Chapter 21 - Lasers

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    Every day, I hope that I wake up from this nightmare. Every time I do though, I don't. I'm stuck here, and there's no way out. I don't want to be here. I want to wake up, but it feels impossible. It seems to only get worse, and worse every time I wake up.
    Some days ago, he had installed security cameras to watch us. I have now lost track of the days I have been stuck in here, not counting how long I was unconscious. Why would he need to watch us all the time like a creep? He can go down the halls whenever he wants to, I believe that he would just want to put Yang, but mostly me on edge.
    Yang doesn't understand what's happening here. She doesn't realize what Cizen is doing to us. It's not her fault though, because she doesn't remember anything. She might remember something though in the back of her mind. She had recreated the scene where I had lost everything.
    I had to tell her that we needed to hide it. Cizen would probably not like it if she would be able to remember. Cizen might try to fix her, like Cizen did with me. With the pills. One day, when me and Yang get out of here, I hope I can fix her. There's a chance, because of that drawing.
    I don't like those pills. I'm supposed to take one per night. He has to watch me swallow it, just so I don't fake doing it. He doesn't want me to lash out like that again. I thought that he would've liked to have seen me suffer. Just like he did to me and Yang for months.
    After that, I have only done it once. I was drawing while Yang was doing some testing with the cube again. Unfortunately, she still asks to call her One. I was just making lines and faces, nothing new. After a while, I started to draw something bigger, which took more time. It started with a box, then more and more details were added. I hadn't realized what I was making until I was finalizing it.
    It was me and Yang's old bedroom. Nearly every detail was on point. Both of our beds were on the left. The big window we had was there. Our desk was on the right. I suddenly realized how much I had missed that place. It was defined as my home. Where I felt safe at, and I will most likely never go there again.
    I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I felt the same feeling as I had before. A feeling that spread over my body, and I realized that I had turned black again. I took a breath to calm down, and it went away. I had sort of learned that changing emotions is the way for it to disappear.
    I looked at the security camera. It's most likely that he won't watch anything of what was recorded, and it's probably not even on. He could though, and he would've seen what had happened. Hopefully he doesn't and I don't need to change pills. I hate those pills.
    They made me feel like I am less powerful. Like I have less freedom now. It makes me feel a way that is difficult to explain. It feels like I have more control of my emotions, but I can't exactly show it. I want to feel how I want to feel, but now, it feels impossible, like something is holding me back.
    I had a dream while I was asleep. It wasn't an enjoyable dream, but it wasn't like all the nightmares I had. At least I wasn't being tortured, or at least it didn't feel like it. I wasn't able to move, it was harder to breathe. There was a cool metal plate on my back, but it only sent shivers up my spine.
    Then, in front of me, a light appeared. Like it was reflected into my eyes. The small point of light got bigger, and bigger, until it stopped for a moment. Then, it felt like the camera angle switched, and I was able to see myself for just a moment. The light was coming off of a needle, and I was starting into it. Then, everything was dark, and it felt like I was falling. After a moment of nothingness, I still couldn't see anything, but it felt like I fell into water, from high up.
    Then, I woke up. It was sudden. I realized that my hand was on Yang's arm while I was asleep. I like my personal space while I sleep, but she depends on me, and I want her to be safe. She was still asleep, so I just waited.
    It was a regular day of waiting. Even through all of the stress, you are able to get bored here. I don't know how long I am awake during the day, or how long I am tested for. It has to be twenty-four hours per day as usual, that's just common sense.
    "Two." Cizen says, as he arrives at the door to open it. I'm probably going to be asked to solve the Rubix's cube again. Cizen only calls it a cube, which is dumb. I have already finished it multiple times, in different ways. I had heard that Yang wasn't able to solve it once. She was never that logical, but I felt bad for her. I also knew that she gets stressed when she comes across an unsolvable problem. Me or someone else would help her get by, but there isn't anyone who can help her when I am locked up here.
    I get up, and I walk to him. I didn't have a choice here, so I followed him. Instead of turning right, as we usually do towards the testing rooms, we turned left. I continued to follow him, even though I was confused. He opened the laser door, into a room that I have never gone into before.
    There were multiple machines, none of which I could identify. It was darker in here than all the rest of the rooms, but it was like my room. He still walked forward, until we were met with the scariest machine. There was a large machine of some sort, that narrowed to the size of a pinpoint. The machine was being supported by the ceiling. It looked like a bumpy cone with a bunch of knobs on it to adjust it.
    The narrowest part of the machine was facing downwards, at a chair. The chair didn't look comfortable, and then I saw belts on the side of the chair, five of them. They were aligned as they were supposed to tie a human down. Me.
    "Wait... are you going to strap me there?" I asked, I already knew his answer, but how would he respond?
    "Yes." He said without hesitation, or any emotion.
    "What are you going to do to me?" I asked in suspicion.
    "I'm going to have to fix you and One. Now get in the chair while I strap you down."
    "Why? How?" I said, and I took a step back. I didn't know what he was going to do to me, but I knew it wasn't good. Just like everything else he had done.
    "Because I need to do this, now come here." He replied.
    "No, I don't want to!"
    "It's not an option." He says, and he picks me up again. He moves his hand slightly upward, and places me in the seat. I try to get out of it, but he already has one of my hands secured. I had no choice but to obey. Once I am secure, he turns on one of the switches on a panel.
    "What are you going to do to me? Are you going to-?" I asked worriedly.
    "You remember how you had powers, correct?" He interupts.
    "Yeah." It was probably only a few weeks ago when I last used them.
    "If you want them back, then stay still and shut up." He concludes.
    I don't speak any further. He wants me to have my powers? Didn't he want me to suffer? I waited, and he flicked a few more switches. I looked at the point, and it started to glow. Just like the dream.
    "Now, do one more thing. Look into the light, as you are..." He says, it's glowing brighter. This isn't good, I know it. "And don't blink."

Supernatural: Book 3: Yin-Yang's StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum