We step away from the table away from prying hears. "He's into you." "So, what." Expressing my anger, he leans to whisper. "I bet he doesn't make you cum, the same way I do?" Shoot him a look. "I liked you better when I didn't know you." "What's that meant to mean?" He asks. Rolled my eyes. "Meaning I had a life before I met you. It might have been boring, but I had friends. I had a boyfriend." He creases his brows.

Went to step away from him but I had to tell him why I couldn't be around him. "Look, you are confusing me with what is reality and fantasy. I can't take this anymore. You are making me a nervous wreck." Takes my hand places it on his heart. "Do you feel that? Do you feel how my heart-beats? Do you feel the warmth when I'm naked laid next to you?" Rub my face. "Olivia, let me meet your parents and you will see I am very much real. I promise you." Turn to look back at Nyles.

What is my world? Where do I belong? I just want to finish my college year, get a job, and live on my own. "Okay. I will contact my parents. Please for god sake do not tell them you are my imaginary wolf friend. They will send me away for sure." He nods kisses me. Step back to the table to finish studying.


In my dorm room just about to video call my parents when someone is banging on the door. Placed my laptop on the table to open the door. Sapphire looks at me. Open the door wider for her to come in. "Did, he send you?" "Not exactly. I came here so we could talk." Closed the door point to the chair for her to sit.

Sit on my bed to wait for her to talk to me. "Olivia, I know you are confused with who we are and if we are actually real." Nodding she smiles. She's a well put together woman and I mean woman. She's beautiful, sexy, and perfect. All the things I am not. I'm five-eight with a slender figure. Curves in all the right places. Auburn hair that is long and wavy. I have no blemishes on my face or wear makeup.

But she is gorgeous. "There is a city full of our kind plus the others live there too. I mean vampires, witches, warlords and then you have the clan of the evil. This clan is made up of demons and all the scum that have been banished from other colonies. We live amongst humans to protect ourselves." Still not believing a word she says or any of them.

She stands to look out the window. "We did have the largest pack. Until Cohan wanted to be the alpha male." She leans on the desk to continue with what she is telling me. "Mikail and Cohan had words in their human form. But something went seriously wrong when we all left to hunt in the woods. Cohan did the unthinkable and portrayed his brother who is Mikail. He had an evil warlord put a curse on us." She sits back at the desk.

Look at her not taking anything in what she is saying. It still sounds too unreal to even be real. "The curse lasted ten years. Mikail in his human form and Cohan in his wolf form. Cohan thought if he kept his brother in human form he could kill him and take the pack. But over the ten years, Cohan became an outsider from everyone that knew him. For what he had done the warlord granted Mikail a way to break the curse." She smiles at me.

Rub my face. "That is when I broke the curse?" She nods. "Olivia, it wasn't easy to find someone to break the curse. It took ten years. Mikail would have girls chat him up and he wouldn't be interested. He said the right girl would come when the time is right. When he stumbled onto you sitting in your car it was fate. The vision I had would never let me see faces. But when you walked through the door he looked at me with hope. He knew you were special, and you were the one. He's too scared that something will happen to you." "Nothing will happen to me," I said with a nervous laugh.

She folds her arms. "You need to pay attention. This pack that is after you will not hesitate to take you. When Mikail heard you were in danger he had to come. He's got feelings for you and he's falling in love with you. When a wolf finds a mate, they are for life. I wanted to tell you so you can make your mind up. If you want him or if you don't. But please tell him soon before he opens his heart too much and you break it. I'm lucky I have Ottis who is my mate for life." She stands to step to the door.

She stops to look over at me. "Make your mind up before he meets the parents. I can't see him get hurt. He's an extremely exceptional alpha who's protected his pack. But I can't stand by and see him go to pieces when it's too late." She opens the door. "Sapphire." She stops. "I don't know what to believe. But you are right. How could I be with a fantasy, human or otherwise? I will tell him I can't be with him. Please take care of him." She smiles and leaves.

It's the best decision for him and me. We live in two different worlds. It was fun to live in the fantasy for a short while, but I need to get back to finishing college. Need to find a job and leave all my imaginary friends behind. I need to get a life and have friends just like before. All the things I need and want will have to wait until I can sort myself out. Just need to get through this year and be in the big open world.

Learn to be an adult to make choices and to learn from my mistakes. Just hope my life will not be so complicated? Funny how a journey can throw an adventure at you. An adventure I have enjoyed but still think I'm insane.








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