Chapter 17

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Louis POV

   Its been a few days since Harrys first nightmare and they only seem to be getting worse. Every night for the past couple of nights he wakes up in a cold sweat, struggles to get out of bed, then heads to the nursery where he singings bewitching lullabies that just capture your attention and never lets it go until the songs finished. Nialls the only one he'll talk to after words explaining his horrid nightmare and getting the comfort that who ever haunted his dreams were dead. Liam, Zayn, and I are more concerned than confused at the moment as truly all we want is for Harry to rest as he's almost done with his seventh month of pregnancy but he just won't. We feel useless as well as Nialls the only one who can truly calm him down, we tried to once but it only seem to make things worse.

   Yet the constant nightmares never seem to return after he falls back asleep for the second time which is a relief. He's still perky and bubbly as he pads around the house, never mentioning the nightmares. None of us want to push it or trigger him so we leave it alone, when he wants to tell us he will. With Harry being so far into his pregnancy we switched to working at home full time as you cant really ask for a paternity leave for when you explain its for your male merman mate whose expecting twins they'll mostly laugh in your face. So, it was much easier to just switch to fully at home remote for both us and our companies we work for. 

   "HARRY! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" I hear Zayn yell, I've never gotten up so fast from our office to the kitchen in my life. I ran in seeing a panicked stricken Liam, a pissed Zayn, Niall spotting someone... and that someone being Harrys as he stands on the kitchen island dusting the teal lamp above it. I felt my stomach twist in knots as he blatantly ignored Zayn's yells, dusting as if there wasn't a care in the world. Without thinking twice I rush over to the island and hop on standing right next to Harry, grabbing the duster from his hand he gives me a perplexed look. "Whats wrong?" he asked sounding actually confused that him standing on the island dusting is wrong. Softening my expression I slowly lower him onto his butt so he's sitting on the island, Zayn takes him from there by picking him up and placing him gently onto the couch.

   "What were you thinking? You could've gotten hurt!" Liam says rushing to Harrys side with Niall quickly following behind with a glass of ice water for Harry. "I was just cleaning the lamp, its not a big deal. Plus it was absolutely filthy! How I let it get so before hand I have no clue but it needed to be fixed." Harry states trying to get off the couch to no avail as he lost the ability to get up on his own weeks ago. Its then when it clicks, Liam still trying to lecture the stubborn merboy not understanding that to Harry its what he's supposed to do. 'Guys he's nesting.' they all look at me, including Harry having absolutely no clue as to what that means.

  "I'm whating?" Haz asked tilting his head to the side like a puppy, I think to myself for a moment of the best way to explain it before heading into answering that question. 'He doesn't know getting up on tables or on his hands and knees is bad because he's trying to make the place perfect for the babies. Its umm... like when a cats about to give birth it needs a perfect space to give birth to its kittens, so it makes a bed out of blankets, pillows, shirts, or whatever it can find. This is just the human/mer way of that.' my explanation must have worked as they now no longer loo as confused as before. "So what do we do?" Niall asked as he helped Harry off the couch as he was always a sucker to Harrys puppy eyes which he was most certainly giving Niall because he wanted to get off of the couch. 'Try our best to help him and make sure he doesn't do anything to stressful on his body... honestly there isn't anything else we can do.' I say scratching the back of my neck as I feel like such a nerd.

    "Alright then, I'll go do some more research on nesting. Niall and Zayn go make sure he into doing something to strenuous or dangerous. Louis you get back to work, I know that paper your working on its deadlines at five and with you working on it its mostly likely only half way done." Liam instructs getting chuckles from the other two as he chastises me. 'Oi Payno, I've got my work style, you've got yours, so no need for rude comments.' I say snapping my fingers in a zig zag across my torso for dramatic flare. He rolls his eyes at me while the others stifle their laughs, splitting up with Liam and I going into the office and Niall and Zayn going over to follow Harry we hope we can get through our assigned tasks. "HARRY GET OFF THE FLOOR!" Niall yelled causing me and Liam to stop our work to rush to them...

   Good thing I submitted my paper because it was one long afternoon full of extensive nesting.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Who are the men from Harrys recurring nightmares? Will we ever find out more about Harry and Nialls past? Do you think Harrys gonna give them heart attacks do to the situations he puts himself into as he nests? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the dream or should both be mer or should they both be human? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean related names would be great :) Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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