Ch.1 "Ignore The Rules"

Start from the beginning

I went to the elevator and got out at the highest floor. I knocked on the door and heard a "Come in."

I entered. The room had a fireplace at one end. Garmadon was standing next to it, with his lower arms behind his back while he was staring at the fire.

I entered and closed the door behind me. "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes, and you're an hour late," he said and turned around with a glare on his face "How many times did I tell you to not go into the city without my permission?"



"I didn't listen to you."


"I wanted to bring you candy."

"Yes, that's right- wait what?" he asked confused "Candy? You went to bring candy?"

"Not really, I went to take a walk and saw the candy shop on the way," I said and handed him the bag that contained his share of the candy and chocolate.

"Wow these look delicious, but that's not the point!" he glared at me again and carried the bag with one of his lower arms "you can't bribe me with some candy to forgive you for leaving the volcano without permission."

I sighed and put my candy bag on the long table which was on one of the room's sides. I crossed my arms and spoke "that's not fair. You never let me leave unless I have a mission. Which is never! And what's the point of giving me a motorcycle if I'm not going to use it?"

"I sent you to bring me sushi last week."

"That's not what I meant! And that was the first time I see the city since I was little."

He tried not to laugh while adding "and you got lost and got your phone stolen."

"But I've beaten up the thief and got my phone back. But can you please listen to me?"

"Oh wait, I wanted to tell you that I'll attack the city in less than an hour," he said, changing the subject, as if attacking the city was a hobby he did every day. And it actually was.

"And let me guess, you want me to stay here and do nothing."

"You won't do nothing, you have homework," he said as if it was going to make me feel better.

I stared out the windows into the city and said "I just wish you would trust me enough to handle a mission."

He put one of his upper hands on my shoulder and spoke in a comforting manner "Come on Y/n, look at the bright side."

"And what's that?"

"You have enough time to train. And one day you'll become my general number one."

Did he even listen to any of what I said? I didn't want to wait. I was tired of waiting. I've learned fighting and became so good at it, I have even beaten my trainer's level. So what's the point of waiting?

But I kept that to myself, and instead, I nodded my head in silent and said "Okay..."

He headed to the door with the candy bag and said before he could head out "Oh, and thanks for the candy. I'll eat those while conquering the city."

He slammed the door shut and I was left with nothing but my thoughts and a deadly silence.

I turned my head to my candy bag. I took my small candy bag and left the chocolate in my bedroom and chose an outfit from my closet.

I always wanted an outfit for when I go on missions and stuff. Like Garmadon's generals, but I would never humiliate myself by wearing a shark outfit. I even chose my evil nickname. But I doubt I'd ever use it because of Garmadon saying I'm not ready yet.

I wore the outfit and stared at myself in the mirror. It wasn't the best, but it could do the job. After all, I did it myself when I sneaked into my designer's workshop.

I walked back and forth, eating my candy and thinking if I should leave the volcano and join in the fun of attacking the city. After staring at my ring that calls my motorcycle for too long, I made my decision and took what's left from my candy and went to get my motorcycle.


I left the underwater tunnel and its door closed automatically after I left. The sky was still so dark and full of stars while the only difference from before was that people were running to their houses and screaming. The place was in chaos. Good Morning Ninjago show must have never expected the attack.

I arrived at nine thirty p.m. Garmadon's mech was heading to the mayor's office while the generals were everywhere causing trouble. I went after Garmadon but far enough for him to not see me.

I heard a kid yell between the screams of panicking people "where are the ninjas?"

Yeah, that was a little weird. Where were they? Weren't they a bit late? Well, I guessed it's Garmadon's lucky day and brushed the thought of those ninjas away.

I rode my motorcycle on the bridge behind a few cars. A shark general and other shark members came and blew up the bridge before I could yell at them to stop, sending me and the other cars down.

I screamed in panic, no use. I tried to hang on to my motorcycle for some reason as if it was going to fly and save me, I lost my grip on it. I could see myself almost hitting the ground.

I'm going to die, I thought. That's it, I'm never going to become the super villain I've always wanted to be. I closed my eyes tight. You lived a short life, Y/n, now it's time to die, I thought waiting for my skull to hit the ground and I get sent to hell.

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