Chapter 16

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English translation: 

Between here, between now
Between the north, between the south
Between the west, between the east
Between time, between space

From the shell
The song of the sea
Neither quiet nor calm
Searching fiercely for
My love

Between the winds, between the waves
Between the sands, between the shore
From the shell
The song of the sea
Neither quiet nor calm
Searching fiercely for 

Between the stones, between the storm
Between belief, between the sea
I am between love

Harrys POV

  I ran as fast as I could, my legs were tiring and my chest was burning but I couldn't stop. I couldn't let them catch me, I dove into a shrub and pray to the goddess that they don't find me. How could they be... The mens boots could be heard echoing through the woods as they search for me, placing a hand over my ragged breathe I try to be as quite as possible as they near my hiding spot. The boots no longer echoed, instead a sharp cry one from an infant was heard.

  My babies!

  Ignoring the fact of the most likely trap I ran towards the sounds of my boys cries. Please let me be there in time, please let me save them was all I was thinking as I ran. Entering a clearing I could see my babies and my mates along with those horrid men. "GET EM'!" Everett yelled leaving me no time to react I become drenched turning me back into my true form. Samson pinned me down as Calvin tied my tail and arms together, I squirm as I'm desperate to get out of their hold and over to the loves of my life. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn were tied up on their knees and gagged, I could see the tear tracks running down their cheeks as they watch their mate struggle.One of my boys was wrapped nicely in a damp towel exposing the red tail he sports while the other boy was being held upside-down by one of his legs crying as Killian was hurting him. Crying I try hard to break their escape but to no use, I stay stuck as I watch them hold my poor boys.

  Everett gives his men a look of pure delight watching everything. He looks down at my boy he's holding, cynically cooing at the sleeping innocent infant in his arms. "Well boys I've finally won my prize, even got an extra surprise as well..." he says proudly looking at me with a wicked smirk. "What about this one?" Thomas asked as Killian holds the baby up higher making his wails turn to screams. "Do the same as what we're gonna do to their fathers... kill them."


  I spring forward as the sound of a gun was still rattling around in my head. Sweat drips from my forehead as I realize I was asleep, it was only a dream. Turning over to see all four of my mates peacefully dreaming, breathing a sigh of relief I try to regain my sense of reality. My boys must of have sensed my distress as they kicked around trying to reassure me as well that it was only an awful dream, that those men are dead and can no longer harm us. I try and steady my breathing as tears stream down my face like a river. Unable to even think about falling back asleep I slowly peel myself off of the bed making sure my mates were still sleeping soundly. I waddled down the halls quietly and sneak into the nursery, lowering myself into the rocking chair I try to calm babies down as their kicks were starting to make my tummy sore. An old lullaby my mother used to sing to me whenever I was upset which always calmed me down popped back into my head, with no other options on calming them/myself down I give the song a try.

Idir ann is idir as

Idir thuaidh is idir theas

Idir thiar is idir thoir

Idir am is idir áit

As an sliogán

Amhrán na farraige

Suaimhneach ná ciúin

Ag cuardú go damanta

Mo ghrá

Idir gaoth is idir tonn

Idir tuile is idir trá

As an sliogán

Amhrán na Farraige

Suaimhneach ná ciúin

Ag cuardú go damanta

Idir cósta, idir cloch

Idir brí is idir muir

Tá mé idir ghrá

  The door creaked just as the boys harsh kicks settled down into tiny fluttery movements and the lullaby finished. Still on edge I place a protective hand over my bump and ready myself to fight, only for no fight prep to be needed. My tired mates stood in the door way utterly confused at the startling moves I was making. Niall watched me carefully as he slowly approached me sticking one hand out, just like he did when we first met as children. I melt into his arms once he becomes close enough and sob into his shoulder unable to hold my fears in silence any longer. "Hazza whats wrong?" he asked in a concerned tone as he rocked us slowly back and forth in a calming manner. "They're dead right NiNi? They cant get us anymore right?" he stiffens a little, he knows exactly who I'm talking about without me having to mention a name. Pulling away from me a little so I can look into his eyes I can see the serious held within them. "They're dead Hazza and they are nor will anyone be coming after you or our babies, I promise." he states pulling me back into another tight hug.

  "Is that why you were singing that song love?" he asked after we stood there for a few moments in silence, holding onto each other in a loving embrace. I nod into his shoulder causing him to let out a faint chuckle, I pull away and give him a confused expression. "Don't you remember?" he asked slowly sitting me back onto the rocking chair as he stood crouched in front of me. Shaking my head as I have no indication of what he's referring to he's happy to fill me in on the joke I was missing. "We were eight and I was being stupid as I was running from rock to rock trying to impress you. I hopped onto one rock only to fall off and hurt my knee, I was blubbering like a baby but not for the reason one would think, which is getting hurt. Instead I was crying because I made such a fool of myself in front of the most gorgeous merboy in the world AND I hurt myself. It just so happened that I fell next to you, you hoisted me up and onto your scaly lap and hushed me whilst I cried. You kissed my tear tracks and started to sing that lullaby to me. My tears stopped and you were so happy that you were able to help that you made us slip off the rock you were sitting on because you were bouncing from joy..." 'I remember the rest of the day was filled with our laughter as we continuously made fools out of ourselves.' I giggle as the memory came flooding back. One after another memories came flooding back from our childhood making me easily forget about my dream and happy to share those fond memories once again with the boy I share them with.

  All while Liam, Louis, and Zayn just stood in the doorway entranced our memories.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! That song is actually Gaelic but for our story Gaelic is going to be merlish. What did you think? Who are the men from Harrys dream? Will we ever find out more about Harry and Nialls past? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the dream or should both be mer or should they both be human? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean related names would be great :)  Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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