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"What do you mean you have to go?! daddy no!" I said screaming and crying. My daddy grabbed me and hugged my tightly. "I know babygirl, I promise it's gonna be alright." he said hugging me tightly. next thing you know, the police bust in our apartment taking my father away, "let him go!" I said, my mom grabbed my body holding from my will. "Antonio Martin, you have the right to remain silent! you are being arrested for the murder of Andre Coleman!" the officer said. they slammed him down to the ground making him hit his face and put the handcuffs on his arms, "I-It's alright I'm fine." my daddy said to me and my mama.

They got him off of the ground and took him away. I pushed my mama off of me and ran into the hallway of the apartments, "Daddy!" I said crying, It was so hard to see my daddy be held against his will, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. My mama came into the hallway and got me from off the ground and came back into the apartment. 

She had me in her arms and brung me to my room and laid me down on the bed. I cried my eyes out as I keep seeing the police arresting him and walking off with handcuffs.

I wiped my tears off and got on my phone to text my boyfriend, Cain.

"Hey, could you pick me up?" I texted him waiting for his response.

I see three bubbles popping up in my screen.


Ight, I'll be in a min.



I slipped on some jeans shorts and my jacket and some shoes waiting for him to text me back.

About 10 minutes later, he text me saying he was outside.


I'm outside.

I looked at my phone and walked out my room, I see my mama sitting on the living room sofa looking at me. "I'm going for a walk" I said dryly. "Alright, just be safe." she told me, "Ight" I walked out the house and saw one of my mama friends. "Good Morning, I saw what happened this morning. I'm so sorry." the woman told me holding her baby boy, I felt a tear fall from my face.. I quickly wiped my tear off my face, "It's fine I gotta go." I said walking off.

It took me two stair cases to get outside, I see Cain's car parked right in front of the building. I walked to the car and got inside, "Hey baby!" he said kissing my cheek. "Hey." I said sadly.

"What's wrong, what nigga I have to beat up?!" he said sounding angry. "No bae, yo don't have to beat up nobody... my daddy just got arrested." I said with tears falling down my face. "For what?" he asked me, "they said he killed somebody but I don't believe that shit." I told him explaining the problem.

"Oh." he said, he started the car back up and drove off. I was looking out the window seeing my neighborhood and friends, we stop at a red light, I see some cops messing with the boy but, he didn't do anything wrong. the light turned green and we kept driving somewhere.

We stop at the park, and me and Cain got out the car, We walked through the park seeing all types of people. Cain started a conversation asking me how was I feeling. "So, how you feeling?" he asked me stopping in his tracks. "I feel numb, depressed and just don't know right now-" I seeing looking around expressing my feelings. "I mean, you just face that shit bae." he said looking around with me.

Today was dull, it look like it was gonna rain and I was feeling the look. I stopped and look at him like he was stupid, "What do you mean I have to face this?!" I said getting angry. "I mean, I'm just fucking saying there's nothing you can do." he said getting yelling. "Cain! my daddy went to jail! you did the fucking same thing when yours went!" I said stepping closer to his body, "Aye that shit different." he said getting in my face. "get out my damn face!" I said pushing him away from me, I started walking away from him leading me down the sidewalk of the park.

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