Chapter 21: You what mate?

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Had I just been kissed... On the... On the lips. I kinda liked it. Her lips were flavored strawberry, and soft against my corse, rough, cracked lips. Her eyes peered into mine with a glow of green atop a cloud of blue. A dull yet gorgeous green. Like the color of grass in late fall.

I took a deep breath and drew my head back. "Where... Where are we?"

"We left Missouri last night," she smiled at me, "somewhere in Kansas now."

I sat up. "We're getting close. Only about four states away. I need to talk to Josh."

Sadie told Gavin to stop driving, and I opened up the back door to the truck. Josh's car was waiting there for us.
I stepped out of the truck and my feet sunk into sand. My legs were rather cold, and I felt a slight breeze on my leg hair. Josh stepped out of the car. He had a huge smirk on his face and he snickered every few seconds.

"Whats so funny?" I asked.

"I know its warmer here than in Ohio, but down south, we keep our pants on when we exit the car." He fell to the ground laughing

I looked down to my legs. I was in a pair of bright blue boxers and a tank top. "What the hell?"

Kyra stepped out of the police cruiser. She smirked too. Sadie stepped out behind me. "Kyra saved your life." She whispered.

"You pulled off my pants?" I asked Kyra.

Morgan jumped out of the truck. "No that was me."

I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the truck. "You what mate?"

"She told me to," he pointed to Kyra.

"Why?" I rose my eyebrow.

Kyra looked at the ground. "Your clothing was restricting your breathing."

"How did I get in the car?"

Gavin stepped out of the car. "Josh and I did that."

Josh walked around his car. "On Kyra's command."

I looked to Kyra. "You told them to?"

She smiled but said nothing. Sam stepped up beside Josh. "She got you water too. Stopped your dehydration."

Emilee walked up beside them. "And she found some Aspirin to help with the headaches and stress."

I smiled at Kyra. "You took charge and... And saved my life."

Nick sat in the back of the truck and watched as everyone gave praise to Kyra. "She'd be a better leader than Christian" he whispered to himself. "He'd be better off dead." Nick was sharpening one of the kitchen knives.

Kyra walked up to me. "It's what any respectable person would have done." She fixed her long ginger bangs from out of her eyes.

I hugged her tightly. She kind of cringed at the offer but she was grateful. "Now will you please put some pants on?" She scoffed.

Miranda walked out from the police car holding Kyra's sketch pad. "Tell Christian about the Radio."

I began to redress myself. Kyra grasped the notebook tightly and held it up so I could see.

"Well it was Morgans idea really but I figured if we could get some copper wire, an old speaker from one of these cars and the diodes and such, we could make a one way radio to send out a distress call. " she pointed to each of the materials.

I looked over the plans very heavily. "Great work guys. Get this over to Nick. Maybe he can help with that."

After I finished dressing, we all got water and took a restroom break if needed. I looked at myself in one of the car mirrors. I was beginning to develop a five o'clock shadow. I looked up to Morgan. "You think I'd look good in a beard?" I asked him.

"If it looks anything like your chest hair, hell no." He chuckled. He jumped off the roof of the truck with an apple in his hand. "You kissed my cousin, didn't you?" He asked, without looking at me.

I chuckled. "What?"

"Does it look like I'm laughing?" He asked. His voice grew deep.

"No... I uh." I stepped back.

"Stay away from Sadie. She's all the family I got left. I wasn't very close with my family. This nay be the last opportunity I get." He shook his head.

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." I was flustered.

"It doesn't matter." He sat down by the truck. "Just stay away from her." He took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

The smoke filled the blank sky. I could hardly tell if it were day or night. It was calm, but heavily clouded. "We should probably get going before anything tried to eat us. " I warned.

"I'll tell the others." He stood up. "No hard feelings man."

I looked at my outfit. It was grotesque. Torn. Burned. Bloody. In fact, everyone was like that. We needed new clothing. And lots of it. And soon. Very very soon.

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