Chapter 7: New Friends.

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So here is where we left of from the beginning. Walking through the streets. Passing cars, stalled out, bodies burned inside. Large craters and splotches of fire everywhere. We walked together, some of us limping, but we all moved as a whole. The high school was only about a half mile or so down the road, so the walking was minimal.

We checked through the windows of each car as we passed, checking for useful supplies. There was a red Honda, flipped upside down off the road into a wheat field. The crops in the field were were singed and black, and smoke filled the morning sky.

"Wait here guys." I called.

Gavin and I trotted through the field to the car. There was a heavy scent of gasoline. The heat of the car was intense and emanated from a distance away. I crawled onto my stomach and looked through the window.

"Gavin!" I shouted. "Theres a gun... A rifle in the front seat. And some water bottles. Call Morgan down for me."

Gavin turned to the road. "Morgan. Get down here man."

Morgan looked confused for a second but finally nodded and slowly made his way to the car. I stood up and kicked the window several times, but only ended up hurting myself.

"Bro, it's reenforced glass." Morgan put his hand in front if me. "You need to expand the glass." He stared down at it.

I looked left and right, thinking of what we could use to expand the glass. Heat. I scanned the wheat field for a patch of fire. "Over here!" I ran for a small area where fire burned over the tops of the plants.

"Grab the roots." I said as I frantically started tearing the wheat stalks from the ground. "Bring them to the window. We're gonna start a fire." I smiled.

I grabbed the bottom of the plant, close to the soil and tore it from the ground. Then I stumbled to my feet and began to sprint to the car. Morgan and Gavin did the same. I placed the burning bush right by the window and began to pile more wheat over top. After about five minutes, the window began to warp, and I again, kicked the glass. This time, it shattered inward with a loud "crack!"

"Get the fire out of the way." I began to push the burnt ash from the window. Once more, I lied on my stomach and reached through the window. I grabbed for the long rifle and handed it to Morgan.

"Dang, an antique M1 carbine. Full magazine." He pulled the camber back. "It's in beautiful, beautiful condition."

I continued rummaging through the car. I pulled out three water bottles and handed them to Gavin. After a while, Morgan began to sniff the air. "Is that... Gasoline?"

"Yeah, I smell it too... Bro, we brought a fire to gasoline." Gavin agreed.

Morgan looked around. "We should probably get out of here man."

"Hold on. There's a tool chest in here," I pulled vigorously on the handle. "I can't seem... To get it... To... Budge!" I yanked but it was stuck. I heard a cracking sound above me.

"Bro, the engine is on fire, get out of there!" called Morgan. "It's moving from the gas line."

"I can almost get it!" I clenched my teeth.

"Leave it!" Shouted Gavin.

"Just go, I'll get it!" I boasted at them.

Morgan saw as the fire grew. "He'll be fine, he knows what he's doing. Lets go."

"I ain't leaving him." Gavin shook his head.

I pulled harder and harder until finally, I felt my tug give and the tool case ripped from under the car. "Haha!" I chuckled as the car began to pop and crackle above me. There was a small explosion that flattened the door into my back. "Guys, I'm stuck." I shook.

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