"What a pretty group," Principal Dassil commented and began ruffling through a pile of papers until she said "here they are" and handed each of Sophie's friends a paper.

"It was requested that you have at least one class together if you're in the same grade," the principal told them. "So I put you three," she pointed at Sophie, Biana and Tam, "together in P.E. You three," she gestured to Marella, Dex and Linh, "together in Science since they usually work in threes and you can chose your partners. And you two," she turned to Keefe and Fitz, "are in art and P.E. together."

"Sweet!" Keefe said. "Now I can beat you in every sport!"

"You won't," Fitz told him.

"It doesn't matter who wins," Principal Dassil said. "Because no matter how many times you beat each other, you will never beat Sophie's record of wins."

Keefe smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Principal Dassil nodded.

"How many wins does she have?" Keefe countered.

"I'm not exactly sure, it's been a while."

"Since my freshman year it's 687." Sophie informed him shyly. Thanks to her photographic memory, she remembers every win she's ever had.

Keefe stared at her wide eyed. Then he raised his hand in surrender and backed away. "Okay. You win."

"How do you win so much?" Fitz asked.

"I've just never lost."

"Yeah," the principal jumped in. "She even beat the boys in football. By herself." She chuckled. "It was the only sport Donovan thought she would lose in. Nope!"

"Who's Donovan?" Dex asked.

"You'll meet him," Sophie told him.

"Don't look forward to it," Principal Dassil told him.

"I heard that!" Came a voice from the hallway.

Donovan walked in.

"Looks like the loser gained some friends."

Fitz looked about ready to punch him already but Sophie gestured for him to back off.
Which he did.

"How am I loser after your many losses," Sophie countered.

"Probably because you're ugly and stupid."

"I'm stupid," Sophie barked a laugh. "I'm stupid. I'm smarter than most people in this school. I have the highest IQ anyone's ever seen. I take extra classes and ace them. I already have a full scholarship to Harvard and I still have time to beat you and your 'team' in every sport imaginable, by myself."

Sophie knew she was bragging, but it was enough to make Donovan swing a punch at her.

Sophie blocked the punch and kicked him in the stomach, sending him across the room.

Just then the bell rang.

Sophie waved goodbye to the principal and walked out of the office.

"Was that a good thing to do in front of the principal?" Marella asked.

"Don't worry. When I beat Donovan and his squad in football, he got so angry that he tackled me and broke my rib. Principal Dassil gave me permission to do whatever I want to him and not get in trouble."

"Awesome!" Dex said.

"Go Foster!" Keefe said.

"Do we get the same pass?" Linh asked. Which was surprising since she was the sweetest person on earth. Sophie couldn't imagine her hurting some one.

"I'll have to ask."

They all went separate ways, saying they'll see each other at lunch.

Sophie sat at the back of the room in her math class, internally complaining about her teachers lateness today.

She's probably making out with Mr. Mathews. Sophie thought.

Just then, the pretty Ms. Dwight walked in.

"Hello class," Ms. Dwight greeted. "Sorry I am late. Personal matters."

"Like your boyfriend," a boy near the back snickered.

"And what about your girlfriend Mr. Hemit," Sophie said. "I heard you had a little bit of a falling out with her a while ago."

Jack Hemit turned around to glare at her, a lock of his brown hair hanging over one of his eyes.

"Or maybe that was a rumour. I mean, I did see you together last week. Awfully clingy, that one." Sophie used a British accent for that last sentence.

"I heard you finally got a boyfriend Miss Foster, or is that just something sad you made up to make you feel better about yourself," Jack shot back.

"I don't have a boyfriend. You boys are pathetic. I can beat all of you in any sport. And seriously, look at me. I'm tiny."

"You beat me once Sophie," Jack argued.

"That's because I kicked your butt in basketball and you ran away. Crying in shame."

"Okay you two," Ms. Dwight cut in. "I have a class to teach.

1235 words!
Hope you liked this chapter.
Stay tuned!


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