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Note : this is gonna happen in the sequel I don't know when but it definitely will be in it.

Preview Time-

Ricky's P.O.V.

She has the gun to Sara's head screaming "why Ricky u should have stayed with me and this would've never happened" "please don't do this she  means the world to me" I try struggling out of the ropes this crazy obsessed bitch tied me up in. Its loosening she takes the butt of the gun cracking Sara in the face she is knocked unconscious she unties me and shoots Sara saying "live without her like I have to do u Ricky" she takes off I rush to Sara's side I can't lose her I call 911 and say what I need to say I sit there crying they pull in and load Sara onto a gurney and rush us to the hospital I call the guys and Andy and his guys, all of Sara and my friends the waiting room is full people are literally sitting on the floor Chris rubs my back soothingly saying how she will be fine we sit there for what seems like years waiting on the doctor when he comes out its a man with chopped silver blonde hair and green eyes medium build like Angelo "how is she doctor" "the bullet hit her lower intestine she lost a lot of blood there is a 50% chance she won't make it"

My world just came crashing down I break out into tears "but we were able to stop the bleeding and she was a very healthy girl so its more likely that she will make it through not saying that she will I'm sorry" I hold on to monkey teddy it was a gag  gift from Sara on April Fool's Day but I loved it and curse at whatever being is out there that controls Sara's fate. The police show up and ask "who was it that had u captive?" "It was..............."

Preview over

Hope u like it.

Who was the crazy obsessed girl? Who knows! Wait I do hehe sorry but who do u think it is? Comment on ur guess

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