Ch.45 "Back To School"

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I arrived at school after visiting the hospital for my doctor's appointment an hour ago. What Lloyd said to S/n about not telling me he's the Green Ninja did not really matter, after all, it's only my third week of being in Ninjago, and if he told his secrets to every girl he knew for less than a week, it wouldn't be a secret anymore.

I saw and talked to Maggie on my way to my first class, she had a lot of team practice to do today because they had a big football match on Wednesday. I wished her well and went to Math class.

Lloyd had Biology for his first class, and we would meet up in English before lunch.

Nya and I both had Math and sat together the whole class.

Math class went by and Biology came.

Mr. Carson, our teacher, asked me how I was since I missed four days of school because I was in the hospital, and he said, after I assured him that I was just a bit ill for the past days, that I don't have to worry about the homework and lectures I missed on and that I'm excused from today's exam.

I don't know if it was because I'm the only one who could talk back to him or he was actually being nice. But I had to admit, my respect for him grew from zero to one percent.

Kai looked like he didn't want to take the exam either but didn't say anything and suffered in silence.


Lloyd was sitting and leaning his back against his locker by the time English class was about to start.

I asked him as I took my things from my own locker, "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired, my bones are tired, my neck is tired, every part of me is screaming at me in pain."

"You had P.E., didn't you?"

He nodded.

"Come on, let's go, we have English."

"But I don't want to walk."

"You have two choices, then: either you crawl there, or I carry you bridal style in front of the whole school, and that won't be embarrassing at all." I added, "Please don't choose the latter, I don't want to break my back."

He stood up and took his stuff from his locker and we started walking to English class.

On our way, a familiar guy was walking to our class as well.

I called after him, "Francis?"

Francis turned around and smiled, "Hey, Y/n." He approached us and said, "How are you doing?"

"Amazing, I'm the only one who didn't have to take the biology exam."

Lloyd asked, "You two know each other?"

I answered, "Not much, he writes stories online and we happened to meet at the café yesterday."

Francis asked me, "You also have English?"


"Cool, let's go, class will start."

We entered the classroom and I sat next to Lloyd in the back of the class. Francis sat near us, next to the brunette cheerleader. And Nya and Jay said hi to Lloyd and I as they entered and sat together.

The teacher came and looked happier than ever.

A student asked him, "You look happy today, sir. Is there a special occasion?"

"Yes." He then started talking about how he caught a fish that was the size of a toddler when he went fishing with Will -that's Mr. Carson's first name- yesterday. He added after he finished the story, "I think he's mad at me for catching more fish than him. Who had a biology class? Did he seem mad?"

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