Ch.38 "Staying With The Garmadons"

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"Uhhh...Why are you wearing my son's hoodie?" Koko asked me when Lloyd and I went to his apartment.

"The waiter dropped my drink on my sweatshirt..."

She took a sip from her mug. I didn't know what she was drinking. "Oh, okay then. But why are you not home?"

Lloyd answered before I could, "She lost her keys."

All she said was, "Yeah, sure that happened." Ma'am, I'm not making excuses to stay here, I'd rather be home...if I could.

She sipped her mug again. "Does any of you want some hot chocolate?"

We both said "Me," and she started making some.

"By the way, Y/n. You can give me your shirt and I'll wash it for you."

"Oh, that won't be necessary-"

"Did I ask? It's going to be permanently ruined if it doesn't get washed as soon as possible."

I said, "Fine...thank you."

Lloyd said, "I'm going to my room." He left the kitchen with his comic bag and plushie.

I sat on the couch in the living room and hugged my plushie. Koko asked from the kitchen, "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah...But I lost him at the comic bookstore, just like you warned me."

She laughed. "Typical Lloyd, that always happens. Did you go anywhere else?"

"The café where my smoothie dropped on my sweatshirt, and a temporary tattoo parlor."

She paused. "A tattoo parlor?" She walked towards me with a smile "What tattoo did you get?"

I pointed at my tattoo near my right eye.

"That looks cute. What did Lloyd get? Please tell me it's nothing ridiculous."

Cindergreen opened his bedroom door. He was wearing dark green pants and a light green t-shirt. "You called me?"

She answered, "What's your tattoo?"

He showed her his left hand with the cute panda tattooed on it.

"That's adorable. I thought you'd get something stupid."

"Mom, stop making fun of me." He looked at his hand and added, "I'll go wash it now."

Oh yeah, I have to wash mine too.

He closed the bedroom door behind him and stopped himself from going into the kitchen as sniffed the air. "Is something burning?"

Koko quickly looked toward the kitchen. "Oh no, the hot chocolate!" She ran to the hot chocolate. Some of it poured on her hand, she yelped and hissed then threw the rest in the sink and washed her hand.

She sighed as she turned off the water tap. "I have to make another one."

"I can help," I said as I walked into the kitchen with Lloyd.

"No, it's fine. You kids go play or something. I'll make dinner too."

Play? How old does she think we are? Now I see why Garmadon was the perfect match for her.

Lloyd went to wash his tattoo in the sink then showed me how the tattoo was now painted on his skin, and not like some cake frosting on top of it.

Koko was busy preparing to make dinner.

I handed Lloyd my plushie to wash my tattoo.

He told me after I took it back from him, "Wait a second, I'll be back." He returned to his room for a bit and I went to the living room and sat on the couch again.

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