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    I saw my sister, in another large test tube. We were both in this bright cyan solution. I was looking at her, and she was also looking at me. I don't know why I was calling her sister, she doesn't even look like me. What is a sister? What do I even look like? My "sister" has short, black hair with purple eyes. Was my mind erased? Why were we in here?
    I turn around, and I see this red-haired guy both looking at us, and writing stuff down. We were both taken out of the solution later, and put into separate rooms. I longed to see my sister, and I waited for her. Eventually, I concluded that she wasn't coming for me. I wondered if she missed me. I was lonely, I didn't know what was going on.
    I just woke up and was in that liquid, I don't remember anything. I started to cry, I wanted to see someone. Then I saw that red-haired guy again. I was happy to see him, and started clumsily walking towards him, and getting closer to the white beams of light. He had stopped me with a force, I couldn't see what it was, and this force pushed me back gently towards the wall. The red-haired guy's hand looked like it was moving me, or the force.
    Some amount of time later, I met up with my sister. I am guessing that she was excited to see me. I learned that the guy's name is Cizen, and he had created us. Cizen called the smarter one, and called my sister had a lot of magic that she could use. We had to do lots of tests about magic and education, but we didn't do that well. Cizen didn't expect us to be this inexperienced. I tried to work harder, but I couldn't do it. My sister doesn't really try, and Cizen gets angry at her because he is unable to clearly see her full potential.
    He had feelings for us, though. We would play board games sometimes and would read together at night. It was nice. Once in a while, he would laugh, and smile at our analytics. That eventually changed, though. He had stopped doing those fun things. He treated us like objects. I was named One, and my sister was named Two.
    One day, he blindfolded us and took us out of his lab and abandoned us. He had also removed our powers and stored them somewhere. Cizen erased our memories too, he said why before we were injected, but I don't remember anymore. We were found asleep on the front step of an orphanage. They named me Yang, and my sister Yin, and we were assumed to be seven years old, which seemed about correct. We lived there for around a year, and it was mostly fun. It felt like people actually cared about us for once. Yin was always shorter than me, and our supervisors assumed that it was due to a defect.
    Two years later, we were both adopted by two dads that had just gotten married. Their names are Garrett and David. Garrett was very busy when we first met. After that, everything seemed to be going well now, until around the age of eleven. Whenever we touched hands, and really focused, we started to glow, and the color of it was based on our emotions. I tried to search this up and see if anyone else was able to do this. There was no one else that I could find who was able to. We later decided to keep it a secret, and also made sure that we wouldn't keep any secrets between us. That would eventually change though.

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