Ch.24 "Trapped"

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That stupid green apple left me on the rooftop of an abandoned building in an empty area with no neighbors or any way to get out.

Before he could fly away, I yelled at him "Seriously? The spider web incident wasn't even that bad! What the hell is this for?!"

He crossed his arms while his dragon mech was flying still in the air. "Garmadon could've blown me up when you left me trapped in there. Why can't I put you in danger in return?"

I looked around, thinking of ways to get down. I could open the rooftop door and get down the stairs, then call my motorcycle to get me... Hold up, my motorcycle is dead, I forgot. Damn it.

I sighed then looked at Lloyd. "What?" He asked, "You put me in danger, so I returned the favor. Won't you try to leave?"

"Don't tell me what to do." I walked to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. What did I expect?

I walked to the edge and looked down. The fall would definitely kill me, or leave me completely paralyzed for the rest of my life. I hoped for the first.

I glanced at Lloyd who was humming a song and still in the air near the building. But he was far enough that I couldn't jump to his mech and knock him down to escape. Again, damn it.

"Why are you still here?" I asked.

"I can be wherever I want, octopus girl." He added "Nice outfit, by the way. Did you rob an aquarium?"

"Haha, very funny."

"I know I'm hilarious, thank you."

"Hilarious to laugh at."

The building shook a bit. Oh was about to go down, wasn't it?

I ran to the rooftop door again. I couldn't open it no matter what. And I couldn't break it either.

I went to the side closest to the trees. Maybe if I jumped, I could slide down the tree and leave. But the tree wasn't close enough.

I looked for any balconies, there was one just one floor below me. I could jump there then get into the building.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Any strong movement would bring the building down."

"How did you even find this place?"

"An explorer got stuck in here once and we had to come save him. He was trying to steal the fortune in the basement."

I gave him a look. "And you thought that was safe to tell me? A criminal who can just go and get whatever is in that basement?"

"You can't even get out of your current situation, so I see no threat."

The rooftop shook again as I walked, but stronger this time.

"Shouldn't you go save the city or something?"

"I sent orders for my friends to take my place." He took out his phone and started doing something.

God help me. When I get out, I'm going to punch him in the face and make sure to leave bruises. I don't even care that he's the same cinnamon roll I did a history project with.

The building shook again with my movement. And I started rushing to find a way down.

I couldn't jump from the building; I'd die. I couldn't jump to the trees; I'd fall to the ground and possibly die. I couldn't kick down the door (I tried again and again).

I looked at the balcony beneath me. Come on, you can do this. Since stupid apple head Lloyd won't help you, you have to get out of this situation yourself. Remember, you're a trained spy. You'll be okay.

I climbed over the edge of the roof. The building kept shaking, as it would fall down at any moment.

Lloyd was still busy on his phone, then I felt my own phone vibrate in my pocket. I put it on silent earlier.

It was Lloyd.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

Oh god.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just checking on you. You aren't standing in the hallway like last time, aren't you?"

I pretended I was looking for a way to get out, just so Greenie wouldn't suspect anything. Then I texted.

"No, where are you by the way? You aren't in the cafeteria with the rest of us."

I glanced at Lloyd, he wasn't typing. He stared at me- Wait, he stared at me?

"What? I'm about to call somebody to take me from here," I said.

"Well, hurry up."

"Why do you even care?" I asked. "You're the one who brought me here."

He didn't answer and just got back to his phone.

I opened my contacts and called Brandon. He picked up and was talking so fast. "Where are you? I can't find you anywhere. Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay, no need for yelling. Except that the Green Ninja trapped me on an abandoned building's roof with no way out."

"He did what now? I'm coming, tell me where you are."

I asked Lloyd "Where even are we?"

"Not telling you."

"You're so annoying." I looked for anything remarkable about this place, I couldn't see the city. Where the heck were we?

"Hello? Are you still there?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know where I am."

"Tell me where your motorcycle is and call it so I can follow it to you."

"Umm...It fell down the bridge, again."

He sighed. "Well, I guess I can't do anything right now." He paused for a second. "Wait, Garmadon is calling me. I'll look for you later, I promise."

I sighed. "Fine" And I hung up in his face then turned to Lloyd. "Why did you even bring me here? This is so unnecessary.

"I'm enjoying seeing you this stressed out."

Damn you, Lloyd.

I said "Well, I'm getting bored. Can't we at least fight or something?"

He thought then answered "Sure, why not?" He jumped down from his mech then sent it to the ground. The building shook at his feet. He's going to doom us both eventually.

I put my phone back in my pocket then ran to attack the so-calm-Lloyd.

He didn't even flinch. All he did was yawn then raised his fist and punched me in the face.

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