Forgive Me

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She ignores me and I kiss her she pushes off and looks me in the eye and asks "did u go to Jessica's Ricky?" "Yes" "why" "I was hurt and I did something I should only do with u Sara u are the love of my life my one true love" "was she better than me?" "No she wasn't she is like the fucking grand canyon baby look I wanna sing u something and if u would please take me back and forgive me?" "Let's see what u sing"

I sigh and grab my acoustic guitar and start strumming the cords to "Wait Out The Days"

"When memory is a blank page and the teeth in ur mouth are all cliches

Ur heart is a bag of rocks ur soul is a pile of ashes on the sidewalk

There's an eagle scout project I used come to, to feel some kinda magic

now a story less we'll  can wait out the days wait out the days till death comes to claim

Anything that life didn't already take u can wait out the days

the catch 22's are all catching up with u

they're laying all over the middle ground u were walking on to avoid em and its to late to turn around

On the corner of Morisson there's a shop that sells bracelets and little glass ornaments looking in u can feel the magic and wait out the days"

I finish and she runs up and hugs me she says" Ricky Devin kissed me I didn't kiss him ok u need to learn to trust me" "I do trust u its just I feel like u will end up leaving me for him" she sighs and grabs my acoustic and strums the cords to "Your Guardian Angel" her voice is incredible she plays beautifully. I feel tears fall omg I'm falling for her all over again. She finishes and places the acoustic back on its stand I run to her and push her lips to mine and she actually kissed back this time I slip my arms around her waist and lay her down. We stay like this for a few hours until  her stomach growls I laugh and carry her downstairs. The guys and their girls are sitting there Kuza and Francesca are still here Devin comes up and says "look Ricky I'm sorry that I tried to break u guys up its just I felt something for Sara and it pained me to see her with u and now I understand that she belongs with u and that u belong with her u guys are soul mates destiny brought all of us together and decided that me and Sara can never be but that meant u and her were destined for each other can u forgive me u guys?" "Look Devin I can forgive u but it can't be forgotten" "I know and thank u RickySara nods he hugs us both I say "guys can I talk to u all just the guys and Kuza"

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