Chapter 19

546 19 1

Louis POV

   I cant do it anymore!

   I cant take the nights full of his terrified screams! I cant stand knowing my boyfriend is suffering from what I think is some kind of horrifying memory! I cant stand that only one of us can help him! I cant stand having to sit and watch and pretend nothing wrong is happening! I cant stand not knowing the reason!

   As Niall and I walk down the aisles of the store with him manning the cart while I direct whats on our list, I cant help but think these angered thoughts. Harry is struggling as all of us can see it but he and Niall refuse to admit it just wanting to continue on in their days as if everything is normal. Nothing about having recurring nightmares night after night is normal! The pain is in his eyes as his smile no longer reaches them, the only time it does is when he's talking about the babies. His smile may tell one story but his dull green eyes and purple large bags under them tell a different one. The only thing thats keeping me from snapping is that the man will break at some point. At some point they'll have to tell us about these horrific nightmares... right?

   "Is that everything? We probably should hurry if its not, Harry could wake up soon?" Niall asks trying to hide the panic undertone he had as he thinks of Harry. 'yeah Ni, thats it' I sigh as he's right Harry could wake up at any moment panicking and having no one to comfort him. Niall isn't with him, the only person who can get him to not have a massive panic attack, we really didn't think this split up threw. We race towards the self check out making our departure from the store faster we speed back home hoping we'd get there right before he woke up.

   Luck was on our side as he still laid peacefully in Liam and Zayn grasps, smiling lightly as Zayn stroked his curls. Even in his sleep he loves the feeling of light fingers massaging his chocolate curls. He looked peaceful as he slept, his cheeks no longer looked sunken in, his skin slowly growing less pale, the bags under his eyes becoming a little lighter, no lines of worry etched onto his face, just peaceful sleep something he most definitely deserves.

   As I put away the last of the groceries is when his eyes slowly flutter open. No screams or tears just soft tired eyes adjusting to the light in the room. "G'monin" he giggled out sleepily as he leans his head into the palm of Zayn's hand currently tangled in his curls. "Good evening love." Liam says as the four of us take a collective sigh of relief as their wasn't any nightmare allowing him to have a good rest.

   Scrunching his brows together in confusion he slowly with the help of Zayn gets up and waddles towards the kitchen. "YOU LET ME SLEEP TILL SIX O'CLOCK!" he yells from the kitchen on his way back to the family room giving us a huff as he sets his hands on his hips. "Sorry babe but you needed the sleep." Zayn says placing a kiss on his cheek in order to simmer Haz's mood swings down. 'Plus you were to cute to wake up.' he giggled at my excuse as a light pink blush dusted his cheeks looking down towards his bump shyly.

   "Right! Now that thats settled we can get back to more important matters like thinking of names." Liam said as he clapped his hands together. "LiLi I'm too tired to think" Harry whined as he came over to the couch with a box of goldfish tucked under his arm while his other hand rested on his bump. "But you just had a six hour nap?!" Niall asked astonished by Harrys exhaustion, I swear if looks could kill Niall would be long gone by now.

   "Well Mr. Horan!" thats when we know he's in trouble as Harry only refers to us by our last names when he's really annoyed. "I don't know if this thought ever occurred to you but I am growing, not one but TWO BABIES! Both of which are all of your sons who love to keep me up at night along with these dreams. Along with the fact that I'm extremely uncomfortable do to them constantly squishing my organs, especially my bladder. So excuse me if I'm a bit to tired to think of names!" he says deathly calm making Niall turn white in the process while Liam, Zayn, and I are trying to not burst out laughing at look on his face. Knowing very well that if we did laugh Harry would give us the same fear inducing look.

   "Sorry Haz" he muttered out not even daring to look at our pissed off eight months pregnant boyfriend. "You will only be forgiven if you get me my Nutella along with my pickles." he states with his arms crossed over his protruding tummy. Niall quickly got Harry his desired ingredients to make his disgusting looking craving of pickle dipped in Nutella with goldfish sprinkled on top of the dipped pickle. Niall definitely learned his lesson...

  Always be understanding with a pregnant person

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Glad Harry got a break from the nightmares, but will the break last? Who are the men from Harrys recurring nightmares? Will we ever find out more about Harry and Nialls past? Do you think Maybe we'll find out more about their past next chapter? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the nightmare or should both be mer or should they both be human? If both or one is mer what should the color of their tail be? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean related names would be great :) Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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