Chapter 28: What Happens in Vegas

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After hitting the gas station, we started down Sunset Road. While driving, there were just mounds of sand and tumble weeds. An occasional cactus every few moments. The sand was blowing high and coarse, scraping against the windows and sheet metal of the car.

The truck was packed, and we were all very hot. A few miles down the road from the gas station was a small gift shop called "Leaving so Soon?" We stopped to pick up some new clothes and water. Most of what was in the store was themed t-shirts for Las Vegas and such. We all got different colors of the shirts. I had a black shirt that said "I heart Vegas" and put it over top of a bright red flannel. I got a pair of black jeans and a black and red beanie.

The others had similar outfit's minus the beanies, and different colors. Mostly blue jeans and blue, purple and red shirts. But everyones was different. I fixed the gloves I had fashioned from my cut up sock, and we all piled back into the truck.

"We must be driving away from Vegas." Josh nodded.

Morgan looked at me. "Maybe we should turn around and head towards Vegas." He smirked.

"Nah, we gotta stick with the plan." I reassured. "Angela's diary mapped a way straight to California, we just have to find the highway, and she clearly states that the route would be faster around vegas."

I felt different in such a new, dark attire. It wasn't me. I was like the definition of a white boy. But now things had changed. I had seen and done things most people only dream of. I had seen more death than anyone should have to. I've seen friends and colleagues die. My family had passed and even some people I didn't like as much.

I had survived giant spiders, zombie swarms, destroyed vehicles, explosions, broken glass, falling buildings. A part of my was glad I was still alive, but the other part had died. Like an emotional destruction of all feeling, all leading to these final days.

As we continued down Sunset Road, we passed very peculiar things. Stalled cars, tumble weeds, cacti. It looked like a barren desert. Then there was a sign. It stood about ten feet iff the ground and seemed very out of place in these desolate setting. It had large flashing lights that said "Welcome to Las Vegas, Nevada."

I squinted. "This isn't right," I said. "We need to be going away from vegas, not towards it."

"We're still going west." Josh pointed to the compass in the dash board.

"We need to turn around. We'll never make it with enough gas if we go through vegas." I pointed backwards.

Josh shifted gears into reverse and revved the engine. While peering through his back mirror, he tapped me on the shoulder. "You might wanna look at this."

"Look at what?" I asked. Through the mirror, I spotted the horizon behind us. But that was not it. The hoard of zombies from the canyon had caught up to us. They were running much faster now, and gaining on us every second we remained in neutral.

Morgan looked at me. "Looks like we're going into vegas after all."

"No." I shook my head. "There must be another way."

"Like what?" Josh asked. "What other way?"

I looked forward. "I don't know... Ummm." I thought extremely hard.

"There is no other way Christian, Josh, drive." Morgan intruded.

"Josh don't drive." I stopped him.

Morgan shouted "Drive!"

"Don't drive."

Sadie popped through the back window. "Will one of you dumbasses put petal to the metal or am I gonna have to do it."

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