Chapter 16 - Why would she hate you?

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Amidst their elation, Kit's stomach suddenly grumbled. His face grew warm as Ella giggled. "Hungry?" she teased.

"Yes," he confessed, embarrassed.

"Well then, we should probably eat something. It is well past breakfast time." And with that she got off his lap and walked over to door, stopping in front of the cord but she didn't pull it.

"Ella?" Kit prompted for she seemed frozen in place.

"I know it's such a simple thing but… I don't know if I can summon someone. I've lived that life for so long… wouldn't it be hypocritical of me?"

Filled with compassion, Kit left the bed and placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around. "Ella, unlike the cruelty you have been forced to endure, the people who work here as servants are actually paid, receive time off, and aren't forced to serve until their backs ache and their fingers bleed."

"They're paid?" she wondered, the concept completely strange to her.

"In different ways," Kit admitted. "Some receive wages while others receive food and lodging. It all depends on what their needs are. Prudence handles those affairs and she's always treated everyone fairly."


Kit rubbed his thumb over her cheek. "Ella, sweetheart, remember how your family treated the servants when you were a little girl?"


"That's how things are here."

"You're friends with your servants?" she wondered curiously.

"Of course I am; particularly with Lance and Henry, my personal man servants. We've known each other for many years."

"But will the servants want to be friends with me?" Ella asked quietly. "Unlike you I haven't grown up around them. I'm a stranger. What if they don't like me?"

"My darling, you are so used to having people hate you that I think you have forgotten there are many in the world with ample amounts of kindness. The servants are more than eager to befriend the soon to be queen."

Ella's hand tightened on the rope by the door. "I'm afraid," she whispered.

"You don't have to be," Kit assured. "You're not a hypocrite, Ella. Have courage and pull the rope."

She searched his eyes and he watched the determination and hope fill her countenance before she did as he asked. She let out a breath, swallowing hard. A second later a kind woman with bright green eyes and black hair opened the door, curtsying deeply to the two of them.

"What can I do for you my lady, Your Majesty?" she asked.

Kit glanced at Ella who looked beside herself. He didn't want to push her but he knew the first step to change required he didn't baby her. Taking her hand, he leaned close and whispered, "Have courage…"

Ella, eyes wide with panic, turned to look at him while the servant observed this strange moment with mild curiosity. Determination crossed over Ella's face and she suddenly smiled, "And be kind," she finished. "Miss, what is your name?"

"Victoria, my lady," she answered a little nervously.

"It's very nice to meet you, Victoria," Ella replied. "Would you be so kind as to have some food brought to us? The King is rather hungry."

Kit cleared his throat a little. "Mildly hungry," he chided.

Ella smirked. "No need to be modest, Kit."

Chuckling, Kit wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Alright, I'm practically famished."

"I'll have something brought up right away, your Majesty," Victoria said with a happy grin from seeing their interaction firsthand.

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