Chapter 23: Trenton

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Sam sprinted up to me, a concerned look in her eyes. "Miranda and Emilee were out there stalling when the road collapsed. "

"What?" I shouted. I swung to my feet and dashed my way through the wreckage as if on a mission. I slid down newly formed rock walls made from gravel off the street and rolled across dirt piles and corn from the maizes above.

The whole that had been blown by the collapse of the subway station was about twenty feet deep and thick fog of ash and dust floated into the air. The zombies and been thrashed and crushed by debris, but they were resilient and some pushed on, still sprinting through the make shift canyon.

Emilee and Miranda, we both fine, perched on top of a column that once held the road above. The zombies ran for the column, and lashed themselves at. Slowly, they began to stretch their rotting flesh and climb. I had to think of something, and fast.

I scanned the area, searching left and right. In view, I saw there was an explosive attached to the column. It just hadn't gone off. I took the pistol from my pocket and looked up at Emilee and Miranda.

"Alright girls... I'm gonna blow this column. As it falls, you're gonna have to jump, and we're all gonna run, okay?" I tightened the grip on the pistol, and loosened my rough skin on the trigger.

The two held hands and then nodded to me. I aimed my shot for the explosive and... Bang. Dust and plaster blew in all directions and the column buckled and began to fall. Because of its massive size, there was much air resistance, and it fell slowly. You could hear the whisk of wind as it pushed the air out of its way, like a bully through a school hallway.

Emilee was the first to jump, and her long legs gave her a spring. He launched herself over my head and took off running. As the column neared the ground, Miranda perched her legs to jump and as her feet left the stone, a hand caught the collar of her hoodie. She was dragged back and I watched as her face disappeared into a shadowing hoard of zombies

"Nooooo!" I rasped through my throat. I opened fire, pulling the trigger rapidly until my ammunition had emptied. "Fuck." I threw the pistol at the group and took off after Emilee. Together we ran back to the cars. The new 'meal' kept the zombies occupied for a moment or two.

The group was all back together now. Both cars had been refueled and Nick was following Kyra's instructions on the radio. "Drive dammit." I shouted. I wasn't even two the cars yet. Emilee was but I still trailed several feet behind.

"Start the cars, rev the engines! Just drive!" I continually cursed and prodded. Everyone poured into the vehicles. Josh got in the drivers seat of his police car, Sam in the passengers and Kyra, Emilee, and Nick in the back.

Morgan started up the truck and Gavin in the Passengers with Sadie in the back. "Drive!" I shouted once more.

Josh brushed in on the radio. "What about you?" He bantered.

"I'm coming, just drive." I coughed back from exhaustion. The police cruiser sped down the road faster than you could put a period at the end of your sentence.

The truck began to move slowly, treading along. I sprinted for it, losing my balance once or twice. Sadie kicked open the back door. She reached her arm out, stretching as far as she could.

"Grab on!" She called.

I made my steps longer, almost jumping from leg to leg. Finally my hand met hers. She pulled me closer and I gripped the door with my free hand. Then, with a quick upward motion, I swung my legs up into the truck.

I fell back and laid there a moment. I clenched my eyes shut and folded my hands across my stomach.

Sadie brushed her hand against the side of my face, and traced it into my hair. I was too tired to move. I could feel her smiling down on me. Her warm lips embraced mine and she put her leg in between mine.

"Whoa..." I put my blistered hand on her leg and moved it from mine. "I can't do this," I looked through the window at Morgan. "Not now anyway."

She looked at me. "Oh... I, I see." She put her hand on her forehead "I'm so stupid. I never should have thought you liked me."

"I do like you though." I grabbed her hand. "I just... I can't get close to anyone right now."

She pulled her hand from mine. "I get it." She looked away from me.

I sighed and sat back. Kind of relieved, yet upset because she was very beautiful, and her taste in weapons certainly intrigued me. Her leadership skills were off the charts and don't get me started on endurance. But Morgan was right. She was all the family he had left, and I wouldn't get in the way of that.

We exited the city and continued onto the highway. Cars littered the streets like New york city traffic. Our cars barely fit through. But we made due with what we had. Sadie and I sat amidst an awkward silence for many hours.

Finally the cars stopped. We had made a break to switch drivers and stretch our legs. I was the first to exit the truck. I cracked my neck and really stretched my arms high over my forehead, listening for the satisfying 'crack' sound in my bones.

Then, I noticed, eyeballing me, was a zombie. It stared at me from about ten feet away. I rose my gun slowly, when suddenly, Nick burst in front of it.

"Wait! Don't shoot him!" He called.

I rolled my eyes. "you're gonna get yourself killed, like Nate did."

"He only wants our help." Nick put his hand up.

"Help?" I lowered my gun a bit. "That thing is a killer." I shoved Nick out of the way and placed the gun up against the zombies head.

"Trenton!" Shouted Nick.

I looked down to him. "What?"

"We arrived here about fifteen minutes before you... I named him Trenton." Nick spilled all his information.

"You named this... This beast?" I asked him, tightening my finger on the trigger.

"Christian!" Kyra ran out in front of me. "This zombie isn't gonna hurt us. He has full use of his mind."

I looked at the zombie. He was certainly different than the others. His skin was white and torn in many places and his black messy hair dribbled blood, but his eyes were a bright blue. Not black.

I stepped back and rubbed my forehead. "Okay.... But if this thing,"

"Trenton!" Nick interrupted me.

"If Trenton tries anything funny, everyone here has the right to put a bullet in his fucking head." I quiver a moment as Trenton shook and let out a small yelp.

I pocketed my gun and walked back to the police cruiser. "You can keep him in the back of the truck."

We all dispersed back to our vehicles. I took over driving the police car.

Nick stood behind Trenton, whispering in his ear. "After we get to the power station," he slurred so no one would hear, "he dies first." He pointed to me. Then he entered the back of the truck. Sadie, Gavin and Morgan all entered the front.

I drove the police cruiser with Emilee in the passenger seat and Josh and Sam in the back.

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