Chapter 17: A New Car

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Josh looked to Morgan and Miranda, who were scanning the rows of weaponry on the walls. "See anything you like?" He smirked.

Morgan smiled at him. "I am in love with these heavy machine guns. Especially this fifty caliber Browning. " he picked up a gun that looked much like a small box with a long pipe jutting from its end.

"Where did you get all these?" Asked Miranda.

"Oh, this isn't mine." Josh shook his head. "No, this is my grandfathers house. Or it was."

I looked to him. "One of our cars... It was totaled outside."

"I saw." Josh nodded.

"Do you know of any vehicles we would be able to escape in?" I asked.

Josh raced up the stairs. I followed tightly. Nick, Gavin, and Angela followed. Emilee and Kyra remained in the basement. Morgan, Miranda and Sadie continued to swoon over the wall of guns. Sam was patching up the gunshot wound in Morgans foot. His black vans had been stained with blood.

Josh grabbed a pair of golden keys off of the kitchen table and led us to a door on the side of the home. This door led out to a garage. In the garage was a police cruiser. A white impala with a nice stripe along the side and blue and red lights on the roof.

I smiled. "Excellent. We had some two by fours in the trunk of our Mustang that was trashed. We have a pick up truck to store the wood in, but we'll have limited time to transfer it outside. Maybe you can drive this baby out and... Distract the zombies."

" I thought you'd never ask." Josh chuckled.

"Lets grab anything pliable from this house before we leave."

Nick stepped forward. "Angela and I can give Morgan some cover. Maybe he can fire off a few shots and get you guys to the car safely."

"Great work." I offered a handshake.
Nick scoffed at the offer and headed into the kitchen. Josh and I descended into the basement. Josh grabbed a glossy black M1911 pistol and perched it in his pocket. Then took an assault rifle and bolted up the stairs.

"Take what you guys want." He told us. Morgan grabbed the fifty cal. browning.
Miranda grabbed two hunting rifles. I took a small pistol and a shotgun.
Sam finished cleaning out Morgans wound and she wrapped his foot with a towel from the kitchen. Emilee and Sadie took a valet of kitchen knives. Kyra took stock of food and drink from the kitchen cupboards and fridge.

When I finally arrived up the stairs, I saw that Nick and Angela had taken the kitchen table, and turned it on its side. There was a hole cut in the center of it and the legs were bent in so they met each other. When set down, it would lean at a forty-five degree angle and leave enough room to fit a gun through the opening. They slowly opened the front door and slid this mechanism on the porch. Morgan brought the browning machine gun, and slipped the barrel through the hole.

Gavin and Josh were in the police cruiser. Josh was in the driver seat, and Gavin in the passenger, with the door hanging open. He was ready to jump from the car to his pick up truck. Miranda, Sadie, Emilee, and Kyra all piled in the back seat. Morgan stood on the porch, waiting for Josh to speed out of the garage, which was closed. I stood behind Morgan, waiting to sprint out. Angela and Nick did the same.

The area was silent, but giant zombies paced back and fourth around the shattered mustang, grunting and growling. I tightened the grip on my shotgun and harbored the pistols in my pocket. Morgan had the taser in his.
After a moment of silence, the engine revved up and the police cruiser burst through the closed garage door, shattering it. Josh flashed on the lights and started driving in circles around the zombies.

I tapped Morgan on the back and he opened fore. Bullet casings flooded the floor as his gun lit a hells fury flame across the zombies. They were confused. Some of them fell and died after being brittled with bullets. Others grew angry at the tiny var circling them.

Angela, Nick and I jumped over the banner of the porch and raced to the street. I quickly through open the flattened trunk of the mustang and tore through any useable wood. "Get to the truck!" I shouted at Nick and Angela. They both barreled to the back end if the truck. I grabbed the wood boards and ran. Gavin jumped from the police cruiser and sprinted after me. I threw the wood in the back with Nick and Angela.

I got in the passenger side of the truck and Gavin in the driver. He started the car and we began to drive. He circled the house. When we reached the porch once more, Morgan jumped in the back of the truck, still firing his machine gun.

We sped off down the road, being sure that Josh followed. We plowed through zombies, and limbs littered the hood of the truck.

"Well, I guess we got a new car." I smirked and sat back.
Morgan knocked on the back window and I opened the small hatch. He had a cigar between his teeth.

"I love it when a plan comes together." He smirked.

Gavin turned around. He imitated Mr. T. "This ain't the A-Team fool."

"Chill out Hannibal." I laughed.

"Where did you even get that?"

"It was in one of the drawers back at the house." Morgan held it out. "You still got my bag?"

I looked down. "Yeah, we got it."

"Light me." He clasped his lips around the cigar and perched his lips.
I reached into his bag and grabbed the lighter. Then I burned the tip of his light brown cigar.

He took a deep breath in and blew the smoke out his nose. "Damn, this is a nice one. Cuban I think."

"Don't get used to it. " I shook my head.

"Smoking will kill you."

"And when it does, I will go gracefully." He laughed.

I turned back. "Or in a ball of flame. Lets just get out of here. Gavin, stop at the next town. We need a map, make sure we're going the right way."
"So whats the plan?" Asked Gavin.
"I'm not sure. Basically shut down the power station. It rose the dead and now its making them grow." I shook my head.

He grasped the wheel a little tighter.
"How do you plan to do that?"

"I don't know, probably something that will kill all of us." I ran my hands through my hair.

"My knee will do that for is, thank you very much." Gavin joked.

"Yeah, that football game when you dislocated it." I laughed. "Lost for your whole team."

"Shut up." He hit me in the shoulder.

Morgan sat up. "Oh yeah, I remember that. That guy from Jackson jumped on you and your knee like bent inward."

"No one ever talks about how I gave their quarterback a concussion. All anyone remembers is my knee." Gavin shook his head.

We all laughed a moment and we exited the small town.

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