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O L I V I A     P O V

My mind is not my own, nor is my life at the moment. My eyes glance around the room with the sunlight coming in through the windows. Could see no one. Sit up more, pulling the fleece around my naked body. Tonight is when the blood moon is at its fullest. Scared shitless to what is going to unfold. My worst fears are coming to light. 

They will surely feed on me after they are done with me. Standing with the fleece wrapped tightly around me strolled to the back door to see if the guy is there. Peer out the window of the door to see no one. 

Open the door to step out into the cold could see footprints in the fresh snow leading into the dense trees. Sit on the step to the decking breathing in the cool fresh air. Shake my head with thoughts of the guy and me making love in the cold night air.

Why the hell did my car break down? So many coincidences, too many to explain what really is happening to me. Do I even make sense with the way my mind is outta control? There are too many dark secrets, and not to forget to mention this all seems too far-fetched. I have lost my mind with what is reality. 

This is a dream, just a nightmare that is playing out like a movie. Pull the fleece tighter. Could see my warm breath as I exhaled. Yes, it is cold, so cold I am shivering. "You really should stay indoors in the warm." The guy says stepping outta the doorway behind also making me flinch. 

My heart is now pumping fast from the fright of him coming from behind me. My god, he could have given me a heart attack. "He is watching you." His voice is calm, his eyes stare deep into the tree line. Well, I am not sitting here if that creature is watching me.

Stand to turn to face him he scoops me up carries me to the sofa to lay me down. He walks back to the door closing it. He strolls back to me takes his shorts off stands naked in front of me. His eyes shine with a mirrored image of me. He is showing me what he sees. His hand reaches for mine taking my naked body pulling me tight to him. The coldness I felt subsides and all I feel is the warmth from this guy. 

His lips descend to mine we kiss he turns me bends me over the sofa smoothing his hands over my bare warm skin. My eyes close when feeling a sensation between my legs. feeling the warmth from his lips touching my back and my shoulders. "We must make love tonight." His soft voice filled with sorrow. "I will treat like a goddess." My entire body melted into him. 

I turn to place my arms around his neck. The feel of his skin grinding against mine while we kissed not coming up for air, not unlocking for anyone. He truly had me right where he wanted me. "We should get ready. It will be getting dark soon." He leaves me on the verge with my body tingling. Is this his way of getting me to loosen before he takes me in the night air?

Followed him to a room where he prepares me and prepares himself. We have robes on, but they are old almost like hessian feeling. He gently places my hair over my shoulders takes my hand wanting me to follow him. The darkness is upon us we move towards the back door where I could see twelve people stood in a circle chanting gazing at the blood moon. 

We descend the steps walk towards the middle where six small fires burn filling the inner circle with warmth. He leads me to the centre where a thick fur is laid plus a cover. The chanting gets louder we could hear howling coming from the trees. "He is here." He takes his robe off plus mine lays me down.

He kneels between my legs covering us with a thick fur. His lips touch mine he chants something that I could not understand. He penetrates me sending my nerve endings into a frenzy. Electrified is what our bodies are. Grinding against my skin causing me to melt. The wetness between my legs is the pleasure from him being deep inside me. 

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