Chapter 18

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Zayns POV

   Poor Hazza has been struggling a lot more with his sleep as he finally starts his eighth month of pregnancy. His nightmares only seem to be getting worse, getting so traumatic he screams in his sleep shouting out the mens names we've heard so many times. Everett, Samson, Calvin, Thomas, and Killian, those are the names he screams out in horror every night. What did those men do to make my baby so upset? Niall won't answer our questions as he says its Harrys story to tell even though with the way he comforts Harry we know its just as much his story as Harry's. Yet we won't pressure them as we don't want them to feel uncomfortable in telling us something that they aren't ready to say. But the questions are eating me up as I constantly wonder who those men are.

   With Harrys nightmares worsening so is his sleeping pattern, he now can no long fall back asleep as he's scared the nightmares will return or he's woken the boys up by his frantic screams. With Nialls help he'll shakily get up and out of bed, going into the nursery with Niall not far behind him. They most likely won't return to bed and on the rare occasions they do Niall will pass out while Harry stays awake rubbing his distended belly. Both of them are completely unaware that we know what goes on in the night and how they cope.

   Although last night seemed to be particularly rough as Harry only got an hour, maybe an hour and a half worth of sleep because just when the boys stopped kicking and he'd fall asleep the nightmare starts, waking him up terrified as well as the boys starting their kicks again as they feel their mothers worry. Today he's barely able to keep his gorgeous emerald eyes open, blinking them slowly as if with each blink he was slowly nodding off. Holding his back the entire morning as he insisted no matter how much we begged him not to, on making breakfast as he didn't want burnt toast for brekkie. His feet were heavy as they shuffled across the kitchen floors while he gathered the ingredients for some waffles. With every motion he made it was easy to see how quickly he was loosing his energy by it. By the time it was ready to eat he was barely able to lift the fork to his mouth, he was that exhausted. I happily took over feeding him as all of us would be happiest if he used his last little bit of energy on feeding himself and the babies.

   Louis cleared the table while I gathered Haz into my arms, carrying him gently over to the couch as he prefers to take naps on it rather than our bed. Setting him gently on the couch he continuously shook his head mumbling "no" and "need to clean" repeatedly. Thankfully though once he was laying down on the couch he isn't able to get back up himself making him have no other choice than rest. He grabbed onto my wrist as I was about to leave the room wanting to give him his peace, "stay" he slurs out his voice heavy with sleep. Smiling lovingly down on him I nod slipping my legs under his head so he can use them as a pillow and I can massage his scalp. Liam was quick to take the only other open spot on the couch, placing Harrys swollen feet into his lap giving them a massage as well to help with the swelling. Harry would moan in pleasure murmuring something about magical fingers getting both Liam and I to chuckle at his sleepy state.

   'Wheres Lou and Ni?' I ask over Harrys sleeping form to Liam as we hadn't seen them come out from the kitchen. "They went to get groceries. Harry left a list on the fridge and they thought they should go now while he's asleep." Liam whispers still massaging Harrys irritated feet even though Harry is out cold. I nod as a comfortable silence surrounds us with the only noise being the soft snores escaping Harrys parted lips. Well it was comfortable before I started to think, 'What are we gonna do if he has another nightmare now?! Nialls gone!' I whispered panicked making Liam turn a bit panicked as well. "I guess we let him go up to the nursery and stay there till Niall gets back so he can comfort him? I don't really know, Zayn..." he whispers looking down at the peaceful (for now at least) sleeping merman who's arms were wrapped protectively around his large belly like always. 

   'Do you think Ni will tell us about his when he gets back?' I asked breaking the silence once again as this time their air was tense as we waited for the impending nightmare. Liam just shrugs as neither of us know the answer to that. We've pretty much begged him to tell us but he won't budge and try to change the topic. I stroked my fingers threw his curls, watching silently as they each tangle around my fingers. Millions of questions running rapid in my head as all I wanted was to help my mate and fix whatever is upsetting him.

   I just wished we knew what was wrong

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think? Who are the men from Harrys recurring nightmares? Will we ever find out more about Harry and Nialls past? Do you think Maybe we'll find out more about their past next chapter? Should the twins be identical or fraternal? Will one twin have legs and the other a tail like in the nightmare or should both be mer or should they both be human? If both or one is mer what should the color of their tail be? PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTIONS ON BABY NAMES FOR THE TWIN BOYS! Preferably water/ocean related names would be great :) Please feel free to comment, vote, follow me, checkout my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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