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O L I V I A    P O V

Trapped in this small wooden hut, too scared to even move for fear it would hear me. Rest my head on my knees, close my eyes. Images overtaking my mind with me in the room at the cabin. Straddling his lap while he lays naked beneath me, his cock deeply embedded inside me, my moans filled with passion. 

His hands squeezing my tits while I ride him slowly savouring every move feeling his warm skin smelling his cologne. Tilt my head with pleasure, moaning, my hands resting on his thighs while my body tilts back with pleasurable pain. His slow movements in slow motion feeling him push deeper inside me. 

My body sweating, his hands move to my ass, lifting me in motion with his thrusts. My hands now roam my body placing on my tits squeezing while he indulges my need of wanting him feeding his empowerment over me. Move my hips slightly faster he grips my hands guiding them over my body while he thrusts inside me taking my being to another level. 

My pussy oozing with wetness clenching my thighs around his while I cum pushing down on him, a quiver vibrates through me letting out a long sexual moan which echoed in the room. My eyes are closed the entire time. Tilt my neck when the pleasure sweeps through my blood, giving me an everlasting orgasm that would not stop. 

He sits up taking me tighter into his arms wrapping me with his hot sweaty naked body. His lips skimming the crook of my neck he pushes deeper holding it while he bites at my earlobe. Thrusting, again and again, he moans which is a howl. He pulls me tight to his body lays back placing his head firmly on the pillow snaking his arms around me kissing the top of my head. Closing my eyes falling asleep on his muscular broad chest listening to his heartbeat.


Opened my eyes from having an amazing dream to find myself in bed at the cabin. Rolled on to my back taking a deep breath wondering how the hell I got here. Lift my head look around the room to see my clothes in a pile on the floor. Lift the quilt to see my naked body blinking creasing my brows unsure if my dream was real. 

Rub my face get outta bed have a shower dress make my way down to the kitchen where he is stood making himself breakfast. He glances over his shoulder. "Did you want some?" Folding my arms leaning against the kitchen counter trying to figure out what is real and what is not. He turns places a plate on the island. "Help yourself." Not even worried about food with the way my mind is fucked up at the moment. 

The dreams I am having seem so real. "How did I get back here?" He picks up his cup takes a sip raises his brows shakes his head. "You got lost Sapphire picked up your sent, I brought you back." That would explain how I got back here but being naked in bed? "You were in a deep sleep." He sits at the island eating his breakfast not even looking at me. 

Step to the sink to pick up a glass to get a drink of water when I cut my finger on a knife while reaching for the glass. "You better sort that out." He is not even looking at me his back is to me so is mine how the hell. Confused is not the right word but this guy is not what he seems to be. 

There is more going on here which keeps pulling me back to this fucking cabin every time I try to leave. Put my cut finger in my mouth glance out the window to see four large-sized wolves sitting looking into the trees. Shake my head get a glass of water walk over to the fire stand staring into the flames watching how they danced with glowing reds, yellows how the flames burned tall.

Step away from the fire sit on the sofa with my glass in my hand. Guess I am stuck here for now, not worth trying to get to the road again when I keep getting lost. Lean forward place my glass on the table my face in my hands. "You really should eat." Slowly lowering my hands shake my head he gazes at me. "You have not eaten in three days; you will wipe yourself out." Shrug my shoulders to tell him I am not bothered. 

He stands places his plate in the sink picks his cup up finishes his coffee places his cup with his plate steps to the back door opens it tilts his body to look at me. "I will be gone for a while need to check the traps." Rolled my eyes he leaves. Standing walk over to the window to watch him walk towards the trees with the wolves following him.


Looked all over the cabin to find out who this guy is, could not find any letters or anything with a name on. Stepped out on to the back decking to look around noticed a couple of doors that are under the cabin. Yes, I am curious stepped to the first door to find your normal everyday stuff to use in the garden. 

Closed it back up stepped over to the other door which is locked now this is something which is itching at my curiosity. Look around the door to see if there is any way I could see in which there is just at the top of the door is a small blacked-out window. Looking around to find something to climb on to so I could peek in through the small boarded up window. 

Pick up one of the huge logs place it by the door, step on it look around just to make sure no one is here go on tiptoe peer into the darkness making out shapes then almost losing my balance for what my eyes have seen my god it is a body ripped to pieces just like what happened to the guy's arm. 

Take a deep breath rush to put the log back scramble into the cabin falling catching my leg rub it and rush up to the room to get my case. Rush down the stairs open the door. "You leaving again?" Not turning around to look at him I nod stepped out closing the door behind me. 

Rushed to get far away as possible. My heart is racing like it is going to come outta my chest. Not even worried about this other thing that is out here just want to get back to my car or find some help. At least I had quite a bit of daylight on my side. 

The snow had now frozen with the low temperatures which helped with walking faster. This time I am not taking my eyes from the road or get distracted with my mind thinking of him. The last thing I need is an image of him making love to me, no that will not distract me. Staying on the road managed to reach the road that looked familiar, fingers crossed I find my car. 

Could see a mound of snow up ahead which I make my way too. Arriving to see my car is almost completely covered in snow with the way it had drifted over the roadside verge. Take a deep breath Start digging the snow away from the car, so I could open the door. A little while later slide into my car put the key in the ignition to start but there is nothing not even a click with the battery. 

Rest my head back on the seat close my eyes for a split second to gather my thoughts of what to do next. It would be too cold to stay in the car all night plus there is something out there that is big. Grab the steering-wheel shake it with anger while screaming which is not helping me at all. Why the hell did I have to go snooping around his cabin? 

My curious side got the better of me. But seeing that body laid there scared me with so much blood plus skin just hanging off the bones. Do not want to see something like that again. Tapping my hand on the steering wheel figuring out what my next move is, just a blank have no idea what to do, my mind is consumed with fear. 

Climb into the back pull down the middle armrest to reach my hand into the boot to get the blanket that I keep there. Making sure the doors are locked laid on the back seat with the blanket wrapped around me watching the daylight fade away.







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