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After Jeno arrived home, Taeyong who was eating dinner alone, asked him.

"Why are you so late today?". Taeyong put a spoon of rice in his mouth. Jeno sat down next to him.

"I have some talk with Naeun noona". He started eating.

"Liar. I know you go find about Naeun again" Taeyong guessed because he knew Jeno kept looking for their sibling, Lee Naeun.

"I really met Naeun noona who is your boss" He made an annoying face.

"Stop looking for her. She won't be back" Taeyong told Jeno. Even though he said that, it didn't mean he didn't care about his younger sister but because he thought she was lost. He's always missing Naeun like Jeno did everyday.

"How can you say these things, hyung? I have been looking for her for many years since I became an adult. I will never stop" Jeno's hot-tempered personality was shown now. He was so sensitive with Taeyong's words.

"It's useless, Jeno. We can't find her" Taeyong frowned his eyebrows, wanting to let Jeno knew that Naeun will never be found.

"Trust me, she's still alive. I will find her" Jeno stopped eating, stood up and went to his room, leaving Taeyong in unknown world. He didn't know if Naeun's still alive or died. He felt hopeless since they lost her.


The next day came, Taeyong walked into the company and saw Naeun was back to work.

"Good morning, Ms. Naeun? Are you fine now?" He appraoched her and asked.

"Yes, I'm good now. Thanks for asking" Naeun smiled. She never lose her smile whenever she talked.

"That's nothing. You don't have to thank me" Taeyong chuckled.

"The work you told me to prepare, I have already done it and sent to you as well" Taeyong suddenly talked about work while getting in the elevator as well as Naeun. It started going up suddenly.

"Ohhh...I haven't checked it yet. Please come to my office when you finish work" Naeun gave order before getting out of the elevator.

"Yes, I will" Taeyong bowed to her and walked out too.

"Good morning, everyone!" He said out loud when he entered the work place.

"Good morning, Taeyongiee!~"

"Morning, boy"

"Good morning, handsome"

Because he's the youngest among them, so they always replied him with sweet words. Everyone there takes care of him really well and always appreciate his work.
Taeyong smiled at everyone before sat down on his place.

At 6 pm, it's time to be off work, Taeyong quickly prepared his things and went to meet Naeun. When he knocked the door and entered the office, she still worked without stopping.

"I'm here, Ms." Taeyong said politely as always.

"Hmmm...yes it's great you're here now. Look at this. I think you calculate those things wrong. Please check it again. Tomorrow, we'll have to send goods to China" Naeun handed him the works he sent to her by email and she printed it out.

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