Ch.37 "Jinx"

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"I'm so sorry!" The waiter apologized. "I did not mean to drop it, I swear-""

"Just shut up, I'm not blaming you." Oh god, what if it reached my zombie arm? My bandages... "Where's the bathroom?"

A woman sitting on a near table said to me and pointed somewhere "Over there."

I said to Lloyd "Watch my bag," and ran to the bathroom with no second thoughts. My sweatshirt was soaked in the mint lemonade smoothie. At least I'd smell like mints?

It was a small bathroom, only one person could fit in there at a time. I stared at my sweatshirt. I couldn't get out like this, why didn't I bring extra clothes?

Well, it's not like you could predict this, Y/n...oh wait, you actually jinxed it at home. Great job.

I took off my sweatshirt after locking the door. Thank god, the smoothie only reached the lower tips of the bandages.

I quickly washed my sweatshirt in the sink and hung it over the bag-hanger on the wall.

Someone knocked on the door. Lloyd asked from outside, "Do you need anything? Your bag, maybe?"

"I need to get a new shirt, that's for sure."

"I can go to the mall and get you one right now," Lloyd suggested.


" can wear my hoodie in the meantime. I don't want you to get cold or hold the line to the bathroom."

May I remind you that this is our first date?

"Umm...okay, thank you."

I slightly unlocked and opened the door while hiding behind it with only my hand out. He gave me his grey hoodie. I knew it wouldn't last long since the beginning of the date.

I closed the door and started tearing the wet tip of the bandage on my arm, luckily, it was just below the burned spot, not over it.

I carefully wore the hoodie and zipped it all the way up then took down my sweatshirt from the wall and got out of the bathroom.

I said to Lloyd who was wearing a green t-shirt and holding my bag out for me to take, "Or maybe we could stay here and go shopping later?"

He looked at me, at his hoodie that I was wearing, then said "Okay, are you sure?"

"Yeah, we got a solution so why not?"

We headed to our table that was getting cleaned and took our stuff -the comic bag and plushies- and sat somewhere else. I left my bag with Lloyd and went to ask the barista for a bag -plastic or paper, whatever- to put my washed sweatshirt in then went back to sit with Lloyd.

I could re-wash it later, I don't want to leave it in the bathroom alone.

The same waiter came and apologized to me. he looked like he was Brandon's age. I told him it was okay, it was an accident, it wasn't his fault. He left after telling us they'll re-make my drink, since the cakes and Lloyd's smoothie were safe and they just brought them back to us.

I started eating and chatting with Lloyd right away as if nothing happened.


When we left the café, I told Lloyd to ditch the shopping and that I would return his hoodie tomorrow...If I remembered.

He said he wanted to go somewhere and when we arrived at the street it was in, he told me to close my eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't you trust me?"


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