Chapter 14

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Liams POV

  Our poor Hazza looks absolutely dreadful as he lugs around his heavy seven month round stomach. But no matter how much we tell him to take break he refuses as there was still so much to be done, when in actuality there isn't. He's always holding his back in support as he waddles and leans against walls to lift up one of his legs to provide that ankle some relief but in turn puts more pressure on his other ankle, his system is flawed. The boys kicking him and keeping him up most nights also doesn't help his exhaustion, at this point its almost impossible for him to sleep more than three hours a night. He doesn't think we notice all his exhaustion so he just pretends he's fine. Yet today he's running out of steam and now we're finally able to get him to sit.

   "Hazza?" Niall called out as we were searching the house for our bubbly merman only to get no response in return. We nearly tore the house apart searching for him as every room we checked was turning up empty. The last place for us to check was our bedroom and we were hoping we weren't going to have to call Zeena again in search of him. "Harry?" Louis whispered as we tiptoed into the room, praying that the rowdy boys were giving him a break. Only for no such thing, the room was empty but humming could be heard through the ajar door leading into the ensuite. We all let out a small sigh of relief that we don't have to make a trip to see Zeena. Pushing open the door open, it reveals the most gorgeous site I've ever seen. Harry lounged in the bathtub wearing a pink shower cap with cute little rubber ducks on it, soaking in a pink bubble bath, his bump made a little island in the water, and his long tail flopped out of the side as it all couldn't fit in the tub. He looked over at us sleepily as the door made a noise having our subtle entrance not be so subtle. "Hiiiii" he drawled out showing just how exhausted he really was, 'Hi darling, how are you feeling?' I ask as I crouch next to him rubbing my hand over his swollen fins. I never knew fins could get swollen but then again I never knew merfolk existed until I met Harry, I've learned a lot of new things from this boy.

  "Tired, good but tired." he sighs as he try to fight off the sleep that desperately wants to overcome him. "Are the boys kicking?" Niall asked as he sat on the edge of the tub while Zayn stood at the fin end and Louis towards his head. He shook his head as his eye drooped 'Get some rest darling.' and with that being said he is out like a light. His snores echo off the bathroom walls as he fell deeper into his dreams. Niall unplugged the tub and Louis grabbed some towels as we wait for the tub to drain. I gently lift him from the tub luckily he stayed fast asleep, Zayn dried off his tail turning it back into his long sexy legs while Niall dried off his upper body and took off his shower cap letting his long hair flow free. I gently place him underneath the covers of our bed and we each give him a kiss goodnight. Shutting the door silently behind us we make our way down to the kitchen in order to not disturb them.

   "Poor Hazza, he looks miserable! Those boys are keeping him up too late, making him run thin." Niall says as we all walk towards the kitchen. Not even two steps in and Nialls already making a mad dash for the fridge. Zayn and Louis plop down at the table as we all try to figure out something nice we can do for Harry. Just then an idea popped into my head! Harry has been craving strawberries, especially chocolate covered strawberries for the past few months. We ran out of strawberries the other day causing him to get a little sad when he goes into the fridge only to discover that there is none. 'Guys I have a great idea on how to pamper Harry!' in an instant all of their undivided attention was on me. The nod for me to continue which I do happily 'Zayn, Louis I need you to run to the store and pick up some strawberries. While Niall and I start to melt some chocolate, we're gonna make him a treat!' giving my idea their approval we start our tasks.

   "Okay I'll go find the chocolates you try and figure out how to melt them." Niall says disappearing into the pantry, I take how my phone and easily find a recipe on melting chocolate. I take out a pot and glass bowl and the milk, setting all the acquired necessities on the stove. "I thought I was gonna get lost in there." Niall panted for dramatic affect as he brings over the large bag of chocolate chips. We get to work and easily melt the chocolate just in time for Zayn and Louis to come back with a basket of strawberries. Grabbing a plate we start to dip and place the strawberries letting them harden as they cool. We finish our plate and miraculously Niall didn't eat them all, he did sneak a few though. Zayn takes the plate as we quietly make our way up the stairs no longer hearing snores from our room as we near it. Opening the door we see Harry propped up on all of the pillows with his eyes closed as his hand rubs his large belly calmly. "Haz?" Louis whispered as we don't want to scare him because he's easily scared, I should know as I have unintentionally scared him. He peaks one eye open, a wide smile stretched across his face as he noticed the plate. "We made these for you..." Niall said looking down at his feet. Tears spring to his eyes as he made grabby hands at the four of us, he pulls us into a hug whispering many thank you's. He takes the plate once we pull apart, biting into a strawberry he states.

  "You boys are the most amazing mates, I'm glad you four are mine!"

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Where you expecting a war with the chocolate? Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four! I HAVE A POLL I WOULD LOVE IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN! This will be in all of my new chapters as I want everyones opinion.

If the boys were circus performers what would there acts be?








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