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"Wait... Wha-! who raped you Teyanna?!" her mama screamed, she looked frightened, her body started to shake a little. "Ma! I didn't get raped, he led me somewhere in the alley." she started to explained, "Do you remember his name Teyanna?" my mom asked, she shook her head.

She started to continue the story, I was a little drunk, but not that drunk to know what's going on, he told me that we were going to talk around the corner." As T talks about the situation, I figured it was one of those GTG niggas of course.

'We started talking, his hands began touching me all over and I told him to get his hands off of me all over and... he started kissing on me and feeling on me, so I got annoyed and I pushed him off me then I kicked him in his nuts and ran, but not enough time for him to catch me.

??? - stupid bitch, you put yo fucking hands on me!

"He slapped me in the face, which made me fall against the wall.

??? -thought you was gonna get away with that shit?
he chuckled.

"I slapped him in the face, we started fighting in the alley until he punched me directly in my face." she continued to tell the story, "I fell to the concrete, scrapping the side of my legs, he pinned me to the ground pulling my dress up, touching my area." tears start to fall from her eyes, seeing the fear.

"next thing I know, I hear a woman screaming "Get off of her!" he looked up and looked back at me, still did what he doing, I tried to fight him off but he punched me unconscious.

she quickly wiped her tears, "T, I'm so sorry- I should've went with y- " she cuts me off before I could finish "Y/n, it's not your fault, this wasn't anybody fault but mines for going to that party." she explained, she looked over to ma and Auntie Tamika saying "could you two get out for a minute, I have to talk to Y/n in private."

they nodded and walked out the room.

I sat down next to T, I head my head down... I didn't want to really see her face. "Y/n- Y/n/n, look at me." I looked up slowly, we both stared at each other in the eyes. "Y/n, them motherfuckas knew what was about to go down."

"What? Teyanna, what do you mean- you think you got set up?"

"I ain't stupid! one of homeboys told him to come check me out, but we have to get them motherfuckas back for what they did to me!" she explained, damn... now I know how Tupac felt...

"The boys names was Chris and Q" she says, "Wait- I thought you didn't the names?"

"Girl- I wasn't telling Auntie Monica nothing or my mama, you know them!" she says.

We both laughed.

But, this is fucked up on so many levels because why would GTG would wanna hurt Teyanna, but trust and believe we bout to fuck up some shit!

We hear a knock coming from the door.

"Come in!" I yelled, a white doctor came in with a clipboard, I see my mama right behind her and Aunt Tamika.

"Hi, I'm Dr. K" the man says, all the 4 of us looked at each other and backed up a little.

"Ms. Jenkins is a little bruised up, but she will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow after we run some test on her." He explained, Teyanna furrowed her eyebrows and so did I.

"Run some test? f-for what?" T asked, "Um- Ms. Jenkins, have you been sexually active?" The Doctor asked, everyone eyes became huge.

"Um- Doctor, may I know why are you asking daughter this?" Aunt Tamika asked, "Um- Mrs. Jenkins, their is a possibility that your daughter is... pregnant." It became quiet, the whole room was filled with silence.

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