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I'm Y/n, I'm 18 and today I'm leaving my Momma for college today. I mean, it's not like I'm leaving out the state or nothing it's just, my family grew up in one of the most dangerous hoods of New York and my daddy is one of the most Kingpin drug dealers in this city. He was committed for attempted murder, and kingpin which he did but, I don't think he would kill somebody. I know my dad, he would never do something like that. He was arrested about 4 months ago and my mom can barely take care of me and little brother and sister now since he's been away.

We we're about move out the hood until the day he got arrested, He put the money somewhere no one can't find it but him until he gets out. But, in my opinion looks like he won't be getting out soon.

Since my daddy didn't have the time to move me and my little sister had to share a room together, and my little brother Jojo has his own room, My mom named him Jordan because she says when he gets older he'll be making big money like Michael Jordan. Yea, he'll be making money alright. If my daddy get out early he'll be teaching Jojo about the drug life or some shit.

My Momma and Daddy had enough money at the time to keep us settle in the hood, Before my daddy went to jail he made me and Lacei room beautiful. But, he made Jordan room look like a whole murder scene.

My momma ain't stupid, she know if my daddy was gonna buy us all this, she had to put multiple locks on our door

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My momma ain't stupid, she know if my daddy was gonna buy us all this, she had to put multiple locks on our door.

But, I got up out of my bed and got ready to pack up my stuff for college, I did my hygiene first and did my hair

But, I got up out of my bed and got ready to pack up my stuff for college, I did my hygiene first and did my hair

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I decided the night before to pick out my outfit for the day.

I decided the night before to pick out my outfit for the day

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I got my things and was headed out my room to the kitchen. I see Lacei and Jojo sitting at the kitchen table eating some cereal, and my momma at the stove. "Hey Sissy" Jojo said to me in his toddler voice. "Hi Jojo!" I said kissing his forehead. I love my little brother and sister, they a pain in the ass sometimes but I would die for them too! Lacei and Jordan are twins. My Mom and Daddy had them 4 years ago, My daddy became a dug dealer when I was 9 years old, He was sick and tired of being broke, seeing me and my momma like that broke his heart, that's when he ask my oldest Uncle could he start being drug dealer. It's always a hard life out in New York or anywhere when you don't grow up in a rich family. You have to do what you have to do to be at the top, and that's what my daddy did. I'm not mad at him I'm just sad he went to jail and can't take care of his family right now and today, he can't see me go off to college today.

"No love for sis?" Lacei said making puppy eyes. "I'm sorry sis." I gave her a kiss on her forehead too. I swear she be thinking I love Jordan more than her, I mean she do be acting a little smart with me sometimes and I have to beat her ass, She get the smart mouth from my Daddy.

I see my momma turning around looking at me proud, I didn't wanna leave my momma out her alone with my brother and sister in this neighborhood. She still need me and I don't wanna leave her. "Come her and let me look at you" She said. I walked to her and then she hugged me tightly, It's like she was telling me she didn't want me to leave by they way she was hugging me. I knew she needed me to help out with my siblings, trust me they like demon seeds.

"You sure you don't want me to stay Mama, I mean it's not a problem." She cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence. "I'm fine, Y/n go live your new life in college, I can handle it around here, I've been in this neighborhood since I was a newborn. "OK, Mama." I said kissing her cheek.

I see Lacei and Jordan running to me for a hug, they so small they hugging my knees. "I love you bigheads!" I said hugging them. "We love you too!" they said in unison.

"Alright ya'll go to the living room I have to speak to your sister." My Mama said. I hope she tell I can stay I didn't wanna go myself. "Look, I know this is hard for you and I knew you want your Father to be here today But, he gave me this before he went to jail. I see my momma pulled something out of her purse... I could have screamed to the top of my lungs until my voice was gone. My Mom look like she pulled out about $1000 in a stack. "W-what is this?" I asked her surprised. "What it look like it's money but, before your daddy went to jail he told me to give you this money when you go off to college so you wouldn't be struggling." She said to me. See, my daddy has my back and that's why I love him for that.

"How much is this?" I asked her, If she knew me she know I ask a bunch of questions. " $6000." She told me. "Now, don't be spending this money on stupid stuff girl I know you." She told me, that's one thing she know about me is that I love to spend money on a lot of stuff when she give it to me, but to be honest... I'm a real snackie.

"I know ma, I gotta go I'm gonna be late." i said hugging my Momma one more time. "Ok, I'm gonna miss you baby." She said starting to cry a little. "Mom, I will be back in a week ok?" I told her wiping her tears off her face. "Ok, I love you!" She to me before I walked out the door. "Love u too Mama" I said. I grabbed my my bookbag with my clothes in it and my suitcase and headed out the door.

I'm ready to start my new life and to see where it's headed....

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