Chapter 7 - Nightmares

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Every night I lay awake hoping that I don't fall asleep. Ever since they started, I can't sleep. I don't want to sleep, or else I will dream. Not just dream, but be tortured. I need to sleep though, my body needs it to survive.
These nightmares started a week ago. I don't know why they began and why they won't stop. Is this because of my powers? Is this because my brain isn't meant to deal with this? Does Light also have these dreams?
Yang has been worrying about me. She's noticed that I haven't been getting much sleep. She's noticed that I feel more distracted than usual. I wish I could have some coffee right about now, but my dads forbid us to have it. I've recently been asking for some soda with caffeine in it, but I can't get enough of it.
I like talking to Dusk at night. Just about things that bother me or some nightmares that I have had recently. He's a good lil' kitty. He likes to rest beside my pillow while I pet him. I think that he understands what I am going through is unhealthy.
I've had multiple dreams a night after surrendering to my eyes. Most of them are scary, long, hurtful, or demonic. I sometimes get normal dreams, or I guess you could call them something like that.
One of the most memorable dreams was one of the scariest ones. I was in a box. It was cold in the box. It was around a mile long cube. Then I heard gear noises. The box was slowly getting smaller as it became harder to breathe. I was hyperventilating trying to get air, as it felt like more and more pounds fell onto my lungs. Then I wouldn't be able to stand because of the pressure. Then I became smaller, and smaller, and smaller... until I just wasn't there.
Another dream I had was based on Yang. She didn't remember me anymore. I tried to say that I was Yin and she didn't know who that was. She barely knew how to walk or speak. I didn't have any powers, I couldn't transform, I could do nothing to save her. It was like she never knew I had ever existed even though I was, and still am, beside her every single day.
One of my dreams was very long and creepy. I heard running, screaming, shuffling, and it felt like it lasted for hours and hours. The sounds were all around me, and they wouldn't stop. It was like someone was out to get me. I felt dizzy, lost, confused, worried. I couldn't wake up, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, all I could do was watch and wait.
Some dreams are very mysterious. I'm in front of a stage, and I can see little stick people walking around in a hand drawn city. Then the sun goes down, and it becomes night, the stage disappears. I see the same town at night, but now I'm in it. I start walking through the dense fog, only guided by the lanterns that I could barely see. Ominous music started to play, and it only got louder and louder. It slowly gets darker and darker. I am not able to turn back. Then, I see something, but I wake up before I can realize what it is.
I wake up in a single gasp, soft screaming, or crying. Yang has only heard me once for all I know right now. Eventually, I just tried to not go to sleep. It gets rid of the dreams, so it works.
Those normal dreams are considered strange, not anything scary. One of them was about dancing figures. One falls, and the other one freaks out. They try to help the other one up, but they are not able to. What a sad story.
After around two weeks of constant fear, my grades were starting to fall once again. I could barely focus, or do anything. I was worried and scared, which only made everything worse. Then another person had to get possessed, how great!
It all started with Ms. Wills having a bad day. When she has bad days, horrible things happen. I don't know why she's so upset, but she blew up at Knox while he was whispering. She was yelling at him about all of his life mistakes and how he shouldn't be here.
Knox didn't even do anything that bad to deserve it. Everyone was staring at him, and while Ms. Wills was distracted, I tried to fall asleep, and Nicole was going to wake me up if she was done and if I was asleep.
I barely got the chance to when Ms. Wills went around the class to berate heavily on everyone else. I'm still surprised that she is considered to be one of the best teachers of the district, but not the most abusive one.
Nicole taps on me right before I sink into unconsciousness, hoping to have a nightmare because I'm already surrounded by a worse one. "Hey, I wasn't asleep-" I whisper, and I see that Ms. Wills is right in front of my desk. She has the most angriest face I have ever seen, and I can see her stupid ugly skin tags up close now.
"No. Sleeping. In. Class!" She yells, and I get told that I am a very disrespectful student. That you can sleep at home, and that school is so important, and so many other things. I'm so that I can't decipher what in the world she is trying to say to me. She needs to learn that I have problems in my life that I can't control that make me suffer, and that others have similar problems to me.
Knox was silently crying once the bell rang. He's a really sensitive guy and I've heard and seen that he has been going through a lot currently. Ms. Wills had no right to tell Knox those things.
After school I had to sit my detention out in Ms. Wills classroom for two hours. She's also in charge of detention. I've already told Yang how I got my detention. She says that I should go to sleep earlier, but I ignored that statement. She also dislikes Ms. Wills and agrees that Knox shouldn't have been treated like that.
Speaking of Knox, he hasn't been able to be found since school ended, so he wasn't here in detention. Someone was sent to look for him, and to text his parents. A few other kids were in detention with me, some who stood up for themselves, others who were regularly here.
I was looking at the plain walls, and was fiddling on my desk. She watched me with a keen eye while she graded papers. I was not to make a word, go on my laptop, get up from my seat, and most importantly, not fall asleep.
I didn't have any assignments to do, and there was nothing in my binder that I could work on. With nothing to do, it became so difficult to keep awake. I heard her annoying clock kept going tick, tick, tick, tick, and it would never stop. It made sitting here so much more difficult to do.
I hear something outside, but I can't investigate what it was because Ms. Wills keeps the window blinds shut. She's like a vampire, since she never opens up any of her two windows. Maybe that would explain why she's so pale.
I keep hearing sounds over the next half-hour and they keep getting louder and louder, but I'm pretty sure that it's just construction. There's some stuff that's going on a mile from here that's supposed to be a new development.
As they continue to get louder and louder very slowly, I think that it's probably not construction. Why would it be getting closer? Or why would it become even louder? Then it really didn't sound like machines anymore either, it sounded... liquidy.
The ground starts to shake, not violently, but all the students in the class feel it. The teacher looks up finally, and as soon as she does, you can see from the windows that gallons upon gallons of water some sloshing onto the window. You could hear it start to crack from all the intense pressure, as the water doesn't stop coming.
It was another possession, since no normal forces could ever do this on a bright sunny day. "Ms. Wills! We can't stay here!" I say. She can't endanger all these students' lives. I keep hearing crackling sounds from both of the windows, they will break soon if the water doesn't stop, which it shows no signs of.
"It'll be fine, it will go away soon. Now all of you sit back down!" She commands.
"Miss! We need to go! You can't keep us in here, we will drown!" One of the boys says. I see drops coming from the ceiling, the roof either going to cave in, or the windows are going to shatter. The safest place would probably be the second floor bathrooms, where I would probably transform.
"No." She replies, she is obviously fearful, but she doesn't move.
"Wills!" I yell, and she looks up, finally. "I know that you are having a bad day and all, but you cannot risk other students' lives and yours. You must be very angry or sad, but you just can't let us die in here. This is serious, and life-threatening!"
She has tears in her eyes, and the floor is starting to get mushy. She doesn't move, and we have to take action. I run to the door, and Ms. Wills says nothing, I might have finally gotten through her thick skull.
A few others follow behind me, as I try and push the door open. The door wouldn't budge. I twist the handle, push and pull, but nothing happens. "We're locked in!" I say to the other classmates. "Ms. Wills!" I tell her, but she says nothing.
"Let me try." Says one of the biggest classmates of our school. He gets a few steps back, and runs towards the door. You could hear the door trying to stay in place when he impacts it. He tries as hard as he can to pull the door open, putting all his weight on the handle, and it breaks off. He stumbles back, and looks at the handle.
"Uh oh." One of the other classmates said. The biggest kid hasn't stopped yet. He tries kicking open the door, but it can't open.
"Guys, wait! Let's just try to open it normally!" One other kid says. She grabs a paperclip out of their backpack and tries to open the lock, it doesn't work. Then she pulls out a dime out of her backpack and uses it like a screwdriver to unhinge the door.
Surprisingly, it works, and we give them a few chairs to help them on the last two screws. We pushed the door out with relative ease.
We all ran out to try and find a safer area, butI was left behind. I needed Ms. Wills to come with us. "Ms. Wills! We have to go!" I say as more and more water seeps through the floor. I tug at her arm, but she doesn't budge.
"Leave me here." She says, and I have no choice but to do that. I hope she's okay, she didn't deserve whatever happened to her. She is mean, but she doesn't deserve to die.
I shake my head. What am I saying? She gave me five F's on different assignments for no reason. Just because I turned something in minutes late, doesn't mean that I would never turn it in.
She yelled at people. Verbally and physically abused them. She has tortured us since the start of the school year. Maybe she did deserve this. But why would she do those evil things?
I hear heavy creaking from the ceiling, and I'm sure if the windows get one more crack in them, they will explode. I ran, leaving her behind. There was around an inch of water at my feet, and Light will probably be done by now.
I use the first floor bathrooms to transform, and I have to break a window to get out of the school (since the entrance doors are now blocked with water and would only let more in.) and then I forget something. Ms. Wills was still probably in the building, sitting at her desk.
I go back through the building, and I go to the first floor. Over half a foot of water was now on the floor, and multiple papers and other items were also floating in it. Finally the school will get washed for once, at least.
I go into her classroom, and she is still there, crying. "Miss! You have to come with me! It is not safe here!" I say, she doesn't reply. I roll my eyes, grab her arm, and I lead her out the window and out to safety.
Once she is okay, I jump to the top of the school to get an aerial view of the surroundings. Around five feet of water surrounds the whole city.
I take a few minutes to get quickly to the meeting rooftop. When I get there, I see that Light is not there. I look around for her, but I cannot see her anywhere. Is she even more late than me? Is she okay?
After a few more moments of looking around, I see her. She is struggling to fight off the possessed one. Light realizes that I am there, but they are going to charge at her while she is distracted. I jump down and tackle the person.
I notice that it is a boy, but he gets away before I can recognize him. He sprints away, and me and Light take a breather.
"Where were you?" She asks.
"At an event."
"Seriously though, where were you? I didn't take that long to get here last time this happened."
"I was in a pickle and I couldn't leave until I was let out of the room. Then I saved a few people."
"Good job."
We both look ahead, and this huge wave of water comes at both of us. Light holds her hands up and protects me and her from the blast.
"He keeps doing this. It's been the same thing for half an hour. I can't get to him, and I'm starting to get really exhausted from this." She says, and starts jumping into the air.
"Have you tried your weapon?" I ask.
"Yes, but he's too fast, as I have already said."
"Jeesh, why are you in such a bad mood?"
"Because of you, now help me out, use your sword as he is in front of me." She dives down onto a roof, and I follow her plan. She deflects the water as I am able to stay behind him.
I pull out my sword, and after a few tries, he sees me, and I am blasted with water into the air. I'm not as fast and as stable as I usually am, probably from the lack of sleep.
I fell from forty feet to fifty feet of water, and I tried to hold my breath in, but I couldn't. I get a few gulps of water before I can react. I jump into the air and onto a skyscraper. I landed and spit out water for a moment.
I go back down, and I continue doing the plan, while Light had distracted him the whole time.
He tries to get both of us, while I'm slowing Light down, due to my reflexes not being so great. Unfortunately, he can't track both of us moving from rooftop to rooftop.
I am just barely able to hit him on the back. He goes flying, and hits a wall. Light uses one of her arrows to secure him in place.
I get closer to him, and I see that it's Knox. It should have been obvious, but we were all moving around a bit too much. Light sees this also, does she know him at all?
"What's the matter?" Light asks.
"I...I... no!" He says, and uses his free hand to push us back with water. He is resisting the urge to talk, and is pushing us away, literally. Light uses another one of her arrows to try and hold him down, but she misses.
He fires water in a concentrated state directly at Light, and she is fired away. I pull out my weapon, and I try to hit Knox. I am unable to get him, after trying my absolute best.
I also had my weapon summon for too long, I was too weak. I put my weapon away, and I was thankful when Light came back for an even bigger fight. She saw me, and only worked harder to make him stay in place. She got to fire another arrow at his arm, and this time it hit him.
"Stop! Whatever you are mad at, we can resolve it together!" Light says as she is trying to calm him down.
"You can't! No one can get fair with her!" He argues.
"Who's making you mad?" I asked. It was pretty obvious, but I needed to make him stop and not to expose myself.
"It's my teacher, Ms. Wills. She is the most respected teacher in our school, even though she should clearly be in jail right about now!"
"Jail? Why jail?" Light asks.
"She yells at us, and hits us with a ruler sometimes. It's probably not allowed in the handbook!"
"That... would be illegal." Light replies.
"Well, you two are well known, can't you do anything about it?" He asks and waves his hands around, and he detransforms.
Me and Light both look at each other, we are superheroes, and we would always stop the source of the criminal. If Ms. Wills is actually violating rules, we would have to expose her.
We high-fived and all the water, the flooded houses, and the injured people reverted themselves back to their normal state immediately. We still had stuff to do before we disappeared into the night, though.
The rest of the evening was about talking to the police and the superintendent about what Ms. Wills had supposedly done to Knox, and his classmates, secretly including me. They needed proof before we could go look for her, and luckily Light had a solution.
We looked at the security cameras that were in our classrooms. They had horrible quality and even worse microphones, but Knox was correct. Your teachers can't verbally abuse you or beat you with a ruler anymore. I thought that every teacher could do that, since some of them already do. Now putting what my other teachers do into perspective, it isn't nearly as bad as Ms. Wills' behavior.
I was able to see myself while the teacher was yelling, and I'm wondering how they don't recognize me yet. Me and Light are now on multiple international news stations due to last time. How couldn't they recognize me? All I did was change my hairstyle and wear an outfit. Maybe it's magic.
There was a search team focused on finding Ms. Wills. I told her that I had saved her earlier, and that she was definitely somewhere close to the school. They found her a few hours later, and she was arrested on the spot for verbal abuse and physical abuse.
I had left before they had found her, and Yang was right where she always was. We both watched the news and how these superheroes saved the day. She said that she liked Dark, while I said that I liked Light so she wouldn't be suspicious. I asked her where she was while the possession was taking place, and she said that she was on the second floor of our house, while I said I was on the second floor of the school. She asked how I got out of Ms. Wills' evil grasp, and I replied that some student had a dime and unscrewed the door. It technically wasn't a lie, but I missed the whole part about how Ms. Wills wouldn't let us out.
We found out later that Ms. Wills was having a bad day because her granddaughter was in the hospital, about to die. It was the only thing that could tip her over like that. I feel bad for her now, that really must suck.
What I found to be really cool was that me and Light both got to be featured on a talk show less than two weeks later. It was really fun, but I let Light do most of the talking. It was mostly about why we did this, how we discovered each other, who we are, that stuff. We couldn't tell most of the stuff to them because it would reveal our identity.
Overall, things went well recently. The one problem is that I'm still having nightmares. What, did you forget? They also didn't get any better. They still keep me up at night, I am still sleep deprived, and my grades are still falling. I sincerely hope that they will go away soon.


Yin is not taking care of her human body, she is not getting enough sleep. She is scared of those dreams, but she knows that they are fake. There is no absolute way to reduce her dreams, but I have to try so she can do her best.
It gets very lonely in this big place.

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