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O L I V I A    P O V

Arranged to meet up with Mikail to talk to him. He needs to know how I feel. Sit at the table in the park reading my book to wait for him. Thinking how I could tell him without hurting him. He steps over to the table, looks at me and sits. "Did you arrange a meeting with your parents?" His eyes change colour, he sits straight to stare at me. "This is not about your parents?" Shake my head.

He stands to look down at me. "Olivia," "Mikail, this between us will not work. You are my fantasy and I live in the real world. You need to return home and forget about me," He slides his hands in his jeans pocket. "So, you are making the choice for both of us?" Nodding at him. He leans toward me. Move back from him.

Take a deep breath to stand. "So, this is it. You are walking away from me. Not even giving me a reason. Why?" Looked at the floor before I stare at him. "I told you why. I can't be with you. Mikail you are a good guy and very sexy. You need to find your mate and protect your pack. I'm just a distraction, putting your pack in danger. Please leave and have no contact with me at all." Stepped back from him to turn.

His hand places on my arm. "What happens if I have found my mate? And it is you?" Shake my head. "You need to find your own kind and stop this. I can't be with you." He takes his hand from me. Turn from him and walk away not looking back at him. Part of me felt upset and the other part felt something I could not explain.


Stood in my dorm looking at the empty room. Packed everything up so, I could leave for home. It's the spring break and I'm heading home to spend a bit of time with my parents. Couldn't wait to get home to spend time with a few of my friends. There is a big party down at the lake this weekend for all the ones that didn't go on spring break to another country.

Couldn't wait to be with normal people and have a few drinks. Normal? What does that really mean? No one is normal or perfect. I'm certainly not perfect or even normal with what I have experienced. All packed in the car and drive to make my way home.

Had the music playing with my driver window open letting the cool breeze circle the car. The smell of the countryside made me feel at home. Could not wait to get to my parents.


Pulled on to the street to see my best mate playing football with her brother. She jumps up and down shouting at me while I park up. "Olivia, I've missed you." "Shame, I can't recall missing you." She makes a sad face. Step outta the car. "Vanda, I have missed you." She leaps at me hugging me tightly. "My god it's been forever since I saw you last." She said.

She helps me with my few bits into the house. My mother jumps with excitement and hugs me. "Olivia, I was hoping you would come home with a boyfriend." My mother makes a sad face too. Screw my face up to see my father sitting in his chair waiting for me. "Vi, can I please have my baby girl?" My father says opening his arms.

He stands lifting me into his arms to hug me. My parents are a bit cookie when it comes to me and they are the same with Vanda too. Even though she lives next door she is always over at mine. "Missed you dad." He kisses the top of my head. Grab my case to make my way to my room. Vanda follows me.

She sits on the bed while I put my clothes away. "Come on tell me about the college guys where you are, and I'll tell you about the ones at my college?" "There's not much to say." "Olivia, I know that look. You went with one didn't you?" Leant on the wall looked at my hands. "I just had a bit of fun with one guy." Her eyes open wide.

She rises to her feet to close the door. "Come on tell me more?" She smiles. "He was different." I couldn't tell her the honest truth about him. "You slept with him?" She screams and laughs. Nodding at her. "Oh, my god." She adds. I hadn't told anyone about what happened over a year and a half ago. They thought I was in the town where there was a big snowstorm. That is why I couldn't contact them.

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