Ch.59 "Pride And Prejudice And My Sleepy Cousin"

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Amy and I sat on my bed in my bedroom, covered with a blanket and eating popcorn and sweets as she opened her laptop and we started watching the Pride and Prejudice 2005 movie adaptation since it's the most famous one.

"My mom likes this movie, she never read the book though so I can't rely on her opinion," Amy said and opened a Snickers bar.

"I have a feeling it won't be good," I said and started the movie. Amy had downloaded every adaptation she could find onto her laptop.

I had moved in with my brother Brandon after the attack three months ago. I couldn't go out anywhere because of my injuries that were still healing, and I spent most of my time in bed because it was still hard to move without every part of me hurting.

I had Wattpad and some books, and Amy came over often to spend time with me and lend me books to read. So I wasn't really bored.

Poor Amy, her house's entire second floor was wrecked during the attack and her room didn't survive. She didn't complain about her books being in a bad condition when she found them though.

"It's okay. I saved Sam, and that's what's important," she said when she first saw the damage on the second floor, with all her things scattered around and broken. It was a miracle that her laptop survived. It turned out that she forgot it on the first floor before going to prom.

Today, her room is re-built. It just needs to get re-painted before putting the furniture into it again. Amy's old furniture was mostly broken.

Amy asked, "Why did they make the Bennets poorer than they are supposed to be? That doesn't make any sense!"

"A 'rich boy x poor girl' trope fan service."

"Where did the farm idea even come from? It isn't in the book. I've already memorized everything in the book."

That adaptation didn't get much praise from Amy, except for a few countable moments. She liked some of the actors though.

Next adaptation.

Amy didn't like it.

It was okay to me.

Next adaptation.

I didn't like it.

Amy liked it.

One after one, we were watching them without breaks unless they were bathroom breaks or we ran out of food. And we ran out of food a dozen of times.

Our last adaptation was the 1995 mini-series. Six hour-long episodes. We didn't watch it instantly though; we were too tired and needed a break. We've been watching the screen for hours and hours non-stop. And it was twelve o'clock, at midnight. Also, Amy's laptop must be cursing us for not giving it a break.

Amy helped me walk into the living room and I sat on the couch while Amy went to get some water.

The door opened and Brandon got in with Jane.

Brandon was wearing a tuxedo, carrying his jacket over his shoulder and had a dumb smile on his face. His hair looked like he just woke up.

Jane wore a fancy long blue dress with a white jacket over it and black high heels. And don't get me started on her gorgeous makeup.

I said, "It's twelve o'clock, where have you been?"

Brandon took a glance at his girlfriend then said, "Uhhh...traffic?"

"Your car is getting fixed, you can't drive it." I asked, "No seriously, where were you?"

Jane answered because Brandon did nothing but smile at me, in a dumb 'I'm not suspicious' way, "I took him to my sister's wedding. The groom got him to drink alcohol. He got drunk and sleepy. And I had to drag him away from the couch he fell asleep on and take him home safely."

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