Chapter 1 - Daily Life

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Beep. Beep. Beep. I reached out my hand and turned off my alarm that's on my phone. I stretched and yawned, why was my alarm on? It took me a minute to realize why, and then I realized what day it was.
I groaned, it was the first day of school, great. Even worse, it started early this year, August nineteenth. My twin sister, Yang, is very excited for school, because she loves to learn and do things. We are defined as complete opposites, if you haven't already noticed. She has long blonde hair and is an optimist. I have short black hair and I am considered a pessimist. I also don't really have any hair on my left side because of my haircut.
I also couldn't sleep today, which has put me in a bad mood. I also noticed that my newly dyed purple strand of hair has stained my pillow. Unlike me, my sister is up bright and early, already waiting for breakfast. My dads' favorite child is obviously her. She is an A+ student, she always listens to our dads, and she is told that she will have a successful life. I'm just a person who doesn't care a lot about things.
David made us pancakes this morning and packed up our stuff for school. Garrett was still asleep, due to having night shifts for his university. He is studying anomalies, and he's nearly done with his last semester. As we were heading out the door, David said "Have a good day, Yin and Yang!"
"You too." We both said synchronized, and started walking towards the school. Yang was ahead of me, because she can probably walk a bit faster due to me being shorter. It was a warm, sunny morning.
I was honestly anxious for school to start. I don't have that many friends, rather than my sister. I don't exactly want to look like the loner at school. It sometimes feels like I'm the shadow of my sister. Like I am forgotten, or a sidekick.
We arrived at school twenty minutes later. Many kids waited by the entrance to talk or to wait for a friend. Yang stayed outside and talked to Nicole and Aurora, while I walked through the entrance doors, and to my locker.
Aurora and Nicole are best friends, but Yang is also one of their best friends. I am sort of friends with them, but I don't talk to them much. I sometimes think that they just take advantage of Yang because of how smart and how kind she is. I worry for Yang sometimes, because she can be so ignorant sometimes.
I look down at the freshly waxed floors while walking, seeing my reflection. Our school isn't that big, as we are in the outskirts of Minneapolis. We have two floors to our middle school but only around ten classrooms on each level. Our classes aren't that big, either.
My locker is right next to my homeroom, Mrs. Adkin. I put my extra notebooks and binders in my locker that I forgot about at registration. I check my Delagram feed while I wait for the first bell to ring. Yang's locker is right next to mine, and it has always been like that. It's usually crowded next to my locker because Yang's friends are always chatting with each other.
The bell rings, and I grab my pencil and my binder. More people spill into the hallways, and I put my phone away. Then I start to walk to my homeroom. I have also noticed that there are more marks on the lockers than usual.
Then I bumped into Yang right before I went into my class, and she looked desperate to talk to me. "Yin! You got to help me!" She still has her bag on her back and her face is red.
I raised my eyebrows, I'm usually the one that needs help. "What do you need?" I ask.
She sighs. "There i-is this new boy that I just saw. I need your help so I can find out his name."
So now my sister is now in love with a new boy, amazing. She's currently in the phase where she finds a crush on a new boy every other month. If I do deny her request, though, she'll tell our parents and I'll probably get in trouble. "Okay, fine. Who is this very special person?"
"Well, I don't know his name yet. He has dirty blonde hair and..." She stops talking and looks away from me. I turned around to see what she was looking at, and I saw him. He's kind of short, has green eyes, and has a group of people following behind him. Not someone who I would particularly like.
"Good luck getting to him, even if I do get his name, a lot of girls seem to be going after him." I reply.
"Well, can you find out his name soon, please?"
Fine." I continue walking to my homeroom. I don't find any enjoyment in sitting in the front, so I walk over to the back. I sat down in a desk that was close to the left of the classroom, and waited for others to get seated. The desks are paired up, so I'm going to seem like the loner again if no one sits next to me. I'm not extroverted or desperate enough to ask someone to sit next to me, though.
One by one, all the desks started to fill up with my classmates. No one was volunteering to sit next to me. This would be a lot more enjoyable if Yang was in this class. I was attempting to peel off the yellow paint of my pencil when someone sat down next to me.
It was the new kid, how unbelievable. This would usually be the part where I would fall in love with him, but I'm still not interested. I'm surprised though that he didn't sit down next to one of the many people that had crowded him earlier. At least I'll be able to find what his name is more quickly, and not potentially get in trouble.
The first bell rang, and the teacher started taking attendance. "Hey, kid, is this Mrs. Adkin's class?" The new kid whispered to me.
"Yeah." I whispered back.
"Okay, good." He replied.
"Yin Mahou?" Mrs. Adkins said.
"Here." I replied, turning my head towards her. A few more names were called until his name was said.
"Lucas Toraburu?" She asked.
Here." The class' whispers grew, I guess they also wondered what his name was.
The rest of homeroom was about going over the syllabus, like we did last year, and we got our laptops. At the end, we were free to go around the classroom and talk with friends. Many people came over to talk with Lucas and asked him questions. Why were so many people invested in him?
Lucas didn't move out of his chair, and I didn't either, so I got to hear all of their questions and his answers. He had moved from California so his mother could find a calmer place to stay. Minneapolis doesn't seem like a suburban area, but I guess that's fine. He's an only child, so he's probably spoiled. His mom owns a big company called Kaisha Inc., and it's supposedly a place where they make futuristic drones and new types of technology.
The bell rings, and people start barging out the door. The halls are immediately filled with people hurrying to their next period, or find where their next period is located. I met up with Yang at our lockers. "So, did you find out what his name is?" She exclaims and smiles.
She really wants to know. "Yeah, his name is Lucas Toraburu, he seems nice, fortunately."
"Oh, and his name is even dreamy!" She says and intertwines her hands.
"Why do you even like him anyway? Because of his looks? I mean, he doesn't seem very handsome."
"What do you mean? He's amazing! His mom has a freaking limo and a huge company, even his butler took him to school today! How are you not interested in him?"
I don't know, guess I just I'm not interested in loving someone." I said and walked to my next class. I would've also said that I wasn't a gold digger, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.
The rest of the day was a total drag. Each class we just talked about what we would do for the whole year, go over the class rules, and read the syllabus over and over again. I miss the times where the first day of school we would actually do something. Like go outside, or do some games. Anything but listening to a teacher talk would be nice.
At least lunch was fun or better than all of my other classes. While I was getting my lunch, there was an argument across the commons. I didn't bother to listen in on what was going on because it was school. Things happen, the lunchroom is loud and full of chaos, and I don't care.
I sat down with Yang and I started eating, then Emily, Olivia, Nicole, and Aurora sat down next to us. Yang made herself a homemade pizza for lunch because we had established that if we wanted our own lunch, we had to make it. Yang has great baking skills so she likes this idea. I don't mind school lunches, but I can't cook at all.
A few minutes later I heard chairs clashing against one another. Me and everyone else who was in the lunchroom turned to see what the commotion was all about. The people who were arguing were now starting to get physical.
"Dude! Just let me sit here!" One person said, I recognized them as being in the lower grade.
No! This seat is saved!" Another guy said, presumably his friend. He threw a punch at him. They moved chairs as both of them started to punch each other, as we don't have that much room to walk around tables and chairs.
"You can't save seats though!"
"Yes you can!"
"No you can't! It's in the handbook!"
"You're too nerdy to sit here, if you actually did read the handbook!"
"Shut up!"
People start standing up to see the argument. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Some people closer to them chanted. Before it got to the good stuff though, two teachers had separated them and brought both of the boys to the office. The rest of lunch was boring.
After the last bell rang, I dashed out of the classroom and went straight to my locker. A few seconds later, Yang arrived with all of her friends asking if she wanted to hang out later. I forgot how annoying it was to listen and get bombarded by them. All of her friends eventually left, and she talked to me, her shadow.
"Hey, what's up! I got to speak to Lucas and he smiled at me when the bell rang!" I don't look at her. "What's going on, Yin?"
"Nothing." I reply, and grab my phone out of the locker, and slam it shut. I was mad at her, and mad at myself. I didn't want to be reminded of how insignificant I was.
"You seem mad, seriously though, what's wrong?" She says in an apologetic tone.
"I'm just tired!" I exclaim, and I start walking towards the exit.
Walking home, I had many thoughts going around in my head. Was I outshined by my sister in every way? She is active, smart, social, healthy, and does everything that she is told to do. What was I like? Lazy, stupid, a loner, has a condition, and someone who rebels. I was nothing like my sister. Everyone likes everything about her. Everyone forgets about me.
We both arrived at our house, and I stomped up the stairs to my room. Yang, the special child, was downstairs on her laptop. I sit on my bed, just sulking, for multiple minutes. It's not fair that I got the worst genes from whoever my parents were.
Tears started to well up in my eyes. No, I wasn't supposed to be crying, I'm not gonna get emotional over... not over this! I've been bested by her so many times, multiple times a day, and now I just realized that I'm not important?
Not important, that's what I am. I have no hope, no future. I started to cry. Not sloppy sobbing, but not silent. It wasn't fair. I am worthless.
That's when I realized that Garrett is home, and I turned my head. He was in the doorway, looking at me. A painful snap went through my body, and he came running towards me. "What's wrong, Yin?"
There was no use lying my way out of this. "Yang i-is better than me. There's n-nothing that I'm better at."
"Hey, that's not true, you're good at being you." He sat down next to me on the bed.
"And that's all!" Yang is better than me at anything else!"
"That's not true-"
"OH SHUT UP!" I shouted.
"What's with the screaming?" Yang barged in.
Garrett sighed, "She's mad about how you are supposedly better than her."
"Oh," Yang said, "If it makes you feel any better, my life isn't all rainbows and unicorns."
"Yeah right." I said, and sniffled.
"I'll leave you girls alone, I'm going to get some breakfast." He yawned and left our bedroom.
Once he leaves, she resumes. "It's true, whenever I'm invited somewhere to a party, I get behind on homework. It's usually me who makes plans, though. I don't get a lot of sleep because I do my homework early in the morning. And my friends, they aren't all that nice to me, or each other."
"Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't notice." I reply.
"How are you still so... optimistic?" I ask.
"I don't know. I'm self-motivated. I'm also not the most well-behaved girl out there, either. I cheat on tests sometimes, I send notes to others about spreading rumors. I also kind of lied to you about Lucas, I wasn't able to get his attention earlier."
"Hey, we said we wouldn't lie to each other!" I playfully replied.
"Hah, yeah, sorry. Also, I think you're just as great as me. I have to study a lot more to reach an A+. You're a C student, but I would get straight Fs on all tests if I didn't study at all, like you. If you try a bit harder and maybe go over the notes once in a while, then you could be like me. I'm also not in the greatest shape. Your body is fit, while I don't have as high of metabolism as you, so I have to get more fit. I'm not better than you, I just try harder."
"Seriously? I feel like I barely do anything."
"It's like plaque on teeth. Some people don't have to brush for two weeks and they won't get cavities or any buildup. Sometimes, people will brush three times a day and will still get cavities."
"Yeah... That makes more sense."
"Anyways, I feel like you will accomplish more if I'm ahead of you. Being motivated to try harder, and not give up. I may be book smart, but you're street smart. That can get you somewhere in life."
"You noticed?" I said, because it's true. I like competition.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know. I also just wanted to ask, does Aurora and Nicole ever... use you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like for notes, so they can get an advantage."
"We kind of both use each other. You don't have to worry about me though, I'll be okay. Since you are a bit of an introvert and you don't really... talk with anyone, you can be friends with us. We wouldn't leave you out."
"I know I could have joined your friend circle at any point, but I just don't feel like we would share the same interests."
"Wait, that's how you feel? No, no, you'd definitely fit in!"
"Thanks, for cheering me up." I say, and I get up from my bed and grab my phone.
"No problem." She replies. "If you ever need help, then you can talk to me. Like with test questions or just for no reason."
"Okay." I replied.
We ate spaghetti for dinner, which was breakfast for Garrett, and the rest of the night went pretty well. Yang worked on an assignment, which I don't even remember any teacher assigning homework, while I played games on my phone. David came home at six-forty five, and Garrett went to work at eight-thirty.
We were all playing our electronics when David asked if we should play a board game as a celebration for surviving the first day of school. After a little argument, we decided to play Jenga. I always pulled out the first brick, and usually it was David's or my fault that it fell over. It didn't make me feel worthless, it's just that I accepted that others may be better at a few things.
The last game of Jenga was the best, we had gotten to a bit under thirty blocks tall. Two pieces at the bottom were on one block, and it wasn't in the middle. Therefore, it became really wobbly. Yang was the one who made it fall, because her hand was shaking from too much stress.
I laid in bed that night, thinking. I rolled and turned in my bed, but I just couldn't get comfortable. Maybe I should try Yang's melatonin medicine that she takes once in a while.
I had mentioned something about the painful snaps that I have. Yang also does have them. Whenever either of us change emotions really fast, I'm guessing that a big synapse happens in our heads and it hurts. This may relate to us glowing when we are close to each other at night and being twins.
I had realized how dumb I looked not having any friends, always staying inside, looking like I don't do anything. Well, not looking like, I don't really do anything. I don't study, I don't play with friends, I don't have any hobbies, and I have no hope for the future.
Maybe I should do something with my life instead of wasting it away. Sports maybe? I remember when I had participated in swimming lessons when I was younger. That was kinda fun. Maybe I should do something like that again sometime.

Two more weeks of school passed. I signed up for swimming lessons, and my parents were really happy that I was finally in a sport. I also decided that I should start drawing sometimes, to let off some steam or just to release my imagination.
Yang tried relaxing once in a while, and she started helping me become better friends with Aurora and Nicole. She also tried getting the attention of Lucas a few more times, and I think that she will stay with this crush for awhile now, due to having a lot more barriers between them.
It seemed like everything was going right for once, but would this comfort last forever?


They were both finally ready, after seven years of development. I can't just start the operation yet, though. They still have to develop their powers, and learn how to accurately use them. It will take multiple months to adjust to them, but there is only one problem. Being used to human beings, and being social animals.
There was only one way I can make sure that they keep quiet about their powers. If they ever did tell anyone, they would risk both of their lives. It will be enough to make Yin shut up,but I am not sure yet about Yang.
I slowly walked over to the counter, and grabbed the two gems that had laid dormant for years. I put them into two different boxes, one black and one white. I put them back down on the table, as I would not need them just yet.
Since I haven't used my powers in around a month, I created a new gem, with new powers. The subjects can't have their gems yet, though. I use some pure magic, and I compress it, and sand it down.
I became immediately dizzy and exhausted. My heart immediately starts being faster, and I have to get my breath back. I have underestimated my power debt once again, and making more powers.
Now, they will need an injection. It is required for the three of them to get it. I shouldn't try to fly over to their houses. It would use up too much magic. I decided to just teleport to their houses. I fly up to their window, and open it from the inside, and very quietly and quickly inject the three of them with the modified solution.
It's time to let Minneapolis' new creations rise.

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