Chapter 63 - Confrontation

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It had been two weeks since they started dating and Jimin had spent quite a lot of time with Jackson.

Only during daytime, though, he still hadn't let Jackson stay the night, nor stayed the night at Jackson's place. 

Today Jackson had promised to pick Jimin up with his car after school. He'd take Jimin for a drive to some diner he knew a bit outside town where they could get really good grilled meat and watch the sunset, as he said. 

Jimin closed his locker and went out. Once outside the gates, he looked around, but couldn't see Jackson yet. He leaned against the wall, waiting.

Just when he saw Jackson's car turning into the street, three person's came out of the gates. 

Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok.

It was strange, the way that Jimin and Hoseok had managed to avoid each other since their break up.

They had a few lessons a week together, but Hoseok was always sitting in the back and Jimin never turned around. During breaks Hoseok usually stayed close to Yoongi and Jin in a corner of the cafeteria, which was easy for Jimin to avoid.

Now Jimin's heart was racing, he couldn't help totally stressing out about Hoseok being there just when he was meeting up with Jackson.

Jimin just froze in his spot, not knowing what to do, shifting his gaze from Jackson to Hoseok, to Jackson and back to Hoseok again. He noticed that Hoseok was wearing his leather jacket with studs and his black boots. The leather jacket was torn at the shoulder, where Hoseok had once taken that shot for Jimin. He looked... hot.

Fuck, Hoseok, get out of here. I can't handle you both. Just get out of here. Don't look at us. Please.

Jackson stopped his car on the other side of the street, and got out. 

"Jiminah!" he called, making all of them turn to look at him.

Jimin didn't move. Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok were almost in between him and Jackson, but Jackson had somehow not noticed. He just looked at Jimin and waved his hand, smiling.

Hoseok lifted his gaze and looked at Jackson, then slowly turned around to look at Jimin.

Everything seemed like slow motion in Jimin's confused mind. He saw Hoseok turning around, and he knew he ought to look away, but he couldn't withdraw his gaze. Jimin just stared back at him, with his mouth slightly open, still not moving an inch.

And so their eyes met, for the first time in over two months. And everything around them seemed to disappear into a haze.

Jimin felt his knees weakening when Hoseok looked into his eyes. Jimin had his back against the wall, keeping him upright. Without it, he was sure he would have fallen down. He forgot how to breathe.

Look away, please Hoseok, just look away.

Hoseok didn't look away. He stood there, in the middle of the road, just looking at Jimin with his dark brown eyes. Hoseok seemed calm and composed, but inside he was breaking apart.

He had decided to move on, to let Jimin go.

But all that was needed to break his determination was to look into those beautiful eyes. Those eyes that used to look at him with such love and happiness. Hoseok felt all his desire, all his love for Jimin filling him up again. And it was followed by pain. So much pain, when he knew that the love in Jimin's eyes was not for him anymore.

Fuck it, just go, Jimin. Stop staring at me and go to Jackson. I let you go. I'm moving on. I want to move on. But stop fucking staring at me, Jimin baby. Stop hurting me like this. You're killing me. Go to him. Just go.

Who knows if any of them would have managed to look away ever, if they hadn't been interrupted. 

Jin grabbed Hoseok's shoulder, pulling him backwards, trying to turn him away from Jimin, to get him away from this place. Hoseok stumbled back, but still didn't take his eyes off Jimin.

Not until Jackson suddenly stood there between them, looking first at Jimin and then, following Jimin's gaze, at Hoseok. Now Hoseok had to avert his gaze. He slowly turned around and, with Jin's arm around his shoulder, let himself be steered away towards a waiting car. 

Jimin didn't stop looking at him until he was out of sight, having slammed the car door close. 

The sound of the slamming door and the loss of Hoseok from view woke Jimin up from his trance. He turned his gaze to Jackson, who looked confused. 

"Jiminah..." he said cautiously.

"Huh?" Jimin said.

Jackson took Jimin's hand and led him across the street to the car, where he opened the door and let Jimin get in on the passenger seat, closing the door after him. He went over to the other side and took the driver's seat, but he didn't start the engine. 

He just looked straight ahead, in the direction where Hoseok had been with Yoongi and Jin. Then at Jimin. He took a deep breath.

"Jiminah. I think we need to talk."


Last summer - Jihope & Taekook ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz