which added an extra ten percent. I had never gotten an A+ on my test in the past few years of math, nor have I gotten our teacher's extra credit question correct.
    While me and Yang were walking home, I asked her a question. "So, it is official that you are dating Lucas?" I also leaned towards her.
    "Not really. I just want to be friends for now, at least until the summer."
    "Which isn't that far away."
    "Right, but we have only been seen outside of school once. You have to give love time to grow and mature." She said some wise words.
    "So you basically are in love with him?" I asked again.
    "If it pleases you, then sure." She replied.
    Today was a pretty good day. I had gotten noticed for something that I like to do. I got an A+ on a very difficult test. I had proven that Yang did still like Lucas. They will make a very nice couple. I also didn't have to help Yang today with her homework, because we didn't have homework in any of our classes.
    At dinner, David started to talk with me.
    "Yin. I have heard, and seen, that you are a really good drawer."
    "How did you hear about it?"
    "You draw on your homework a lot, and the teachers had commented on it."
    "Is that bad or good?"
    "It's good that you are expressing yourself, but maybe don't do it on your school papers. I had also read in the newspaper that there's a pottery class going on next week. Do you both think you want to do it?"
    "Yeah, that sounds fun." Yang said.
    "Sure." I added.
    "So I can sign you up online, but I have a meeting this morning. There's also another sign-up at your school. Do you guys think that one of you can sign both of you up?"
    "I can." I volunteered. Yang was always busy talking with her friends at the beginning of school.
    After dinner, I played with Dusk. He is now six months old, and Yang and I took care of him. I filled his food and water and played with him. He likes to sleep with me sometimes at night, and sometimes with Yang. Yang gets to clean his litter, and picks up the mini-Dusks (that's what we call hairballs and little balls of hair). I really like Dusk, and I talk to him sometimes when I can't sleep.
    I was actually excited to go to a pottery class, it was a chance to flex my creativity. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to school to add myself to the pottery class, nor did Yang probably. A possession attack had come, after probably a month of waiting.
    It happened as soon as I got onto the school grounds. I got the alert on my phone, and once I was able to leave Yang's side, I rushed out of the school grounds, and into a safe place to transform.
    Once I did, I hopped on to the top of the school, and looked around for the location of the threat. I saw Light in the distance, going towards somewhere, so I just followed her. She was clearly very fast, so I trailed behind her.
    Once she had stopped, and I caught up to her, and saw the possession. I recognized the face, but didn't remember the name. Regardless, I summoned my sword, and followed Light. She was very good at being stealthy.
    The guy had the power to teleport to different areas, and to jump high and run fast. I feel like I've seen the same powers before. People are so unoriginal sometimes.
    It felt like he had more energy than the others though. Like he was filled with rage, not at someone, but at us. Like we had done something wrong. I knew some people who had despised us because we were causing too much of a scene. Or because we don't take care of bank robberies. It's kind of funny.
    Back to the action. He was able to pull out a small sword, like a long knife, and started aiming for me and Light. Two against one isn't a very good idea, but he was actually succeeding me and Light. Before I could hit him with my sword, he would swing faster and nearly hit me. I would have to dodge before I could actually hit him. He would know exactly when Light was going to hit him with her bow, even if she was behind him. When we both would attack him, he would jump into the air, and would choose randomly who he would target.
    After around fifteen to twenty minutes of constant fighting, I was getting exhausted. From jumping all around the city, to attacking, to dodging, to doing everything I could to not get hit by his sharp blade. I could barely ever have my sword out because, if I do, I'm just going to collapse! I could also tell that Light was getting tired, as she dodged more slowly, and didn't fire as often. I tried to retreat multiple times before, but he would just herd me back to the middle of the city.
    I jumped into the air to get some breaths, and before he reached me, I saw his hand starting to glow a cyan sort of color. I knew that was bad, and I dived down as soon as I saw it occur.
    He aimed for me, and Light was coming towards him from behind, now trying to use pulses to knock him back or to startle him. The possession had closed his eyes, put his feet flat on the ground, only a few feet away from me, as I was on the ground. Maybe Light or I could finally get him.
    He already had it planned though. He spun around, and hit her with his left arm, the one that was glowing, and knocked her back. I could feel that punch. I could feel that it was too much for her gem, and that glow, it must have destabilized her.
    I dived back down immediately and summoned my sword once more, swung it, and hit him on the chest as hard as I could. He flew into a skyscraper.
    I could see from the distance that the boy had been unpossessed, and I rushed towards him. It was Lucas, not awake. With a jolt though, he sprung into the air. "What happened?" He asked, and combed his hands through his hair.
    "You don't remember anything?" I asked.
    "No, not at all. You need to get out of here, now. Out of the city, out of the state, just somewhere where he can't find you!"
    He must have been delusional. I ran over to Light, I needed to make sure she was okay. "Light!" I said.
    "Ugh, hold up. I detransformed." I hear a whooshing sound, which is made when we both transform. "Okay." I see her for a moment. She has small scratches, and looks exhausted, but she was okay.
    Then, the sky started to turn black. It started to get colder than it already was. Before I could do anything about it, I was knocked out by something.
    "Light, Dark, wake up!" Someone said. I opened my eyes, it was very dark. I could see Lucas though. He was on the other side of the room, his hands tied up to his back. I attempted to stand up, and failed when I realized I was tied too. I was incapable of using my powers, because the rope was strong, and I was too weak to use my powers.
    "Light!" I said, she had also woken up, and struggled to move. The rope was also tied to the ground, and our feet and necks, so it was impossible to escape.
    "This was the bad thing I saw, and I never told anyone about it." She said, and I could hear her sniffle.
    "There's nothing we could have done about it, it's okay." I replied.
    "It's going to get a lot worse." Lucas said, and I heard a door open. Someone walks into the room. I could understand where they were coming from, and I looked at them. I couldn't see their face, masked as a shadow, as a light had been turned on, and my eyes quickly adjusted. Once they were by Lucas, they slowed down, and lifted their head. "Hello, sir." Lucas had slowly said.
    It felt like time had stopped. It felt like my mind was exploding mentally. It was a guy with tall, red hair, tan skin, a familiar face, and a lab coat. I knew him, I don't remember how, but he was involved before I went to the orphanage. I knew this man. I was frozen in shock. There was one thing I knew was different, the cracks on his right eye. He also looked way more tired and aged.
    He turned towards Lucas. "See Lucas, now your decision has now affected them. And you wanted to save them. Now, they are going to suffer because of you."
    I was now confused, while my brain was in shock. I wasn't processing this all at first. "Tuskai. You have failed me. Give me your gem. Now."
    My mind became clear. All the ties were just so suddenly made. It felt like I had space in my mind now. "What?" I asked, and I was in sync with Light, but her voice was more cracked, and after that, I could hear her crying. There were connections between them, even though Tuskai/Lucas had a crush on me.
    His ropes were suddenly removed, and he stood up. He faced me and Light. "I'm sorry for everything I caused." Then faced the familiar guy, and took off his gem and raised it to him.
    "You know you have caused me a lot of pain, right? So... I think I should get my revenge now." The guy said. He gently smiled, snapped his fingers, and Lucas vanished instantly. All that was left was some of that strange dust, and the gem, which was now floating above the guy's left hand.
    "NO!" Light said, and cried harder. I was shocked. This was also the man that was controlling Lucas.
    "Such a shame, I kind of liked him. Too bad now I just have to recycle his form, and leave him dead." He looked at both of us. "Stop crying. If you guys, especially Light, think that this is bad..." He stops, snaps his fingers again, and two more people appear near where Lucas was sitting. "Then why don't we bring this random couple in?"
They were my parents, Garrett and David. This couldn't have been a coincidence. Both facing each other. They looked mad, but paused to look around. "What?" Garrett said.
    "Now look what you've done!"
    "You think that this is my fault now? I know for a fact that it's not my fault when you left rehab and tried to get to the bar again!" I knew it. I just didn't really find out like this.
    "Do you know what..." Garrett says, and trails off. He is looking at Cizen, who hasn't moved. Garrett puts his hands around his mouth. "Cizen." He said, that name is so familiar.
    "You knew your time would come." He said.
    "I... I thought I escaped you! You can't do this to me now, I have a family now!" Garrett said. My mind was spinning. My own adopted father also knows him?
    David interrupted, "Oh, won't this make it all better, now the thing that turned you to alcoholism is now in front of you again. I wished I had never met you, I wish we would have gotten a divorce before we even got Yin and Yang!"
    That broke Light. She tried to contain herself, but her emotions were too much for her. She transformed beside me. I gasped, and everyone stopped, and stared. I recognized her immediately. The person that was present with me every day. The one who I was bonded to. The one who was there when I was down. Yang. My own sister was Light.
    Then it was all too much for me. I had detransformed due to too much stress. Too much thinking. Yang had stopped, and now she stared at me, along with everyone else. Tears were pouring down my face without even realizing. We were all silent.
    "This was fun, but I plan to take my two daughters back so they can be erased again." I was also related to him now? How much more could I take?
    "No no no! Cizen, you can't do this to me! They are the only reason why I live! If you let them survive, I'll do anything for you!" Garrett begged, David was absolutely silent.
    "You are no use to me, but I can make a deal. You will have to die if you want them to stay here."
    "Yes, please! That's the least you can do! I don't want to live anymore. I was so tortured by... you... doing your work, and your research, using my mind for you..." Garrett started to get angry.
    "Garrett, no..." Yang pleaded softly.
    "Anyways, do we have a deal?" He says, he puts his hands out, now on fire with cyan and bits of purple. It was just like that liquid magic. He shakes his hand, and a small shockwave occurs, just like how me and Dark high-fived.
    "But... if you're dead, and you are not here to save your children, then I guess it's a win-win for me." Cizen adds on. He snaps his fingers, and Garrett disappears, just like Lucas. Yang isn't even conscious enough to comprehend what's happening. I don't feel conscious enough to understand what was happening.
    "You." He points at David, who's now shaking and crying. "I don't care what you tell the world. I don't care how much you try, but you will never be able to reverse this. You will never get your daughters back, your husband back, nor the time before today." He says, and he vanishes differently this time. Like he was sent through a portal.
    "STOP!!!" Yang said. I didn't have anything to say.
    "Oh, you must be going through so much right now. Maybe you would... just like to forget this whole thing ever happened?" He pulls out a little gun, and a little tranquilizer hits Yang in the shoulder, and I can see her losing consciousness. Both of our ropes disappear, and hold her head in my hands. She looks at me, with her joyous eyes slowly closing.         "Yang..." I said softly. I didn't care what was happening at this point. All I cared about was my sister. She didn't deserve to go through this pain, nor did I.
    She went limp, and I felt the little needle on my neck hit me. Still crying, I fell over to my side, and everything went black. I didn't want to fight it, I didn't have the strength to.


    I had finally done it. Now, I finally had them back.

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