Chapter 8: It's Not Safe Here

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I looked from left to right, and let out a yelp. "Gavin! Morgan? Ian!" I called out names in lists "Miranda! Nate, Nick, Katie, Emily, Emilee?" No response. Again, I let out the list but there was no answer. 

I watched as the ground beneath me began to rip, and pull apart. I pushed myself back a moment and watched the once proud standing school, disappear into an abyss. There was smoke rising and dust forming clouds around the pit. I stood up and gathered with Angela, Kyra, and Sam. 

"It's not safe here." I said with my head hung low. "We have to go, now." 

"What about the others?" Kyra asked. "We can't just leave."

I looked at her, distraught. "What choice do we have? If you have a plan, I'd love to hear it sweetheart." My tone was sarcastic and ill tempered. 

Angela stepped closer to Kyra and scoffed at me. "We have to make sure the others are okay." She stood firm on her statement.

"The others are gone guys. The sooner we accept that, the better." My patience had been worn thin. 

"Well aren"t you a ray of sunshine." Kyra rolled her eyes and flipped her firey red hair out of her eyes. "We haven't even made an attempt to look for them."

"Oh really." I argued, "The last time I checked, when you call someones name, they respond."

"Oh shut up!" Sam shouted. "Thousands of people have died today. There is no help coming for us and fighting won't bring it any sooner. We need to find your friends and work together to get out of this!" 

I stepped back. I had never expected such an outburst from the sorter blonde one. She wore the complexion of one to control her temper and usually sustain a quiet posture, but her out break was more than inspirational. 

"What do you suggest we do then?" I crossed my arms and asked the others.

"I suggest that we search the perimeter and search for any signs of life. Agreed?" Sam furrowed her brow.

I nodded. "Okay." And we did as so. We began to walk along the smoky incline of a newly formed basin.

The pit seemed very dark and deep. Dust fogged any view downward. Only small flames and broken pipelines could be seen through the mist. 

"Guys?" I called down. My sound echoed and bellowed deep but no sound returned the favor, so we continued walking. In some areas, the hill became very steep. In others, not at all. There were all terrains along the incline. Dirt, grass, mudslides, rock walls, even what appeared to be sand. There were areas drenched in blood, and some even revealing body parts. It was a sad display of discern. 

After nearly twenty minutes, a figure appeared in the distance. I waved my arm to try and blow away smoke. After one figure appeared, there was a second and a third. Soon there was a small group. I heard a haggard voice call out, "Hello" It was Nick, the short blonde with the smooth hair. 

I answered back, "Nick, Nick is that you? It's Christian." He began to run in my direction. I ran to meet him half way. He had tears in his eyes. "What is it?" I asked. 

"It's Ian" he responded. "We lost Ian." I looked up as the group was coming to meet us. 

"What?" I asked. Morgan came up behind him with his head lowered. 

"It's true" Morgan shook his head. "Katie got caught under a door way that collapsed. Ian lifted the doorway, all himself. Katie made it out, but Ian wasn't as lucky. "

I looked up at the sky and viciously held back tears. "What about the others?" I asked in a new, breathy tone.

Gavin stood behind Morgan. "Everyone else made it out." He nodded. 

The smoke began to clear and I gained visual of the group. Nate had his arms draped around Miranda. Katie sat on Emilee's lap and held on to the other Emily's hands. But the point was that they all stayed together. Angela, Kyra, and Sam gathered and joined the group.

"Perhaps we should take that mourning time now." Nick said.

I nodded. "In the time remaining, we'll set up camp on the road, perhaps in a car. Get everyone hydrated and we'll have a moment of silence. Tell the others." The three guys looked at each other and exchanged agreeable glances.

"What about you?" Gavin looked at me.

I looked back at him. "I have to gather a few things. I'll be back." And the four of us left in opposite directions.

I searched left and right, shifting my eyes until I spotted a pole, about three feet long, among some book bags. I picked it up and gripped it firmly, in search of another. Soon I spotted an almost identical spot of pipe. I held the two together in the shape of a cross. then I ripped off the other sleeve of my shirt and tied the two together. I searched the book bags once more and found a permanent marker, then made my way to join the group. 

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