Chapter 51 - Garden

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Yoongi had totally dropped his hesitation and was now flirting shamelessly with Haechan on the dancefloor. 

They had joined a group of others to dance, but it was obvious to anyone who was interested that those two only had eyes for each other. 

Yoongi was actually an excellent dancer, when he decided to make an effort, like tonight. Haechan was astounded by his sexy moves, and proud that such a hot guy was his. 

"Haechan, that Yoongi guy, he seems really interested in you." one of his classmates had commented. 

Haechan had smiled and just said "I know, isn't he hot?", continuing to meet Yoongi's gaze. 

Now a slow song started and couples began to pair up for more intimate dancing. Yoongi came immediately up to Haechan, to make sure no other guy got there first. 

"You're dancing with me." he said, pulling Haechan roughly into his arms.

Haechan didn't protest and felt Yoongi's strong arms around his waist. He wrapped his own arms around Yoongi's neck and placed his head on his shoulder. 

"I thought you didn't want us to show our relationship to others, Yoongi." he said. 

"Fuck that. Who cares in a place like this anyway? Everyone is flirting with someone. And if I don't claim you, someone else might think you're free. I told you I don't want anyone touching what is mine, Channie." Yoongi said, letting his hand slide over Haechans back and then down towards his ass and thigh. 

"I like it. I like to be open, Yoongs. I want everyone to know we're together. Also in school, you know." Haechan said, lightly fisting a part of Yoongi's hair while enjoying the feeling of Yoongi's hands touching his body all over.

"I know you want that, Channie. We'll see." Yoongi said. 

"At least kiss me tonight. Here. Now." Haechan said and Yoongi yielded to his wish. 

They stopped dancing and kissed each other roughly for a long time in the middle of the dancefloor, Yoongi with his hands on Haechan's thigh and ass, while Haechan held on to Yoongi's hair with one hand and let the other stroke his back.



Jungkook almost regretted bringing Tae onto the dance floor. 

For one thing, he didn't stop drinking, but got himself one glass after another from the bar. Secondly there was this one particular guy who kept staring at Tae, seemingly very taken by Tae's hot dance moves. Jungkook tried to change their position, but the guy followed them, not taking his eyes off Tae. 

Fuck, I need to go to the bathroom.

"Tae! I need a bathroom break. You coming too?" Jungkook asked, not really wanting to leave Tae alone. 

"No need. I'll just go to the bar." Tae said. 

"Fine. I'll find you there then." Jungkook said, taking off. 

He decided to try to be quick, so he'd be back to check on Tae as soon as possible. He didn't manage it, though. There was some situation in the downstairs bathroom, and quite a long queue to the ones upstairs. 

Jungkook sighed and stood in line. He sent Tae a text, telling him to find Jimin or someone, so he wouldn't have to be alone. He got no answer.

Tae didn't hear his phone nor feel its vibrations. 

He was at the bar, leaning on the counter waiting for his turn. He looked with jealousy at those sweet umbrella drinks people ordered. He was tired of wine and didn't really like beer.

Maybe if I order one and go out into the garden to drink it, then Kookie won't see me. Yeah, that's a great idea. Taehyung, you're so smart!
he thought to himself.

Two minutes later he was standing happily on the terrace stirring his drink with the umbrella, chewing on the cherry he took from it. He drank a bit and smiled. It was sweet and so much tastier than wine. 

He gulped it down and hid the glass in case Jungkook would come. 

"Want another one?" a boy asked, holding out his hand offering Tae another drink of the same kind.

Tae hesitated a bit, but was definitely tempted. He recognised the boy as one of Jackson's friends, Jinyoung, who had also finished school last year. 

"Take it. I didn't poison it, you know." Jinyoung chuckled.

"It's just that I shouldn't drink too much." Tae said. 

"Says who? That boyfriend of yours?"

"Mm." Tae admitted. 

"Not grown up enough to make your own decisions, are you?" Jinyoung asked sarcastically.

"Well, I think I am. But he doesn't."

"Just take the drink, Taehyung. Let's drink it quickly and he won't know."

"Okay, then." Tae said and took the glass. 

"Come on, I'll show you the garden. There's a fountain, you know." Jinyoung said, taking Tae's hand. 

Tae was busy sipping his drink, and was too surprised to decline when Jinyoung started pulling him towards the garden path leading off the terrace.

They walked quickly, drinks in their hands, until they reached an opening amongst some bushes, where there really was a fountain surrounded by lights. Jinyoung made Tae sit down on a bench to look at it. 

"Pretty, isn't it?" Jinyoung said, moving in closer to Tae.

Tae watched the fountain and drank his drink. It was a bit chilly outside and he began wondering if Kookie might be looking for him. 

"It's pretty. Thanks for showing me, Jinyoung. And thanks for the drink. I think I need to go back now." Tae said. 

"You have to get back to that controlling boyfriend of yours." Jinyoung said, more as a fact than a question. 

"I... I just gotta go back. It's cold." Tae said.

"Okay, I'm just joking. Here, take my jacket! I'll walk you back."

Jinyoung stood up. He took Tae's hand to help him stand up as well, wrapped his jacket around Tae and casually kept his arm over his shoulders, slowly walking him back towards the terrace.

On the terrace stood a stressed out Jungkook looking for Tae. 

Jungkook saw them before they saw him. He saw a boy leading Tae up the path, his jacket and his arm around Tae's shoulders. Tae stumbled a bit and the boy caught him in both his arms and steadied him until he could walk straight again. Tae giggled.

Fuck, that's him, the guy who checked Tae out. I knew I shouldn't have left Tae alone. Fuck.


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