Chapter 3

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Louis POV 

  Being mated with a merman is awesome! Add on the fact that he is gorgeous, sweet, funny, considerate, talented, an amazing cook and his name being Harry Styles makes it one thousand times better. I'm so happy Niall suggested we came to this place or else we would have never met him. We've been mated for about three months now and nothing could be more prefect. We bought ourselves a little condo next to the lagoon so we can always see each other. Every morning we walk to the beach and meet him at our place, he then turns into a human and every night we walk him back to the lagoon where he always gives us a kiss and tail wave goodbye.

 "Are you guys ready?" Liam asks putting on his flip flops waiting for us at the back door. "HAS ANYONE SEEN A CLEAN PAIR OF SHORTS FOR HARRY!" Niall yells at the top of the stairs collecting clothes for Harry to wear today. 'BOTTOM DRAWER TO THE LEFT' I yell up, hearing a bit of shuffling and a "yes!" come from upstair I can tell he found them. "Come on Zayn we don't want to be late for Harry." Niall says as he runs down the stairs, hearing a grunt from the morning person he slips his way down the stair making his way towards the coffee pot. Just grabbing the whole pot putting some creamer in it he swirls the pot around in his hand, taking a sip from it he nods his head and the four of us make our way towards the meeting spot. As we make our way towards the rock its quite with no humming coming from our mermaid. We approach the rock not only to find no humming but also no Harry. "Odd... he's usually here before we get here" Liam says as we walk to the rock looking around to see if we can find any sign of Harry. "Maybe he's on his way?" Zayn suggests looking doubtful, we nod and make ourselves comfortable around the rock hoping he'll show up soon.

 Its half past noon and still no sight of Harry, we're starting to become worried. 'Niall what do we do? he isn't here yet.' I ask the one who knows the most about merfolk. "I don't know" he simply says looking a bit anxious of not knowing what to do next. "There has to be some way we can get a hold of him or at least try to." Zayn says looking out on the lagoon. "Niall where did you hear about the legend?" Liam asks "Stories from the local library. Why?" Niall looks puzzled. "Boys I know how to get in contact with Harry. We need to go to the library." Liam states brushing the sand off his shorts the four of us make our way to the local library.

 "Hello Gentlemen, is there anything I can help you with?" the little old lady asks as she sits behind the counter. 'Yes could you point us in the direction of your merfolk legends?' I ask her, she gives us a nod and points over to the left "Just keep going straight that way, you cant miss it." she says, we give her a nod in thanks making our way to the section. She wasn't wrong when she said we wouldn't miss it. It was surrounded by pictures of merfolk swimming in the sea with a big statue of two men in the middle sitting down next to each other . One of the men, the human held the little boy on his hip while the other man, the merman with one arm probing himself up while the other held his pregnant stomach. The two looking at each other with so much love for one another as if nothing but their little family mattered. We walk over to the shelves searching for any books that maybe of use to us when one portrait caught my eye. It was a young merman and mermaid floating side by side with a little mermaid in-between them smiling widely for the portrait, while the mother held onto an infant covered by a blanket that only exposed their little face and brown curls. "I found something!" Zayn says snapping me from my hypnotic state. We all drop what we're doing and rush over to see what he's found, pointing at the page he reads allowed "In order to travel into the realm of merfolk, one must find a conk-shell and blow. A mermaid will come to the surface asking of what your purpose is and if they deem it reasonable they will take you to it." he smiles as he finished. "Well guess we need to head back to the lagoon." Niall says, we make our way out of the library thanking the old lady that helped us once again before we head back to the beach. "Okay everyone split up and find a shell" Liam says we nod and walk off in different directions hoping to find one. 

 "I'VE GOT IT!" Niall yells excitedly. We stop our search and head over to the waves where Niall blows into the conk. It bellows a deep sound that rippled over the water, we wait only a moment before a torso popped out from the water. "Why are you asking to come into my kingdom?" she asks sternly with an intimidating stare. "Its about our mate, Harry Styles. We haven't seen him all day and were worried about him, we were hoping if you granted us the ability to come into your kingdom we could find him." Liam says and her glare instantly softens at the mention of Harrys name. "Very well, you may enter." she says popping back into the water coming out with four peaces of seaweed in her hands. "Eat this. It will allow you to breathe underwater." she says handing us the seaweed. We each take a peace and eat it before we dive into the lagoon. Opening my eyes I take a breathe, then another, then another... this is sooo cool! She gives us a moment to get over our initial shock before she leads us to the most gorgeous place I've ever seen. It was like a big city made out of the most exquisite vibrant coral known to man. Making our way through the city we were in awe of the beauty with in it. Passing by mermaids, mermen, and merkids (or as Harry likes to refer to them as guppies) strolling along down the streets going from one place to the next. Some were alone others had a partner to swim with, I couldn't help but admire one group, two men one pregnant while the other carried the sleeping child going at his mates slow pace not wanting to rush the heavily pregnant man. I smile to myself hoping that one day that could be us and Harry with our guppies. She stops in front of a house making the rest of us halt. The house was made out of an orange coral with anemones surrounding it.

 "Good luck buys." she says in a tone as if she knows something that we don't, she swims away leaving us a bit puzzled before we shake it off and knock on the door. A mermaid opens the door looking so familiar as if I've seen her before... but where. "Hello?" she greets looking us up and down confused as to why we would be at this door. "Hello madam, we were told that Harry Styles lives here and we've been looking for him. I know that this is really weird but I swear we aren't in anyway here to harm him or..." Nialls rant was cut short as the mermaid let out a chuckle "Let me guess your his mates Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis" she asks we nod so she continues "I'm his mother Anne its very nice to meet you, please come in." she swims aside so we can enter the clean house. "I thought Harry lived on his own." Liam asks Anne only for another mermaid to come into the room looking familiar as well with a smile that looks amazing, so much so that it would be perfect for a... portrait. These are the mermaids from the portrait in the library. "He does he just needed a bit of help with him not feeling good lately so we came over. I'm Gemma by the way his older sister." she greets while the smile never faltering from her face. 'He's sick?' I ask in disbelief he was fine the other day a bit pale but other than that fine, they nod. I was about to ask another question when the sound of throwing up could be heard from upstairs. We look over at the stairs worried as the mermaids just smile. "Can we go up?" Zayn asks getting a nod from both women we rush up the stairs.

 Rounding the corner the sound becomes louder as he vomits again. We enter the bathroom the retching is coming from to see Harry lean over the toilet with his head in the bowl. He flops backwards onto the wall looking over he takes notice of us as we take notice of his tummy. Its  as if he'd eaten a big meal, just being slightly bloated but deep down we know what that really is. "I.. I can explain." he says breathlessly as fear take over his eyes "Your pregnant?" Zayn whispers as we all look at our pregnant mate breathing heavily on the floor, he nods timidly waiting for our reactions. "THIS IS AMAZING!" we yell as we rush over and envelop him into a hug being mindful of the little one inside his tummy, he burst into happy tears thankful that we were just as excited to hear the news as he was. "Now Harry, you've got to come and stay with us so we can take care of you and the little one. Is that possible?" Liam asks softly placing a hand on his tummy. He nods "I just needed my mates to ask, I can transform and stay in either form for as long as I want its one of the blessings the goddess gave us." he says wiping away the last couple of tears that left his eyes. We turn and nod our heads at each other before we look back at Harry "Harry and little one, would you like to move in with your mates and fathers" Niall asks Harry nods his head excitedly "We would love to." he says starting to tear up again.

 "Lets go home Harry." 

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  

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