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O L I V I A   P O V

Spring break is over and I'm back at college for my last term. Graduation is in six weeks and an after-party. But I will be heading home straight after graduation. Just want to throw myself into the books to get through it.

Enter one room for my lecture to see Sapphire with her pack. Take my seat. She steps over to me to sit. "Olivia, he's hurting. He's out every night drinking, wanting you." "I'm sorry I really am." Stood to move away from her. She grabs my hand to give me a vision of what is happening to Mikail. Not liking the vision, she had made me see.

Take my hand from her to stare at her. "You think showing me how he is, is going to get me to go to him?" She stands, shakes her head. "No, I want you to see how much pain he is feeling." Shake my head and walk outta the room.

Walking along the path back to my dorm room when I'm approached by the other pack. "It's time we had a talk." The guy says. Look around me to see more of them. Close my eyes for a second. He grabs me, leading me to an abandoned building on the other side of the college.

Not even showing the fear I felt. They changed from a human into wolf form. Circling me to frighten me. They are all in my head. They are not real. That is what I told myself. Closed my eyes going over the same words in my mind they are not real. I kept repeating it in my mind, but I could still hear them. They growled and snarled. Could hear their claws scraping along the wooden floor.

A short while later one of them turned into a human. Makes me sit on a chair. "The alpha will be here shortly." She says. The others still circling me with snarls and teeth showing. "You will be sorry when Asher turns up. He will make you talk." She tells me. Look at my hands when she kicks the chair to make me fall on the floor.

Closed my eyes to hide my tears. My heart is beating fast and fear is all I feel. Open my eyes to see a guy stood in the doorway looking at me. "Hilo, that's no way to treat our guest." She smirks and stands back. He bends down to lift me from the floor.

He picks the chair up to sit me down. He's tall and built well. He's good-looking too. But he didn't have what Mikail had and that was kind eyes. A feeling you are safe. But with this guy, I could see he is from the evil side. A guy who didn't care who he hurt.


It's getting dark and this guy is still talking about how Mikail used me. But the truth is he didn't know the truth. I had enough listening to him. "You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about." He steps back to clap his hands to mock me. "And you know better." He says with a laugh. "I know more than you think." He makes a face clicks his fingers and a blindfold is placed over my eyes.

My hands are bound behind my back tape placed over my mouth. I'm placed on a soft but smelly mattress. "I want to see why Mikail chose you." My body froze with his words. Fear right to my core. I could feel him near me. The heat from his mouth on my neck. A whimper came from my mouth. He skims his fingers over my bare arm making me flinch.

Petrified of him touching me, I just wanted him to kill me so I could be outta this dream for good. Blinked my eyes my tears fall. I could hear howling from a distance. His mouth close to my ear when he whispers. "He's too late to save you this time." He kisses my neck turns me on to my back takes the blindfold from my eyes.

Open my eyes to see a flash of light and hear a loud noise. "Curl into a ball and don't move." A girl says to me. I did what she said and curled into a ball not moving but listening to a fight. Could hear growling and hissing. Not wanting to open my eyes for fear. Hear a few yelps and complete silence.

The cable ties are ripped from my wrists. "You are safe." The female says to me. Turn to look at her. Shocked to see Myrina. She smiles wipes the blood from her lip. "Told you I would be there for you." She leaves with her clan. "Thank you," I shout and hear her laugh. "I'm always here if you need me." She shouts. I couldn't see her, she had disappeared.

Looked around to see the pack wiped out. Even the alpha but the way he looked reminded me of what Mikail did to his brother. Wish he would stop saving me. "Mikail I know you can hear me," I shout. "Just stop trying to save me. If it's my time just let me die." Rubbed my face to leave. Stepped outside the building and it catches fire.

A good way to hide the bodies. Sit back outta the way to watch the flames. The fire crew showed up to put the fire out but didn't have much luck. Turn to walk back to my dorm. Laid on my bed after having my shower. Stared at the ceiling thinking about the entire evening.


It's been five weeks already and Mikail's pack had left. There was no need for them to hang around when my life was no longer in danger. Graduation is a week away and I'm counting the days until the very end. I'm excited to get college over with and to be starting a job. Would be leaving all my fantasies behind and carrying on with my life.

The day ended with me meeting up with a few friends in the local bar. We are playing pool and drinking a fair bit. Nyles stands behind me helping me hold the cue. Giggling at our hands trying to hold the cue. He laughs at me. "Olivia, keep your hand still." "I'm trying," I tell him and lean back onto from losing my footing. "On second thoughts we should get you back to the dorm." We laughed drink our drinks and leave.

Jumped on his back he stumbles but gets his footing. "That was close." He says, pulling my legs around his waist. Rest my head on the back of his shoulder. "Do you know you are not very comfy?" He laughs. "Thanks." "I didn't mean it like that. I meant your back while you are walking." He stops to place me on my feet. He cups my cheeks.

Looked into his eyes. Shake my head not wanting him to kiss me but he kisses my cheek. Smiled up at him he opens the door to the dorm. "Olivia, I've had a crush on you ever since we started college." My god I've been at college for four years and all that time he's had a crush on me. Smiled at him. "Nyles, you are sweet" He tilts my chin. "I know you are still into Mikail." Shake my head. "I don't know. With graduation and the new job, I got, I wouldn't have time for a guy in my life." He steps back to slide his hands in his jeans.

Lean against the door to look at him. "I'm sorry Nyles." He steps towards me placing his lips on my cheek. "I wish you luck when you leave. I'm just sorry I didn't get the courage to ask you sooner." He smiles turns walks away. Make my way to my room. Have a quick shower and get into bed.

Am I waiting for something? Or am I making up excuses? "I know you are nearby listening and watching me. Mikail do you hear me?" Paused for a short while. "I'm not stupid I can feel you when you are close to me." Roll to my side to fall asleep.




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