Chapter 21

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 Nialls POV

   Peace doesn't always last forever, at least thats what I've learned while growing up with a gorgeous merman. It was pitch black in our room as the moon was hidden behind the clouds as the storm raged on. I awoke to the sound of muffled sobs as someone tried their hardest to walk out of the bedroom quietly. I'd know the sound of who was in distress, its our Harry. The storm must have triggered Harry as he hadn't had a nightmare all week. Shaking the others awake as I blink away the sleep from my eyes only getting grunts and small movements from the other three.

   'Boys wake up... somethings wrong with Harry.' I say with a yawn breaking my sentence into two. Luckily it still had the same effect I wanted the boys are now all sat up trying to become alert enough to function. "Vas happened?" Zayn asked still half asleep as we all roll out of our cozy bed. Hopefully by the time we return the sheets will still be warm and snuggly. 'dunno but were gonna find out.' I say with as much determination a person can muster after being awoken at two in the morning. 

   Walking into the hallway the sobs could be heard coming from downstairs which is really odd... whenever he's had a nightmare he either cries in bed or he goes into the nursery. Something definitely wasn't right, we instantly become fully awake as we all tumble down the stairs hoping that Harry isn't leaving to go back into the lagoon. The sobs stop as we reach the bottom instead they went back to being muffled by something. Fear set in me as I was terrified someone has our Harry someone like them. Racing into the kitchen my fear washed away into heart break at the saddening scene in front of me.

   Harry stood at the kitchen counter with one hand pressed against it as he leans some of his weight onto it for support, his other covering his mouth. His cheeks, nose, and eyes were red with tears still streaming down his face not even bothered to be wiped away. The whistle of the kettle Harry must have set broke us from our worried trance and before he could move Liam was guiding his onto a kitchen chair while I make his tea. No words were spoken for a while, instead just comforting hugs shared between the five of us.

   "I-I'm sorry" Harry whispered into the calm silence of the room making our hearts break even more at the thought of this is something to be sorry about. "You have nothing to be sorry about love." Louis says as he places a lingering kiss onto the crying boys forehead. "B-but I w-woke you guys up-p" he must be extremely upset about whatever happened in the nightmare as his stutter only shows when he's so worked up. 'You did no such thing darling, in fact I was the one that woke them all up. I had to pee and I guess I'm to as graceful as you when it comes to getting up.' I say getting a giggle to finally echo out from his lips.

   I give them all a look as its better for Harry to think I was the reason the rest of us woke up instead of him as he would only become more upset and technically it isn't a lie. So, therefore he won't be upset and if he ever found out that we fibbed a bit he cant get that mad because I only told him half of the truth, I truly am a genius. His tears slowed down and his sobs turned into sniffles as we all wait patiently for him to tell us whats got him so upset. Not that we dont have an idea of what caused this already, but its reassuring when our mate confides in us. "Was it another nightmare?" Liam asked softly as he twirled his fingers into Harrys curls.

   Nodding sleepily his eyes blinked closed as Liam continues to play with his adorable curls. Looking like a sleepy kitten we decide it be better if we didn't poke him as now maybe he can fall back asleep and get more rest. Zayn easily picked him up bridal style as he's the only one of us that can still carry Harry when he's this far into his pregnancy. The four of us walk up the stairs and back into our room to hopefully get Harry comfortable enough to keep sleeping. He stirred slightly as Zayn set him in the middle of our bed before blinking back into the world of the conscious.

   His nose was scrunched in pain as he placed his hand on top of his rounded stomach that stuck up in the air. "Haz whats wrong?" Liam asked slightly panicked as its still too early for the twins to come. "Too much pressure on my back." he mumbles out, making Louis up smack Zayn on the back of the head before helping Harry roll over onto his left side. "Pregnant people aren't supposed to sleep on their backs as it isn't good for them or baby." Louis states as he climbed into bed behind Harry supporting his back while he instructed one of us to lay on our back in front of him and let him support his belly on ours. Blinking at him slowly we stood shocked at all this information he knew. He must have known what we were thinking by our looks of confusion "Me mums a midwife I know this stuff remember?" he states dryly. "OOOH" the three of us say in unison why doing what was instructed, Liam taking Harrys bump while Zayn was behind Louis and I behind Liam.

   The five of us all slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Baby will be coming soon so... another chapter where I can collect more name suggestions as I want to do the reveal soon but would like more of your ideas to choose from. Do you think Harry will tell the boys his nightmare in the morning? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the nightmare or should both be mer or should they both be human? If both or one is mer what should the color of their tail be? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean/beachy related names would be great :) Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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