A Date and A Goodnight Kiss

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I walk out to my bag and grab my black blood splatter tongue piercing and my blue lip ring and my red eyebrow ring and put them in along with my MIW plugs and walk out and the guys mouths drop all except Devin which I could give a fuck less about I ask "umm Ricky are u ready" he had his back to me and he turns and gapes I giggle he says " ohh umm yea" he looks so sexy he is wearing a dress shirt and black skinny jeans he takes my hand and leads me to a taxi and he whispered to the driver and she starts driving he looks at me and says "ohh by the way u look beautiful tonight not that u don't look beautiful any other time" I giggle and say "I understand what u mean and thank u" the driver pulls over and I see the sign says "Chez France" he grabs my hand after paying the cab and he laces his fingers through mine I moan internally at the contact he says the the lady "reservations under Horror" she gives him a smile and says "this way please" she leads us to a table and says "ur waiter will be right with u" he comes out with wine and bread sticks me and Ricky have a nice conversation and we eat and and he pays because he wouldn't let me and we leave once we get to the bus he says " I had fun tonight I would love to take u on another date if u would let me" I giggle and say " I had fun and of course u can take me on another date" he smiles and leads me onto the bus the guys just laugh I say " I'm going to bed night" lead Ricky to the bunks and say " thank u for tonight I had a lot on my mind it was nice to forget about it" I stand up on my toes and kiss him he kisses back and pulls away and says "ur welcome beautiful goodnight" I smile and say "goodnight" he walks out and I strip my normal clothes and put on just a sports bra and yoga pants with my cut up MIW shirt I curl up under the blankets and drift off to sleep thinking about Ricky.

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