Chapter 38 - A Courageous and Kind Queen

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Her lovely brown eyes filled with determination. "I'm sure," she said. "We can delay it no longer."

"Very well," Kit sighed, kissing her, "but when this is over, I'm stealing you out of the palace for a while."

She quirked an eyebrow at him but said no more for two servants appeared, Henry for Kit and Daphne for Ella. Both paid their respects, curtsying and bowing to them.

"What can we do for Your Majesties?" Henry grinned. This was the first time the royals had summoned the servants and the news was already spreading throughout the castle.

Kit smiled. "Would you send for Alistair and Peter, Henry?"

"And could you fetch a few other servants to draw up some water, Daphne?" Ella added.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Daphne said to her while Henry nodded to Kit.

The two disappeared through the door, leaving Ella and Kit alone. The king took the few extra minutes to lovingly kiss his wife until the Grand Duke and Captain of the Guard arrived. The two walked in with huge grins, eyeing the young couple humorously.

"Word is that Your Majesties are ready to join the rest of the world again," Alistair greeted while Peter laughed.

"Then the word would be partially true," Kit admitted while Ella blushed a little.

"What can we do for Your Majesties?" Alistair asked.

"The matter concerning Lord Duherst must be settled before time slips farther away from the incident," Ella said before Kit could. "Peter, would you please bring Lord Duherst to the throne room in an hour? Alistair, kindly ensure that Count Welling is also accounted for."

Kit stared at his wife, impressed. She'd taken command of the men with ease, her face set in a determined expression. Alistair and Peter, though surprised, happily bowed and assured they would see that the orders were carried out at once.


An hour later, a crowd of nobles had gathered in the throne room, this being their right to see the business concerning their own. However, the reason that there were more of the nobility present than normal was because it had been voiced that their new queen was going to be handling the trial of Lord Andrew Duherst and they were curious to see how she would pass judgment; the incident at the masquerade having traveled through the land despite the attempt to keep it discrete.

The doors to the hall opened and a hush fell over the crowd as the King and Queen entered, hands clasped together, their steps evenly synchronized as they walked up to their thrones. Ella wore a remarkable purple dress, a color reserved only for royalty, the fabric embroidered with lovely white flowers. Her hair was piled partially on her head, several tendrils falling loosely about her face over her shoulders. The crown on her hair was made of silver, the metalwork looped in several circular patterns containing the finest diamonds the land had to offer.

Kit was dressed in a white jacket with purple accents, white breeches, and black boots, a long sword slightly bumping into his right hip as he walked side by side with his wife passed the nobles to the front of the room. Once both were seated, Kit nodded his head towards Peter, who had slipped through the doors, signifying Lord Duherst and Count Welling were ready for whatever judgment the Queen saw fit to bestow.

Kit discretely turned his gaze at his wife and marveled. Her shoulders were squared, her head erect, and her gaze fixed forward looking every ounce a queen. Smiling with love as well as pride, Kit turned to the front of the room just as the door opened revealing the accused. Count Welling and Lord Duherst looked much the same as the night Kit had them arrested save the fact that both men looked in need of sleep. Despite the mutterings and several disgusted looks from their former peers, the Count and lord made their way to the thrones with their heads held high.

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