Ch.18 "How To Get Someone's Phone Number"

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I opened my window and stared at the night sky, letting the cold breeze of air kiss my awfully tired face. I just got back from Chen's party and I had nothing else to do.

Last time I saw Brandon was yesterday on Friday. And my job at the candy store was exhausting, considering I had to work while my arm was still healing.

Speaking of my burnt arm, it wasn't getting any better and it still looked like burnt zombie flesh. Just in case you were wondering.

My attention shifted to the sound of a window opening in front of me. Lloyd got his head out to look at the sky, his blond hair was kind of messy, as if he just got out of night. He was wearing a green T-shirt. I swear, this dude always wears green, and I'm concerned about that.

He rested his chin on his hand and said to me "Hello, Y/n."

I waved hello and continued staring at the sky.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Everything is fine." I stared at the windows below me. I was so tired, not just physically.

He wasn't satisfied with that answer. "Are you sure? You can tell me, I might be able to help."

I let out a long sigh. "I just wish things would be easier." If only it was easier to figure out the identities of the ninja. And I'm sure it's obvious and that I'm the stupid one who doesn't see it.

"I know what you mean. Things just seem to get worse and worse."

No, you don't know what I mean. You don't have a secret mission that puts your future at risk, Lloyd.

"If only we could at least skip school," I said "I mean, what's the point in leaving our homes if we were going to get attacked by Garmadon anyway? Why are we even risking our lives? It's not even worth it."

He nodded "You're right. If only my mom would let me drop out of school and become homeschooled."

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"You know why, everyone does. It's not like seeing people at school is doing me any good." He added "Being bullied and called names every day is not fun at all."

I stared into his green eyes which seem to get more and more familiar each day. "I feel you. People are hella annoying."

He kept the awkward silence for a few seconds then asked "Was being homeschooled better than going to an actual school?"

Oh, you don't want to know about my experience.

"Well, it's different for each person. I was actually okay with it, it wasn't that bad, except that the attention was all on me which made things kind of uncomfortable." I added "And it made my dad so mad whenever I got things wrong, saying that I had all the time and attention and still didn't get it right-"

"Wait a minute, your dad?" He asked "Didn't you say that he...?"

"He's my adoptive father." I don't know why I didn't leave it there, and instead said "Well...actually he didn't adopt me either, but it would be hard to refer to him in front of people without explaining."

He was so confused. "So he took you in when you were a kid? Is that what you're saying?"


"Isn't that literally child abduction?"

"It is-" -Wait a damn minute. Damn, I forgot that Garmadon literally kidnapped me. Meh, it wouldn't make a difference either way.

"But...just leave it there, okay? I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, even though I should be calling the police right now." I gave him a glare, he added "Or maybe not."

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