Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Maiden from the Forest

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Original Author's Note ^

It took every ounce of Kit's strength not to turn his horse around and ride after the fair maiden he'd just conversed with. Her forwardness had intrigued him; the fact that she had not recognized him was astounding. But, oh, how refreshing it was to actually be himself without having to keep up with protocols! True, he had danced around the truth. He hadn't outright said he was the prince but she hadn't asked if he was or not. She'd simply asked for his name. In his eagerness and elation of having the opportunity to speak with someone who did not already know his identity, he'd given it to her.

As he directed his noble steed, Tiberius, back to Captain Alistair, he tried to school his giddy feelings. But how could he not wear his emotions on his sleeves? He hadn't felt this captivated since he was twelve learning for the first time how to wield a sword.

"Well, Mr. Kit," Captain Alistair chuckled slightly, as Kit came to a halt beside him, "Would you care to explain what drove your attention away from the hunt?"

Kit continued to grin despite the Captain's slight dig into his name. Turning his head, he tried once more to get a glimpse of the girl with the golden hair. He could barely make out her figure disappearing into the thick cover of the trees. "Someone I hope to see again," he said faintly, his brain still foggy.

Captain Alistair smiled a knowing smile which Kit noticed before he was able to conceal it. "What?" Kit asked, his cheeks darkening ever so slightly.

Before Captain Alistair could reply, the sound of the hunting horns ripped through the air. Kit started and the voice of his enchanting woodland maiden seemed to ring in his ears...

"Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done!"

"Right again..."

"Then you'll leave him alone?"

"Stop the hunt!" Kit shouted, spurring Tiberius forward.

"Your Highness?" Captain Alistair called after him but Kit didn't answer him.

The riders, hearing the command of their prince, came to a halt. Kit saw the stag in the distance, his big brown eyes wild with fright.

"Your Highness?" one of the hunters questioned.

Kit watched the stag for a moment, the conversation with the girl replaying word for word through his mind. The magnificent creature before him did appear to be young and healthy; he did have potential to live longer just yet. A dazzling smile crossed Kit's face.

"Let's go," he said, twisting Tiberius around.

"But... sire!" a huntsman protested.

Kit stared at the man questioningly. He immediately stilled. His fellow company was completely perplexed by his change of mind but none dared contradict him. If the prince decided against the hunt, he must have good reason. Though the Kingdom of Aritess was small, it was large in heart. The reign of His Majesty King Rowan had been a kind but firm one and the people had come to respect not only him but the Crowned Prince as well. They led the affairs of the kingdom with their hearts and their influence had rubbed off on the people. Thus they highly respected them in all the decisions made for they knew they were made with careful consideration and justice.

Kit, sensing that his men were perplexed but willing to obey, inclined his head slightly. "Thank you for indulging me, my friends. Come, let us return to the palace." Twisting around, he led the hunting company back to the city away from the thicket, away from his enchanting woodland maiden.

"You do realize that your return without the stag will cause quite a stir among a few individuals, sire," Captain Alistair commented once they reached the main road leading towards the royal city.

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